kindle 越狱_越狱您的Kindle,实现简单的屏幕保护程序自定义

kindle 越狱

kindle 越狱


If you’re less than delighted with the default screensaver pack on the Kindle relief is just a simple hack and a reboot away. Read on to learn how to apply a painless jailbreak to your Kindle and create custom screensavers.

如果您对Kindle浮雕上的默认屏幕保护程序包不满意,那只是一个简单的技巧,然后重新启动即可。 请继续阅读以了解如何在Kindle上轻松进行越狱并创建自定义屏幕保护程序。

Note: We originally published this article last year, but we’ve updated it to work with the latest version of Kindle, so we’re republishing for everybody.


Unlike jailbreaking other devices like the iPad and Android devices—which usually includes deep mucking about in the guts of your devices and the potential, however remote, for catastrophic bricking—jailbreaking the Kindle is not only extremely safe but Amazon, by releasing the Kindle sourcecode, has practically approved the process with a wink and a nod.

与越狱的其他设备(如iPad和Android设备)不同(通常包括对设备的残酷考虑以及潜在的灾难性砌砖可能性),而越狱则不同于Kindle,通过发布Kindle源代码 ,对Kindle进行越狱不仅非常安全,而且亚马逊也很安全,实际上已经点头同意了。

Installing the jailbreak and the screensaver hack to replace the default screensavers is so simple we promise you’ll spend 1000% more time messing around making fun screensaver images than you will actually installing the hack.



The default screensaver pack for the Amazon Kindle is a collection of 23 images that include portraits of famous authors, woodcarvings from centuries past, blueprints, book reliefs, and other suitably literature-oriented subjects. If you’re not a big fan of the pack—and we don’t blame you if, despite Emily Dickinson being your favorite single lady, you want to mix things up—it’s extremely simple to replace the default screen saver pack with as many custom images as your Kindle can hold. This hack works on every Kindle except the first generation; we’ll be demonstrating it on the brand new Kindle 3 with accompanying notes to direct users with older Kindles.

亚马逊Kindle的默认屏幕保护程序包是23张图像的集合,其中包括著名作家的肖像,数百年来的木雕作品,蓝图,书籍浮雕以及其他适合文学作品的主题。 如果您不是该包的忠实拥护者-并且尽管艾米丽·狄金森(Emily Dickinson)是您最喜欢的单身女士,但您想把事情搞混,那么我们也不会怪您-用许多替换默认的屏幕保护程序包非常简单Kindle可以容纳的自定义图像。 除第一代外,此hack均可在所有Kindle上使用。 我们将在全新的Kindle 3上进行演示,并附带说明以指导使用旧版Kindle的用户。

申请越狱 (Applying the Jailbreak)

Note: We’ve updated the mirrors in the Jailbreak and Screensaver section to the Jailbreak and Screensaver hack for Kindle OS version 3.1. The file numbers in the following screenshots are from the prior version of the hack, however, the same exact steps are used just with the 0.6 Jailbreak and the 0.20 Screensaver hack (instead of 0.4 and 0.18, respectively).

注意:我们已将“越狱和屏幕保护程序”部分中的镜像更新为Kindle OS 3.1版的“越狱和屏幕保护程序”黑客。 以下屏幕截图中的文件编号来自该hack的先前版本,但是,仅针对0.6越狱和0.20 Screensaver hack(分别为0.4和0.18)使用了完全相同的步骤。

If you’ve sweat through jailbreaking your iPhone–all the while praying you’re not bricking it–you’ll love how simple the Kindle jailbreak is. The first thing you need to do is download the Kindle Jailbreak pack from one of the following mirrors:

如果您因越狱iPhone而出汗-一直在祈祷自己不要为砖砌砖-一定会喜欢Kindle越狱的过程多么简单。 您需要做的第一件事是从以下其中一个镜像下载Kindle Jailbreak包:

[Mirror 1] [Mirror 2] [Mirror 3] [Mirror 4]

[镜像1] [镜像2] [镜像3] [ 镜像4 ]

The tiny 48k ZIP file holds all the jailbreak installers and uninstallers for all version of the Kindle.

