


There are few things more annoying than getting home after a long day photographing, importing your photos, and then seeing that you didn’t get the photo you wanted. Maybe you overexposed it or missed focus or didn’t nail the composition. Here’s how to make sure it doesn’t happen again.

经过漫长的一天拍摄,导入照片并看到没有得到想要的照片之后,再没有什么比回家更令人烦恼了。 可能是您曝光过度,错过焦点或没有钉牢构图。 这是确保不会再次发生的方法。

In this article, I’m going to be using landscape photography as an example because everything happens nice and slowly; or at least it does most of the time. The steps are the same for other kinds of photography, although you may need to skip test shots—the difference there is that you have to do everything a lot faster.

在本文中,我将以风景摄影为例,因为一切都进行得很顺利。 或至少在大多数时候都可以。 尽管您可能需要跳过测试镜头,但步骤与其他类型的摄影相同,不同之处在于您必须更快地完成所有操作。

形象化的形象 (Visualize the Image)

The first step in getting a photo you want is to decide what photo you want to take. That might sound a bit like a truism, but the reality is most photographers don’t spend enough time thinking. It’s easy to arrive at a beautiful location, start snapping away and assume you’ve got a good photo because everything is pretty. When you get home, you’ll be disappointed. With the image on your computer screen, you’ll notice the telephone wires and tourists you didn’t see when you were there.

获取所需照片的第一步是确定要拍摄的照片。 这听起来似乎有些荒谬,但是现实是大多数摄影师没有花足够的时间思考。 很容易到达一个美丽的地方,开始抢购,并假设您有一张不错的照片,因为一切都很好。 当您回到家时,您会感到失望的。 通过计算机屏幕上的图像,您会注意到那里的时候没有看到电话线和游客。

Instead, slow down, look around, and start thinking about what sort of photo you want to take. Do you want to capture the waves breaking against the beach or the nice rock formation? There will generally be a few different shots on offer. For example, I took this photo:

相反,放慢速度,环顾四周,然后开始考虑要拍摄什么样的照片。 您是否想捕捉在海滩或美丽的岩层上冲破的海浪? 通常会有一些不同的镜头。 例如,我拍了这张照片:

And this photo:


About 20 minutes apart. When the sun was below the horizon, I saw I had an opportunity to capture a zen, mellow black and white image. As soon as the sun was high enough, I wanted all the colors. Both photos were deliberate choices based on what was available at the time.

相距约20分钟。 当太阳低于地平线时,我看到我有机会捕捉到禅宗,柔和的黑白图像。 一旦太阳足够高,我就想要所有的颜色。 根据当时的可用情况,这两张照片都是经过深思熟虑的选择。

Now, I’m not saying you need to spend hours pondering every possible shot. You just need to slow down and think for a few minutes about what you’re after. It’s one of the few surefire ways to take better pictures.

现在,我并不是说您需要花费数小时来思考每个可能的镜头。 您只需要放慢速度,然后思考几分钟即可。 这是拍摄更好照片的几种必胜方法之一。

考虑一下您需要做什么 (Think About What You Need to Do)

Once you’ve visualized the image you want in your head, it’s time to make it a reality. You need to work out how to get what’s in your imagination onto your camera’s memory card.

可视化您想要的图像后,就该将其变为现实了。 您需要弄清楚如何将想像中的东西带到相机的存储卡上。

The first step is to assess whether you can even get the shot you want. If you don’t have a telephoto lens, you’re not going to be able to take a close up photo of some seabirds. If you don’t have your neutral density filters or tripod, you’re unlikely to be able to smooth out any water with a long exposure shot.

第一步是评估您是否甚至可以得到想要的镜头。 如果您没有远摄镜头 ,您将无法近距离拍摄一些海鸟的照片。 如果您没有中性密度滤镜或三脚架,则长时间曝光不大可能使水平

Assuming you’ve got everything you need, the next step is to play around with your composition. Wander around, occasionally looking through your camera and trying different focal lengths until you find a strong image. Remember to try and include both foreground and background elements. If you’re using a tripod, now is the time to set it up and lock everything down.

