chrome 停止翻译_如何使Chrome停止提供产品以保存信用卡数据

chrome 停止翻译

chrome 停止翻译

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Google Chrome lets you save credit card information for a quick and breezy checkout when purchasing something online. But if you never use this autofill feature and want Chrome to stop offering to save your data, here’s how to turn it off.

Google Chrome浏览器可让您保存信用卡信息,以便在在线购买商品时快速便捷地结帐。 但是,如果您从不使用此自动填充功能,并希望Chrome停止提供保存数据的功能,请按照以下方法将其关闭。

如何使Chrome停止提供产品以保存信用卡数据 (How to Make Chrome Stop Offering to Save Credit Card Data)

The first thing you want to do is fire up Chrome, click the menu icon, and then click on “Settings.” Alternatively, you can typechrome://settings/ into the Omnibox to go directly there.

您要做的第一件事是启动Chrome,单击菜单图标,然后单击“设置”。 另外,您也可以在多功能框中输入chrome://settings/ ,以直接转到此处。

Click the menu button, then click Settings

Scroll down until you see the Autofill heading and click on “Payment Methods.”


Click Payment Methods under the Autofill heading

Untoggle the switch next to “Save and fill payment methods.”


Untoggle the Save and fill payment methods option

高级自动填充限制 (Advanced Autofill Restrictions)

For this next part, we’re going to head into a part of Chrome you may not have known existed: Chrome flags. These are often experimental features that let you test out things that are currently in development for Chrome.

在下一部分中,我们将进入您可能不知道的Chrome部分:Chrome标志。 这些通常是实验性功能,可让您测试Chrome当前正在开发的功能。

Before you start clicking and tweaking your little heart out, remember that most of these features are not finished. They’re mostly there, but not completely. As a result, these flags can cause your browser or computer to become unstable—and the more flags you tweak, the higher the chances of this happening. We’re not trying to scare you away from trying things out, of course, but you should keep your expectations in check.

在开始单击并调整您的小心脏之前,请记住,其中大多数功能尚未完成 。 他们大多在那儿,但并不完全。 结果,这些标志可能导致您的浏览器或计算机变得不稳定-并且您调整的标志越多,发生这种情况的机会就越大。 当然,我们并不是想吓you您尝试,但您应该控制自己的期望。

Also, Google might remove any of these flags at any time, so if a feature suddenly disappears, it could potentially have been discontinued. It doesn’t happen very often, but it does happen sometimes.

此外,Google可能会随时删除这些标志中的任何一个,因此,如果某个功能突然消失,则可能已被终止。 它并不经常发生,但有时确实发生。

If you’re still interested in this experimental feature, open a new tab and type the following into the Omnibox:



Once the address opens up, type “Credit Card” into the search box.


Type Credit Card into the search box

Scroll down until you see “Credit card autofill ablation experiment.” Click the drop-down box, then select “Enabled.”

向下滚动,直到看到“信用卡自动填充消融实验”。 点击下拉框,然后选择“启用”。

Select Enabled from the drop-down menu for the Credit card autofill ablation experiment flag

When enabled, credit card autofill suggestions no longer display when accessing payment fields and forms.


Next, to make sure no more windows pop up and offer to save your information, let’s look at a couple of other flags to disable.


From the search box above, type in “Google Payments” and select “Disable” from the drop-down menu for these two flags:

在上方的搜索框中,输入“ Google Payments”,然后从下拉菜单中为这两个标记选择“禁用”:

  • “Google Payments card saving checkbox”

    “ Google Payments卡保存复选框”
  • “Enable offering upload of Autofilled credit cards”

Select Disabled from the drop-down menu for both the Google Payments card saving checkbox and Enable offering upload of Autofilled credit cards flags

These changes will take effect the next time you relaunch  Chrome.


如何停止同步信用卡信息 (How to Stop Credit Card Information from Syncing)

Next, to prevent all of this information from syncing to any of your devices connected through your Google account, we’re going to turn off syncing of payment methods in Chrome.


Click on your profile picture, then click “Syncing to.” You can also type chrome://settings/people into the Omnibox and hit Enter.

单击您的个人资料图片,然后单击“同步到”。 您也可以在多功能框中输入chrome://settings/people ,然后按Enter。

Click your profile picture, then click on "Syncing to"

Under the People heading, click on “Sync” to open up a full list of everything synced to your Google account.


On the next screen, everything that gets saved to your account and synced across all your devices is listed below. By default, “Sync Everything” is enabled. To manually toggle what information to sync to Chrome, you first have to turn off “Sync Everything,” and then disable “Payment Methods and Addresses Using Google Pay” by toggling the switch across from it.

在下一个屏幕上,下面列出了保存到您的帐户并在所有设备上同步的所有内容。 默认情况下,“同步所有内容”处于启用状态。 要手动切换要同步到Chrome的信息,您首先必须关闭“同步所有内容”,然后通过切换开关来禁用“使用Google Pay的付款方式和地址”。

First, untoggle Sync Everything, then untoggle Payment methods and addresses using Google Pay

如何删除信用卡信息 (How to Delete Credit Card Information)

If you have any credit cards already saved you’d like to eliminate, start by removing each entry from the list below. Click the three dots, then click on “Remove.”

如果您想删除已保存的信用卡,请从下面的列表中删除每一项。 单击三个点,然后单击“删除”。

Click the three dots next to the payment method, then click Remove

After this card is deleted, you’re one step closer from wiping all payment methods from Google’s memory.


If you’ve turned sync on for payment methods in Chrome and buy something online, Chrome may have asked if you want to save a credit card to your Google Pay. If you accepted, your card might have been saved in Google Pay. Here’s how to remove it from Google Pay as well.

如果您已打开Chrome中的付款方式同步功能并在线购买商品,则Chrome可能会询问您是否要将信用卡保存到Google Pay中。 如果您接受了,则您的卡可能已保存在Google Pay中。 以下是从Google Pay中删除它的方法。

Head on over to Google Pay and on the left click the hamburger menu, then click on “Payment Methods.”

转到Google Pay ,然后在左侧单击汉堡菜单,然后单击“付款方式”。

Click the hamburger menu icon, then click Payment Methods

On the next page, find the payment method you want to eliminate and click “Remove.”


Under the credit card you want to delete, click Remove

A window will open warning you that upon deletion you will no longer be able to use this payment method without adding it again. Click “Remove.”

将会打开一个窗口,警告您删除后将无法再使用此付款方式,而不再添加它。 点击“删除”。

Confirm the deletion of this card and click Remove

That’s it. Now, whenever you complete a form containing credit card information, Chrome won’t ask you to save this personal information to use in the future when filling out payment information.

而已。 现在,每当您填写包含信用卡信息的表格时,Chrome都不会要求您保存此个人信息以备将来在填写付款信息时使用。


chrome 停止翻译

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