很小的48k ZIP文件可容纳所有版本Kindle的所有越狱安装程序和卸载程序。


The important part of the filename is the found after the 0.4.N portion. DX is for the Kindle DX, DXi for the Kindle DXi, K2 for the Kindle 2, and K3 for the Kindle 3. The suffixes for each indicate what kind of Kindle it is within that subset. The K3G, for example is the US Kindle with 3G service, the K3GB is the UK Kindle with 3G service, the K3W is the Kindle 3 Wi-Fi only, and the K2i is the International edition of the Kindle 2. Start with your base model and select the file with the suffix that matches your country and data connection. In our case we’ll be jailbreaking a Wi-Fi only Kindle 3 so we pick K3W_install.bin.

文件名的重要部分是在0.4.N部分之后找到的。 DX用于Kindle DX,DXi用于Kindle DXi,K2用于Kindle 2,K3用于Kindle3。每个后缀均表示该子集内的Kindle类型。 例如,K3G是具有3G服务的美国Kindle,K3GB是具有3G服务的英国Kindle,K3W仅是Kindle 3 Wi-Fi,而K2i是Kindle 2的国际版。模型并选择后缀与您的国家和数据连接相匹配的文件。 在我们的案例中,我们将越狱仅适用于Wi-Fi的Kindle 3,因此我们选择K3W_install.bin

Mount your Kindle on your computer as a USB device—it should mount automatically when you tether it to your computer via the sync cable. If it doesn’t mount right away slide the switch next to the Kindle data port back and forth to wake it.

将Kindle作为USB设备安装在计算机上-当您通过同步电缆将Kindle拴在计算机上时,它应该会自动安装。 如果无法立即安装,请来回滑动Kindle数据端口旁边的开关以将其唤醒。


If you’d like to play it extra safe you can backup your Kindle books at this point. We haven’t had any issues with the library vanishing but if you want to skip the hassle of resyncing all your books or you’ve made a bunch of custom collections and don’t want to deal with recreating them it’s easy enough to backup the entire library. To backup your Kindle library simply copy the /system/collections.json file to a safe location before proceeding with the jailbreak. If anything goes wrong just copy the file right back over. Backups created or ignored, it’s time to jailbreak.

如果您想更加安全地玩,可以在此时备份Kindle电子书。 我们没有任何关于图书馆消失的问题,但是如果您想跳过重新同步所有书籍的麻烦,或者您已经做了很多自定义的藏书,又不想处理重新创建它们,那么就很容易备份整个图书馆。 要备份Kindle库,只需将/system/collections.json文件复制到安全位置,然后再进行越狱即可。 如果出现任何问题,只需将文件复制回来。 创建或忽略备份,是时候越狱了。

Extract the appropriate file for your Kindle to the root directory of your Kindle. Once the file has transferred, eject your Kindle and unplug the data cord. Once you’re back into regular browsing mode, navigate to the Update menu by pressing Menu Button –> Settings-> Menu Button –> Update Your Kindle.

将适用于Kindle的适当文件提取到Kindle的根目录。 文件传输完成后,弹出Kindle并拔下数据线。 回到正常浏览模式后,按菜单按钮->设置->菜单按钮->更新您的Kindle导航到“更新”菜单。


The Kindle will ask you if you want to continue, click OK. At this point the jailbreaking begins and can take anywhere from 30 seconds to 10 minutes or so. First it will tell you that it’s updating, then it will flash the screen and notify you that the update was successful, and then it will switch to the man-reading-beneath-tree default Amazon Kindle startup screen. Once the wait is over your Kindle will restart.

Kindle会询问您是否要继续,请单击“确定”。 此时,越狱开始,可能需要30秒到10分钟左右的时间。 首先它将告诉您正在更新,然后将闪烁屏幕并通知您更新已成功,然后它将切换到默认情况下在树下的人工阅读Amazon Kindle启动屏幕。 等待结束后,您的Kindle将重新启动。

Note: If you’re jailbreaking a Kindle 2 there is a high probability you’ll get a failure message with a U006 error at the bottom of the screen at some point during the jailbreak process. Don’t panic, just leave it alone until it restarts by itself, it doesn’t effect the outcome of the jailbreak at all.