假设您拥有所需的一切,下一步就是尝试您的构图。 到处走动,偶尔翻阅相机并尝试不同的焦距,直到找到清晰的图像。 记住要尝试同时包含前景和背景元素 。 如果您使用的是三脚架,那么现在是时候进行安装并锁定所有东西了。

With the composition sorted, the next step is to decide what combination of exposure settings to use. We’ve got guides to choosing the right shutter speed, selecting an appropriate aperture, and how to decide on what ISO to use so check them out if you’re stuck.

对成分进行分类后,下一步就是决定要使用哪种曝光设置组合 。 我们提供了选择正确的快门速度选择合适的光圈以及如何决定使用哪个ISO的指南,因此请检查是否卡住了它们。

Finally, it’s almost time to press the shutter button. The last step is to focus on your subject, so you get a nice sharp image. Your two options are either to work with your camera’s autofocus or, if the scene is a bit tricky, manually focus your lens.

最后,几乎是时候按下快门按钮了。 最后一步是专注于您的主题,以便获得清晰的清晰图像 。 两种选择要么是与相机的自动对焦一起使用,要么是场景有些棘手时,请手动为镜头对焦

进行一些测试 (Take Some Test Shots)

With everything set up, it’s time to start taking photos. Don’t worry about getting everything right straight away; you should view your first few photos as test shots. You’ll often notice things on the screen on the back of your camera that you didn’t see through the viewfinder. Your exposure settings or focus might also need some tweaking.

完成所有设置后,就该开始拍照了。 不用担心马上就把所有东西都拿走; 您应该查看您的前几张照片作为测试照片。 您经常会注意到在相机背面的屏幕上看不到取景器的东西。 您的曝光设置或焦点可能还需要进行一些调整。

Once you’ve shot a frame or two, view them on the back of your camera. Use the zoom function to make sure the areas you want to be sharp and in focus are. If they’re not, then you need to either adjust your focus or your aperture.

拍摄一两帧后,请在相机背面查看它们。 使用缩放功能以确保要锐化和聚焦的区域。 如果不是,则需要调整焦点或光圈。

Also, check out the histogram to make sure you’re not crushing any shadows or blowing out any highlights. The histogram—and the blinkies—will give you a much more accurate idea than just looking at the photo. If you are losing highlight or shadow detail, then you need to either adjust your exposure settings or shoot a few bracketed frames you can use for an HDR composite image.

另外, 请检查直方图 ,以确保您不会压碎任何阴影或吹出任何高光。 直方图和眨眼将使您比看照片更准确。 如果您丢失了高光或阴影细节,则需要调整曝光设置拍摄一些可用于HDR复合图像的包围式框架

拍摄最终图像 (Take the Final Image)

Now that you’re pretty confident everything is dialed in, it’s time to take the final image. Press the shutter button—or better yet, use a remote shutter release—and review the photo. If all is looking how you want, awesome!

既然您已经确信一切都已拨入,那么现在是时候拍摄最终图像了。 按下快门按钮(或更妙的是, 使用远程快门释放按钮)并查看照片。 如果所有人都在寻找您想要的东西,那就太好了!

Personally, even after I’ve got the shot I think I want, I take a few safety shots. I shoot a few deliberately underexposed and overexposed pictures just in case I want the extra detail. I also shoot a few alternative compositions just because I can. Most of the time, I go with my main photo but sometimes, when I’m looking at everything on a larger screen, I realize one of my alternates was the better shot.

就个人而言,即使在我认为自己想要射击之后,我仍会进行一些安全射击。 我拍摄了一些故意曝光不足和曝光过度的照片,以防万一我需要额外的细节。 我也只是因为可以拍摄一些替代作曲。 大多数时候,我会随主照片一起走,但是有时候,当我在更大的屏幕上查看所有内容时,我意识到我的替补之一是更好的照片。

And there you have it.


To summarize: slow down, think, and reassess. Do that when you’re taking photos, and you’re almost guaranteed to go home with the shots you want. As you get better at photography, each step will become second nature, and you’ll be able to do everything almost instantly.

总结一下:放慢脚步,思考并重新评估。 在拍摄照片时执行此操作,几乎可以保证您带着想要的照片回家。 随着摄影技术的提高,每一步都将成为第二自然,您几乎可以立即完成所有工作。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/397044/how-to-always-get-the-photo-you-want/






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