Aside from the traditional method of sending a PowerPoint presentation to others as an email attachment, you can also upload and share your presentation from the cloud. All you need to get started is a OneDrive account. Here’s how.
除了将PowerPoint演示文稿作为电子邮件附件发送给其他人的传统方法外,您还可以从云上载和共享演示文稿。 您只需要一个OneDrive帐户即可开始使用。 这是如何做。
分享您的PowerPoint演示文稿 (Sharing Your PowerPoint Presentation)
You can save a PowerPoint presentation to the cloud fairly easily. In fact, it takes only a few simple clicks. For this to work, though, you’ll need a OneDrive account. If you use Office 365, then you already have one. If not, all you need to do is create a Microsoft account and then sign in to OneDrive. This article will assume you already have a OneDrive account.
您可以相当容易地将PowerPoint演示文稿保存到云中。 实际上,只需要单击几下即可。 但是,要使其正常工作,您将需要一个OneDrive帐户。 如果您使用Office 365,则您已经拥有一个。 否则,您需要做的就是创建一个Microsoft帐户 ,然后登录到OneDrive。 本文将假定您已经有一个OneDrive帐户。
First, open the PowerPoint presentation that you’d like to share. At the top-right corner of the window, you’ll see a “Share” button. Go ahead and select it.
首先,打开您要共享的PowerPoint演示文稿。 在窗口的右上角,您将看到一个“共享”按钮。 继续选择它。

Once selected, the “Share” window will appear. You have a few different options here. In the “Attach a copy instead” group, you can choose to send your presentation as a PowerPoint or PDF attachment. Selecting either of these options will open your computer’s default mail client.
选择后,将显示“共享”窗口。 您在这里有一些其他选择。 在“附加副本”组中,您可以选择将演示文稿作为PowerPoint或PDF附件发送。 选择这两个选项之一将打开计算机的默认邮件客户端。
What we’re interested in, though, is sharing to OneDrive. To do this, select your OneDrive account under “Share.”
不过,我们感兴趣的是与OneDrive分享。 为此,请在“共享”下选择您的OneDrive帐户。

If you haven’t already named your presentation, you’ll be prompted to do so. After you give it a name, click “OK.”
如果您尚未为演示文稿命名,则会提示您进行命名。 给它命名后,单击“确定”。

Your presentation will now be uploaded to the cloud and the “Share” pane will appear on the right-hand side. This is where you can invite people to edit (or read) the document. In the address bar, enter the email of the recipient. Alternatively, select the icon to the right of the address bar and select a recipient from your Outlook address book.
现在,您的演示文稿将被上传到云中,“共享”窗格将出现在右侧。 您可以在这里邀请其他人编辑(或阅读)文档。 在地址栏中,输入收件人的电子邮件。 或者,选择地址栏右边的图标,然后从Outlook通讯簿中选择一个收件人。

After you’ve entered the recipient’s email, you can then assign a permission level. Once you’ve given read/write or read-only permission, you can then add an optional message. When you’re ready, click “Share.”
输入收件人的电子邮件后,可以分配权限级别。 授予读/写或只读权限后,即可添加可选消息。 准备好后,点击“共享”。

The recipient will receive an email providing access to the presentation.
Note: If you’re the recipient, be sure to check your spam folder! During our testing, we found the invitation in spam.
注意:如果您是收件人,请务必检查您的垃圾邮件文件夹! 在测试过程中,我们发现该邀请是垃圾邮件。
An alternative method for inviting people is to get a sharing link. At the bottom of the “Share” pane, select “Get a sharing link.”
邀请他人的另一种方法是获取共享链接。 在“共享”窗格的底部,选择“获取共享链接”。

Next, choose which type of link you’d like to provide. You can choose between a read/write link or read-only link.
接下来,选择您要提供的链接类型。 您可以在读/写链接或只读链接之间进行选择。

A link will then be generated. Select “Copy” to copy the link to your clipboard.
然后将生成一个链接。 选择“复制”将链接复制到剪贴板。

Anyone you share this link with will then have access to the presentation. This will allow multiple people to collaborate on your presentation in real-time!
与您共享此链接的任何人都可以访问该演示文稿。 这将允许多个人实时协作您的演示文稿 !
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/425321/how-to-share-your-powerpoint-presentation/