注意:如果您越狱Kindle 2,在越狱过程中的某个时候,您很可能在屏幕底部收到一条带有U006错误的失败消息。 不要惊慌,只要让它呆着,直到它自己重新启动为止,它根本不会影响越狱的结果。

A few button clicks and you’re done. Your Kindle is now jailbroken and ready for some custom screensaver goodness.

单击几下即可完成操作。 您的Kindle现在已越狱,可以使用一些自定义的屏幕保护程序。

安装自定义屏幕保护程序黑客 (Installing the Custom Screensaver Hack)

Note: We’ve updated the mirrors in the Jailbreak and Screensaver section to the Jailbreak and Screensaver hack for Kindle OS version 3.1. The file numbers in the following screenshots are from the prior version of the hack, however, the same exact steps are used just with the 0.6 Jailbreak and the 0.20 Screensaver hack (instead of 0.4 and 0.18, respectively).

注意:我们已将“越狱和屏幕保护程序”部分中的镜像更新为Kindle OS 3.1版的“越狱和屏幕保护程序”黑客。 以下屏幕截图中的文件编号来自该hack的先前版本,但是,仅针对0.6越狱和0.20 Screensaver hack(分别为0.4和0.18)使用了完全相同的步骤。

Enabling custom screensavers is as easy-peasy as jailbreaking your Kindle. Again you’ll need to download a ZIP file—this one a Herculean 1.1MB compared to the 48Kb jailbreak archive.

启用自定义屏幕保护程序就像越狱Kindle一样容易。 同样,您将需要下载一个ZIP文件-与48Kb越狱归档文件相比,这个文件的大小为1.1MB。

[Mirror 1] [Mirror 2] [Mirror 3] [Mirror 4]

[镜像1] [镜像2] [镜像3] [ 镜像4 ]


The contents of the screensaver hack archive look almost exactly like the contents of the jailbreak hack. Use the same naming convention we used for the jailbreak to locate the screensaver hack for your device. Again we’ll be selecting the file with the suffix K3W_install.bin to go with our Wi-Fi only Kindle 3.

屏幕保护程序hack存档的内容看起来几乎与越狱hack的内容一样。 使用与越狱相同的命名约定来查找设备的屏幕保护程序黑客。 同样,我们将选择后缀为K3W_install.bin的文件与仅支持Wi-Fi的Kindle 3配合使用。

Tether your Kindle with the USB sync cable again and copy the appropriate file to the root of the device. Again, navigate to the Update menu by pressing Menu Button –> Settings-> Menu Button –> Update Your Kindle. This process will look exactly like it did when you jailbroke the device. First the update screen, then the confirmation of update, then the reboot of the device.

再次用USB同步电缆将Kindle束紧,然后将适当的文件复制到设备的根目录。 再次,按菜单按钮->设置->菜单按钮->更新您的Kindle导航到更新菜单。 此过程看起来与您对设备进行越狱一样。 首先是更新屏幕,然后是更新确认,然后是设备重启。

When the reboot process is completely, again tether your device with the sync cable. The root directory should have a folder labeled /linkss/.

重新启动过程完成后,再次用同步电缆将您的设备连接起来。 根目录应该有一个标记为/ linkss /的文件夹。


If you don’t see this folder that doesn’t mean the screensaver hack failed to install. You may need to do a hard reboot. Reboot your Kindle by navigating, from the main library screen, with the following button combination: Menu Button –> Settings-> Menu Button –> Restart. Tether and check the root directory once the restart is complete.

如果没有看到此文件夹,并不表示屏幕保护程序破解无法安装。 您可能需要进行硬重启。 通过使用以下按钮组合从主库屏幕导航来重新启动Kindle: 菜单按钮->设置->菜单按钮->重新启动 。 重新启动完成后,请束缚并检查根目录。


The inside of the /linkss/ folder looks like the above screenshot. The only areas of relevance to the end user are the /backups/ and /screensavers/ folders and the autoreboot file. If there are any screensavers from the default screensaver pack that you were particularly fond of you can retrieve them from the /backups/ folder—we won’t make fun of you for keeping the Jules Verne screensaver, he’s a sexy beast. If you don’t want any of the default pictures to be part of your new screensaver pack you can ignore the folder.

