
If you applied for a Captial One credit card between 2005 and 2015, we have bad news for you. Capital One confirmed that an “outside individual” stole names, social security numbers, and other data of over 100 million credit card applicants.

如果您在2005年至2015年期间申请了Captial One信用卡,那么我们对您来说是个坏消息。 Capital One证实,“外部个人”窃取了超过1亿张信用卡申请人的姓名,社会保险号和其他数据。

Unfortunately, the modern world seems like a place where we can no longer talk about “if” or “when” someone will steal our data in a hack. Instead, we’re left discussing how many times it already happened, and when the next hack will happen.

不幸的是,现代世界似乎是一个我们不再谈论“如果”或“何时”有人会窃取我们的数据的地方。 相反,我们只剩下讨论它已经发生了多少次了,以及下次黑客攻击何时发生。

In just the latest example, Captial One announced it detected an intrusion into its systems. Between March 22nd and March 23rd, the hacker managed to steal names, addresses, phone numbers, emails, dates of birth, and self-reported incomes of around 100 million Americans and 6 million Canadians.

仅在最新示例中,Captial One宣布它检测到对其系统的入侵。 在3月22日至3月23日之间,黑客成功窃取了大约1亿美国人和600万加拿大人的姓名,地址,电话号码,电子邮件,出生日期和自我报告的收入。

In a surprise twist, the FBI already made an arrest. The alleged hacker was caught bragging about the intrusion on a private Slack workspace and social media. When they sent a series of direct messages to another Twitter user with details about the hack, the recipient notified Capital One.

出乎意料的是,联邦调查局已将其逮捕。 涉嫌黑客吹嘘其入侵私人Slack工作区和社交媒体。 当他们向另一位Twitter用户发送了一系列直接消息,其中包含有关黑客行为的详细信息时,收件人通知了Capital One。

The bank holding company is offering the usual band-aid of credit monitoring services to anyone affected. It promises to reach out to everyone caught in the breech to provide those services. [Ars Technica]

银行控股公司正在向受影响的任何人提供通常的信用监控创可贴服务 。 它承诺会接触到臀位中的每个人,以提供这些服务。 [ Ars Technica ]

在其他新闻中: (In Other News:)

  • Google announces new Pixel 4 features, no press event necessary: In a somewhat unusual move, Google released a blog post detailing new features for the Pixel 4. Those features include face unlock similar to Face ID on Apple’s mobile devices and motion gestures. No word yet when the Pixel 4 will release. [Google]

    Google宣布了Pixel 4的新功能,无需新闻发布会:谷歌发布了一篇博客文章,详细介绍了Pixel 4的新功能,这有点不寻常。这些功能包括与Apple移动设备上的Face ID类似的面部解锁和动作手势。 Pixel 4何时发布尚无消息。 [ Google ]

  • The latest iPadOS 13 beta includes new app icon options: The iPad home screen can look sparse given its screen size and the number of apps you’re limited to displaying. The latest iPadOS 13 addresses that with new options. You can either show 20 smaller icons on the screen or 15 larger icons. Choice is good. [The Verge]

    最新的iPadOS 13 beta包括新的应用程序图标选项:考虑到 iPad的屏幕尺寸和您只能显示的应用程序数量,iPad主屏幕可能显得稀疏。 最新的iPadOS 13通过新选项解决了这一问题。 您可以在屏幕上显示20个较小的图标或15个较大的图标。 选择是好的。 [ 边缘 ]

  • Microsoft says original HoloLens won’t receive further major OS upgrades: Microsoft is phasing out the original HoloLens, and that includes ending major OS updates. The company says the device will stay on Windows 10 October 2018 release for HoloLens, and it will reserve any future OS updates for HoloLens 2. Seems fair, it’s not like the Hololens is less than four years old and cost $3,000 out of the gate. Oh. Wait. [Thurott]

    微软表示原始的HoloLens将不会再进行主要的操作系统升级:微软正在逐步淘汰原始的HoloLens,其中包括终止主要的OS更新。 该公司表示,该设备将在HoloLens的Windows 10 October 2018发行版上保留,并将为HoloLens 2保留任何将来的操作系统更新。似乎公平,这并不意味着Hololens的推出时间不到4年,而且售价仅为3,000美元。 哦。 等待。 [ 瑟洛特 ]

  • Sony sold 100 million PS4 consoles: Shipments of the Playstation 4 are slowing as we reach market saturation and the early stages of the next generation of consoles. But that didn’t stop the PS4 from hitting the 100 million mark, colloquially known as a Metric ButtTonne of consoles. [CNET]

    索尼售出了1亿个PS4游戏机:随着市场达到饱和以及下一代游戏机进入早期阶段,Playstation 4的出货量正在放缓。 但这并不能阻止PS4达到1亿大关,俗称Metric ButtTonne游戏机。 [ CNET ]

Scientists created contact lenses with a zoom feature. Better yet, you make them zoom in or out by blinking your eyes twice. The contact lenses detect and respond to electrical signals generated by eye movement. It’s still early in the development process, so you won’t be buying zoom lenses for your eyes tomorrow. But the prospect of easy-to-use contact lenses with a zoom capability is tantalizing. [Engadget]

科学家创造了具有变焦功能的隐形眼镜。 更好的是,您通过眨眼两次使它们放大或缩小。 隐形眼镜检测并响应眼睛运动产生的电信号。 它仍处于开发过程的初期,因此明天您就不会再购买变焦镜头了。 但是具有变焦功能的易于使用的隐形眼镜的前景诱人。 [ Engadget ]

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/daily-news-roundup-capital-one-was-hacked-exposing-106-million-customers/





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