


If you only have one Google account, managing your calendar is pretty simple. But once you bring your work account, shared family calendars, and even specialty calendars into the mix, keeping things organized becomes more challenging.

如果您只有一个Google帐户,则管理日历非常简单。 但是,一旦您将工作帐户,共享的家庭日历甚至专业日历混在一起,使事情井井有条就变得更具挑战性。

Here’s an example. Say you have a personal Google Calendar where you keep track of your appointments and reminders. You also use a separate calendar for work stuff. Your spouse shares her calendar with you so you can stay in sync with each other. Perhaps your kids have school appointments you’d like to track,  so you add all that to your calendar. Maybe you even add a few specialty calendars into the mix, like phases of the moon or league schedules for your favorite sport. The next thing you know, you have 17 entries for each day, and it’s tough to parse your calendar.

这是一个例子。 假设您有一个个人Google日历,可以在其中跟踪约会和提醒。 您还可以为工作资料使用单独的日历。 您的配偶与您共享她的日历,因此您可以彼此保持同步。 也许您的孩子有想要约会的学校约会,所以您可以将所有约会都添加到日历中。 也许您甚至还添加了一些专业日历,例如月相或您喜欢的运动的联赛时间表。 接下来您知道,您每天有17个条目,并且很难解析日历。

The good news is that there’s an easy way to clean up your calendar and manage multiple calendars and events. So take a step back, breathe, and let’s get this thing sorted.

好消息是,有一种简便的方法可以清理日历并管理多个日历和事件。 因此,退后一步,喘口气,让我们整理一下这个东西。

与您的主要帐户共享您的工作日历 (Share Your Work Calendar with Your Main Account)

This may seem like a no-brainer, but adding your work calendar to your personal calendar is the first step to managing all of your events in one place. It’s worth noting that your work account will need to be a GSuite account for this to work.

这似乎很容易,但是将工作日历添加到个人日历是在一个地方管理所有事件的第一步。 值得注意的是,您的工作帐户必须是GSuite帐户才能正常工作。

The easiest way to do this is to use the “Add a friend’s calendar” function on Google Calendar. All you have to do is type your work email into the box and go from there.

最简单的方法是使用Google日历上的“添加朋友的日历”功能。 您所要做的就是在框中输入您的工作电子邮件,然后从那里去。

It will let you know that you don’t have access to this calendar and allow you to request access. Send the request, and then jump into your work email to confirm access permission.

它将通知您您无权访问此日历,并允许您请求访问。 发送请求,然后跳到您的工作电子邮件中以确认访问权限。

Now you’ll be able to see all of your work events on your personal calendar.


创建一个Google家庭帐户并添加您的配偶和孩子 (Create a Google Family Account and Add Your Spouse and Kids)

Instead of just adding your family’s events onto your personal calendar, a Google Family account with your spouse and kids on it is the way to go. This lets you create a Family calendar to which you can add all your family events. We have a full guide on setting up Google Family, so I’ll point you in that direction to get started. You can share a lot of Google services with your family, so it’s worth doing.

不仅仅是将家人的活动添加到您的个人日历中,还有您的配偶和孩子的Google家庭帐户。 这样,您就可以创建一个家庭日历,可以在其中添加所有家庭事件。 我们提供了有关设置Google Family的完整指南 ,因此,我将向您指出这一点以开始使用。 您可以与家人共享许多Google服务,因此值得这么做。

Once you have Google Family configured, you’ll see a new entry on your calendar: Family.

配置完Google Family后,您会在日历上看到一个新条目:Family。

When you add an event to the family calendar, that event shows up on the personal calendar of each family member. It’s great for things like school events, doctor’s visits, work trips, and vacations. Everyone stays in the loop without having to share entire calendars with one other.

当您将事件添加到家庭日历时,该事件将显示在每个家庭成员的个人日历上。 非常适合诸如学校活动,看医生,工作旅行和度假之类的事情。 每个人都可以保持循环,而不必彼此共享整个日历。

切换日历以快速解析它们 (Toggle Your Calendars to Parse Them Quickly)

This might be the best tip in the entire post: use the toggles! As your calendar fills up, it can be hard to find specific events or keep an eye on just your calendar. That’s why you have to take advantage of showing and hiding particular calendars.

可能是整篇文章中最好的提示:使用切换键! 当你的日历填满了,你可能很难找到特定的事件或留意只是你的日历。 这就是为什么您必须利用显示和隐藏特定日历的原因。

To quickly hide (or show) calendars, tap the checkbox next to the calendar name. This feature is available on both the website and mobile apps.

要快速隐藏(或显示)日历,请点击日历名称旁边的复选框。 网站和移动应用程序均提供此功能。

By quickly hiding your most cluttered calendars (like Family), you can more easily see what’s happening on your calendar—don’t forget to re-enable it, though, so you don’t miss any important events!


Image Credit: toeytoey/

图片来源: toeytoey /







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