/ linkss /文件夹的内部类似于上面的屏幕截图。 与最终用户相关的唯一区域是/ backups // screensavers /文件夹以及autoreboot文件。 如果您特别喜欢默认屏幕保护程序包中的任何屏幕保护程序,您都可以从/ backups /文件夹中检索它们-我们不会因为保留Jules Verne屏幕保护程序而取笑您,他是个性感的野兽。 如果您不希望任何默认图片成为新屏幕保护程序包的一部分,则可以忽略该文件夹。

The /screensavers/ folder is the real area of interest. Here is where you’ll be dumping all your fancy new screensaver images. By default the files in the screensaver folder will play in alphabetical/numerical order from start to finish, one per wake/sleep cycle of your Kindle. If you would like to randomize the order just create an empty file in the /screensavers/ folder named random to randomize the play order.

/ screensavers /文件夹是您真正感兴趣的区域。 在这里,您将转储所有新的屏幕保护程序图像。 默认情况下,屏幕保护程序文件夹中的文件将从头到尾按字母/数字顺序播放,在Kindle的每个唤醒/睡眠周期播放一次。 如果您想随机化播放顺序,只需在/ screensavers /文件夹中创建一个名为random的空文件即可随机化播放顺序。

After you add new screensaver images you’ll need to restart your Kindle to see them in the screensaver cycle. If you want to skip manually restarting your Kindle you can copy the autoreboot file and rename the copy to reboot. After you eject your Kindle from the computer it will automatically reboot 10 seconds later.

添加新的屏幕保护程序图像后,您需要重新启动Kindle才能在屏幕保护程序周期中查看它们。 如果你想手动跳过重新启动你的Kindle,你可以复制请将AutoReboot文件和副本重命名为重新启动 。 从计算机弹出Kindle后,它将在10秒后自动重启。

创建自定义屏幕保护程序图像 (Creating Custom Screensaver Images)


You’ve got the jailbreak installed, the screensaver hack installed, all that’s left is to load up your /screensavers/ folder with pictures of your choosing. Goodbye Jane Austen, hello Wonder Woman.

您已经安装了越狱软件,安装了屏幕保护程序黑客程序,剩下的就是用您选择的图片加载/ screensavers /文件夹。 再见简·奥斯丁,你好神奇女侠。

Kindle screen savers are 600×800 for the regular Kindle and 824×1200 for the DX. When creating images for either device you want to work in 8-bit grayscale and save the images as .PNG files—the screensaver hack can handle both .JPG and .PNG, but we prefer saving them in a higher quality format.

普通Kindle的Kindle屏幕保护程序尺寸为600×800,DX则为824×1200。 为任何一种设备创建图像时,您都希望使用8位灰度并将图像另存为.PNG文件-屏幕保护程序黑客可以处理.JPG和.PNG,但是我们更喜欢以更高质量的格式保存它们。

The screenshot below shows how the prior settings look in Adobe Photoshop but the process can easily be adapted for any image editor capable of changing the image mode.

下面的屏幕截图显示了先前设置在Adobe Photoshop中的外观,但是该过程可以轻松地适应于任何能够更改图像模式的图像编辑器。


Because we’re discarding the color and downgrading the quality, conversion can have mixed results. Images with simpler patterns and not a lot of fine gradients—such as the How-To Geek logo we used for the first photo in this guide—translate well to the Kindle’s screen. What you seen in your image editor is strongly representative of what you’ll see on the Kindle screen; if it looks bad in the editor it won’t look any better on the Kindle.

因为我们要丢弃颜色并降低质量,所以转换可能会产生不同的结果。 具有简单图案且没有很多精细渐变的图像( 例如我们在本指南的第一张照片中使用的How-To Geek徽标)可以很好地转换到Kindle的屏幕。 您在图片编辑器中看到的内容很能代表您在Kindle屏幕上看到的内容。 如果在编辑器中看起来不好,则在Kindle上看起来不会更好。

While you could write a batch script in Photoshop or similarly equipped editors that would crop and change the image settings for you it’s better to do the work by hand. The Kindle has an oddly shaped screen as far as most images online are concerned. Most cool wallpaper and screensaver images you’ll find online are sized for standard and widescreen monitors and will need a careful cropping to look awesome on the Kindle screen.

