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Have you ever wanted to extract some or all of the audio from a video file? Today we’ll take a look at Pazera Free Audio Extractor. A simple audio converter that specializes in that very task.
您是否曾经想从视频文件中提取部分或全部音频? 今天我们来看看Pazera Free Audio Extractor。 一个专门用于完成此任务的简单音频转换器。
Download the Pazera Free Audio Extractor. (See download link below) You’ll need to unzip the download folder, but there is no need to install the application. Simply double-click the AudioExtractor.exe file to run the application.
下载Pazera免费音频提取器。 (请参见下面的下载链接)您需要解压缩下载文件夹,但无需安装该应用程序。 只需双击AudioExtractor.exe文件即可运行该应用程序。

To add your video files to the queue to be converted, click on the Add files button at the top left. You can add multiple files to the queue and convert them all at one time.
要将视频文件添加到要转换的队列中,请单击左上方的“ 添加文件”按钮。 您可以将多个文件添加到队列中,然后一次将它们全部转换。

Browse for your video file, and click Open.
浏览您的视频文件,然后单击“ 打开”。

Your video will be added to the Queue for processing.

Under Output directory you can choose to output to a folder of your choice. Outputting to the same folder as the input folder is the default.
在输出目录下,您可以选择输出到您选择的文件夹。 默认输出到与输入文件夹相同的文件夹。

Pazera Free Audio Extractor includes pre-configured profiles that will simplify the process of choosing conversion settings. To load a profile, choose one from the Profile drop down list and then click the Load button. You can choose to output to MP3, AAC, AC3, WMA, FLAC, OGG or WAV file format.
Pazera Free Audio Extractor包含预配置的配置文件,可简化选择转换设置的过程。 要加载配置文件,请从“ 配置文件”下拉列表中选择一个,然后单击“ 加载”按钮。 您可以选择输出为MP3,AAC,AC3,WMA,FLAC,OGG或WAV文件格式。

You will see the profile update the Audio settings in the panels at the lower left of the application. If you wish, you may also select your own custom settings.
您将在应用程序左下方的面板中看到配置文件更新“音频”设置。 如果需要,您也可以选择自己的自定义设置。

Advanced Settings
The Advanced settings can be used if you want to extract only a portion of the the audio, such as a clip of dialog or a song from a movie.
To extract only a portion of the audio, set the start time by selecting the Start time offset check box, then entering the time in the video clip where the audio begins.
要仅提取一部分音频,请通过选择“ 开始时间偏移”复选框设置开始时间 ,然后在开始播放音频的视频剪辑中输入时间。
To set the end time, begin by selecting the Duration check box. Now, you can either select the Duration radio button and enter the amount of time for which you would like to extract the audio, or you can select the End time offset radio button and enter the time in the video clip where the audio ends.
要设置结束时间,请首先选择“ 持续时间”复选框。 现在,您可以选择“ 持续时间”单选按钮并输入要提取音频的时间,也可以选择“ 结束时间偏移”单选按钮并在视频片段中输入音频结束的时间。

When you are ready to convert, click the CONVERT button on the menu at the top of the screen.
准备好进行转换时,请单击屏幕顶部菜单上的“ 转换”按钮。

An output box will open and display the conversion progress. When finished, click Close.
将打开一个输出框,并显示转换进度。 完成后,点击关闭 。

Now you are ready to enjoy your audio clip.

Pazera Free Audio Extractor is a basic audio tool that is easy enough for everyone to use. It runs on Windows only and supports most common video formats including AVI, FLV, MP4, MPG, MOV, 3GP, and WMV.
Pazera免费音频提取器 是一种基本的音频工具,每个人都很容易使用。 它仅在Windows上运行,并支持大多数常见的视频格式,包括AVI,FLV,MP4,MPG,MOV,3GP和WMV。
Download Free Audio Extractor 1.3
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