apple账号共享_如何在Apple Maps中创建和共享位置集合



A hand holding an iPhone with an Apple Maps Collection onscreen.
Justin Duino
贾斯汀·杜伊诺(Justin Duino)

If you’re planning a trip, you might be searching and saving places of interest in Apple Maps. The new Collections feature makes it easy to create a list of locations and share them with your friends and family.

如果您计划旅行,则可能正在Apple Maps中搜索和保存景点。 新的收藏功能使创建位置列表并与您的朋友和家人共享变得容易。

To get started, open the Maps app on an iPhone or iPad running iOS 13 or iPadOS 13 or higher, and then swipe up from the bottom of the screen to expand the menu.

首先,请在运行iOS 13或iPadOS 13或更高版本的iPhone或iPad上打开“地图”应用,然后从屏幕底部向上滑动以展开菜单。

Swipe up to expand the menu in Apple Maps.

Here, you’ll find “Collections” under the “Favorites” section. Tap “New Collection.”

在这里,您可以在“收藏夹”部分下找到“收藏夹” 。 点击“新收藏”。

Tap "New Collection."

On the next screen, name your Collection, and then tap “Create.”


Tap "Create" after you name your Collection.

You now see the Collection page, but it’s empty. The quickest way to add places to your Collection is from this screen. Simply tap “Add a Place” to get started.

现在,您会看到“收集”页面,但是它是空的。 在此屏幕上,将地点添加到收藏夹的最快方法是。 只需点击“添加地点”即可开始。

Tap "Add a Place."

Now, you can search for a place by name and tap the plus sign (+) to add it to your collection. You can search for and add multiple places here. When you’re finished, tap “Done.”

现在,您可以按名称搜索地点,然后点击加号(+)将其添加到您的收藏中。 您可以在此处搜索并添加多个位置。 完成后,点击“完成”。

Tap the plus sign (+) to add a place to your collection, and then tap "Done."

You can also add places to your Collection from Apple Maps’ normal search feature. To do so, just tap the location you want to add, swipe up to expand the menu, and then tap “Add to.”

您还可以通过Apple Maps的常规搜索功能将地点添加到您的收藏中。 为此,只需点击要添加的位置,向上滑动以展开菜单,然后点击“添加到”。

Tap "Add to."

In the pop-up menu that appears, tap the Collection to which you want to add the place.


Tap the Collection to which you want the place added.

When you return to “Collections” section, you see your new Collection at the top of the list.


Your new Collection will be at the top of the list in the "Collections" section.

When you tap it, you see all the locations you’ve added to it.


A list of places in a Collection.

If you want to remove a place, simply tap “Edit” at the bottom of the Collection page.


Tap "Edit."

Here, select the places you want to remove, and then tap “Delete.”


Select the places you want to remove and tap "Delete."

After you collect all the locations you want to share with your friends and family, tap the Share button at the bottom of the Collection page.


Tap the Share button.

The familiar iOS or iPadOS Share Sheet loads from the bottom of the screen. You can share your Collection via any messaging app or email service. The app sends a unique URL to the recipients, and all they have to do is click it to open Apple Maps.

熟悉的iOS或iPadOS 共享表从屏幕底部加载。 您可以通过任何消息传递应用程序或电子邮件服务共享您的收藏集。 该应用程序将唯一的URL发送给收件人,他们所要做的就是单击它以打开Apple Maps。

The Apple Messages app is the best way to share your Maps Collection. This is because the Maps app shares a preview map and other rich data, so recipients have a better idea of what they’re opening.

Apple Messages应用程序是共享地图集的最佳方法。 这是因为“地图”应用共享预览地图和其他丰富的数据,因此收件人可以更好地了解他们要打开的内容。

To share your Collection via iMessage, tap “Messages.”


Tap "Messages."

In the popup, tap the space next to “To” and find your contact. Next, tap the Send button (the upward-facing arrow).

在弹出窗口中,点击“收件人”旁边的空格并找到您的联系人。 接下来,点击发送按钮(朝上的箭头)。

Add your contact, and then tap the Send button.

You’ve now shared an Apple Maps Collection.

您现在已经共享了一个Apple Maps Collection。

When your friends tap the link, they’re taken to the Maps app, where they can view the Collection and explore all the places you listed. If they want, they can tap “Add to Collections” to add your Collection to their lists.

当您的朋友点击链接时,他们将被带到“地图”应用程序,他们可以在其中查看收藏集并浏览您列出的所有地点。 如果他们愿意,他们可以点击“添加到收藏集”以将您的收藏集添加到他们的列表中。

Tap "Add to Collections" to add someone else's Collection your list.

In addition to Collections, the Maps app in iOS 13 and iPadOS 13 has some other features you might want to explore, including the Look Around feature (similar to Google’s Street View), and the ability to share a Live ETA with your friends.

除了“收藏夹”之外, iOS 13和iPadOS 13中的“地图”应用程序还具有其他功能,您可能需要探索,包括“环视”功能(类似于Google的街景视图)以及与您的朋友共享实时ETA的功能。



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