虽然您可以在Photoshop或类似配备的编辑器中编写批处理脚本,这些脚本可以为您裁剪和更改图像设置,但最好手动完成工作。 就大多数在线图片而言,Kindle的屏幕形状怪异。 您可以在网上找到的大多数精美壁纸和屏保图片均适合标准和宽屏显示器,并且需要仔细裁剪才能在Kindle屏幕上看起来很棒。


When I surprised my wife with a Kindle I outfitted it first with dozens of Wonder Woman screensaver images. With careful cropping and attention to the detail and color palette of the image prior to cropping it’s easy to create some really awesome images. If you’re a Wonder Woman fan yourself, you can grab a copy of 66 various Wonder Woman images here.

当我用Kindle使我的妻子感到惊讶时,我首先为它配备了数十个Wonder Woman屏幕保护程序图像。 通过仔细裁剪并在裁剪之前注意图像的细节和调色板,可以轻松创建一些非常出色的图像。 如果您自己是《神力女超人》的粉丝,则可以在此处获取66张各种《神力女超人》图像的副本

Update: If doing the work by hand seems too arduous, How-To Geek reader Insomnic recommends using the Manga-to-Kindle conversion software Mangle to convert the images—it doesn’t distinguish between comic book pages and screensaver images and converts both admirably. Reader Groff makes it even easier on the image-editing adverse among us; visit this Kindle Wallpaper tumblr to find a wide variety of pre-sized and converted images. Thanks for the tips guys!

更新:如果手工工作似乎很繁重,How-To Geek阅读器Insomnic建议使用Manga-to-Kindle转换软件Mangle转换图像 -它不能区分漫画书页面和屏幕保护程序图像,并且可以很好地转换两者。 读者Groff使我们之间在图像编辑方面的不利因素变得更加容易。 请访问此Kindle Wallpaper tumblr,以查找各种预大小和转换后的图像。 谢谢提醒伙计!

卸载Screensaver Hack和越狱 (Uninstalling Screensaver Hack and Jailbreak)

Although we’re sure you’ll be perfectly happy with your jailbroken Kindle and swanky screensaver hack if there is any reason you’d like to restore it to stock—selling it on eBay, returning it for service, whatever—doing so is simple.


Make sure to keep a copy of the two archives you downloaded for this hack, the jailbreak and the screensaver hack. Whatever files you used to install the jailbreak and the screensaver hack will have an accompanying uninstall file.

确保保留为该骇客下载的两个档案的副本,即越狱和屏幕保护程序骇客。 无论您用来安装越狱和屏幕保护程序黑客的任何文件,都将附带一个卸载文件。


In our case we used the K3W_install file to install the jailbreak on our Wi-Fi only Kindle 3. To remove the jailbreak we simply repeat the process outlined above in the jailbreaking section but with the K3W_uninstall file. To reverse the process just work backwards, first uninstalling the screensaver hack, then the jailbreak. Restart the Kindle and you’re back to stock. You don’t even have to reinstall the old screensaver images as they’re stored in a ROM chip onboard the Kindle and will appear automatically upon removal of the screensaver hack.

在我们的案例中,我们使用K3W_install文件在仅支持Wi-Fi的Kindle 3上安装越狱。要删除越狱,我们只需重复上面在越狱部分中概述的过程,但要使用K3W_uninstall文件。 要逆转该过程,只需向后工作,首先卸载屏幕保护程序黑客程序,然后越狱。 重新启动Kindle,即可恢复库存。 您甚至不必重新安装旧的屏幕保护程序图像,因为它们存储在Kindle板上的ROM芯片中,并且在删除屏幕保护程序漏洞后会自动出现。

Now that you’re armed with a jailbroken Kindle and the know-how to start cranking out some awesome screensaver images. If you create an image (or a whole batch) that you’re particularly proud of share a link in the comments.

现在,您已经有了越狱的Kindle,并且掌握了开始制作一些很棒的屏幕保护程序图像的诀窍。 如果您创建一个图像(或整个批次),则以在评论中共享链接为荣。


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