



For some time now, people have been warned to disable Java in their browsers or to completely remove it from their systems unless they actually need it. But if you disable it or remove it, are you actually losing much, if any, functionality? Today’s SuperUser Q&A post has the answer to a concerned reader’s question.

一段时间以来,人们一直被警告禁止在其浏览器中禁用Java或将Java完全从其系统中删除,除非他们实际需要它。 但是,如果禁用或删除它,实际上会失去很多功能吗? 今天的“超级用户问答”帖子已经解答了相关读者的问题。

Today’s Question & Answer session comes to us courtesy of SuperUser—a subdivision of Stack Exchange, a community-driven grouping of Q&A web sites.

今天的“问答”环节由SuperUser提供,它是Stack Exchange的一个分支,该社区是由社区驱动的Q&A网站分组。

问题 (The Question)

SuperUser reader Mark Wolinsky wants to know if he would lose any functionality if he disabled browser-based Java:

超级用户读者Mark Wolinsky想知道如果禁用基于浏览器的Java,是否会丢失任何功能:

I have read that disabling Java (not JavaScript) will make my computer safer from malicious software attacks. All indications are that it will indeed make it safer, but I have not seen any real indications out there as to what functionality I will lose in the browsing experience, if anything. Can someone tell me what I would or would not experience if I disable Java and is it really necessary for browsing these days?

我已经读到禁用Java(不是JavaScript)将使我的计算机更安全,免受恶意软件攻击。 所有迹象表明它确实会使它更安全,但是我还没有看到关于在浏览体验中我将失去哪些功能(如果有的话)的任何实际迹象。 有人可以告诉我禁用Java会经历什么,或者没有经历,这几天浏览真的有必要吗?

Will Mark really lose any functionality if he disables browser-based Java?


答案 (The Answer)

SuperUser contributor JakeGould has the answer for us:


  • Can someone tell me what I would or would not experience if I disable Java and is it really necessary for browsing these days?


This is a fairly good question. What it boils down to is this: If you need Java in a browser, you will know so right away. If you do not need Java (and are unaware if you are even using it or not), chances are good that you will never miss it or bump into it again. The chances of a casual user tripping over a website that would truly need Java to function in 2015 is rare at best nowadays.

这是一个很好的问题。 归结为以下几点:如果您需要浏览器中的Java,您马上就会知道。 如果您不需要Java(并且不知道您是否在使用Java),那么很有可能您永远不会错过它或再次遇到它。 如今,最多在2015年,偶然的用户访问真正需要Java才能正常运行的网站的机会很少。

Just so you understand the history of Java and the web, Java is essentially a “black box” virtual machine that allows you to code in Java and then run that code on any system that can run Java. The concept was that Java would be a middle ground platform that could run on any machine: Windows, Macintosh, Linux, etc. The Java plugin simply allows you to run Java apps from within a web browser. This was appealing in the early days of the Internet due to a lack of cross-platform compatibilities and other “rough edges” of the early Internet.

就像您了解Java和Web的历史一样,Java本质上是一个“黑匣子”虚拟机,允许您使用Java进行编码,然后在可以运行Java的任何系统上运行该代码。 Java的概念是将成为可以在任何计算机上运行的中间平台:Windows,Macintosh,Linux等。Java插件仅允许您从Web浏览器中运行Java应用程序。 由于缺乏跨平台的兼容性以及早期Internet的其他“粗糙边缘”,这在Internet的早期很有吸引力。

But in 2015, most of the “fancy” base-level functionality that Java provided in the past (cool graphics, effects, and such) are now handled within the browser itself via CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. Back in the late 1990s/early-2000s, lots of creative sites used Java because native browsers could not handle the tricks one could only do in Java back then. Java even came bundled as a basic plugin in Netscape Navigator back in the day thanks to the commonly accepted functionality it provided.

但是在2015年,Java过去提供的大多数“花式”基本功能(出色的图形,效果等)现在都可以通过CSS,HTML和JavaScript在浏览器内部进行处理。 早在1990年代末/ 2000年代初,许多创意网站都使用Java,因为本机浏览器无法处理当时只能用Java做到的技巧。 由于Java所提供的普遍接受的功能,Java甚至早已作为Netscape Navigator中的基本插件捆绑在一起。

Now where you might miss it in 2015 depends on the kinds of websites you access. For example, I know that many financial systems accessible online (such as personal tax systems, payroll gateways, and other such systems) use complex Java applications to allow end users to get a richer experience with their financial tools. So if you are using your computer to access web-based financial applications like that, then you definitely need Java enabled. But in my experience, even in those cases, many such institutions are slowly moving their archaic Java-based systems to a more stable, non-Java-based setup that takes better advantage of modern web browser functionality.

现在,2015年您可能会错过的地方取决于您访问的网站类型。 例如,我知道许多可在线访问的金融系统(例如个人税收系统,薪资网关和其他此类系统)都使用复杂的Java应用程序,以使最终用户可以使用其金融工具获得更丰富的体验。 因此,如果您使用计算机来访问基于Web的金融应用程序,那么您肯定需要启用Java。 但是以我的经验,即使在那种情况下,许多这样的机构也正在缓慢地将其基于Java的古老系统迁移到更稳定的,基于Java的设置中,以更好地利用现代Web浏览器功能。

For example, a little over a year ago anyone using the browser-based screen sharing software/service GoToMeeting needed to have Java enabled in their browser as well as on their system. But as explained in this support forum thread on their site, they have now officially dropped the Java requirement in favor of their own non-Java-based software tool:

例如,一年多以前,使用基于浏览器的屏幕共享软件/服务GoToMeeting的任何人都需要在其浏览器以及系统中启用Java。 但是, 正如其站点上的该支持论坛主题所述 ,他们现在已正式放弃Java要求,转而使用自己的非基于Java的软件工具:

  • In the past we used to use Java to automate launching our software, we have since replaced that method with our own launcher. Since introducing our launcher, we no longer use Java.

    过去,我们曾经使用Java来自动启动软件,此后,我们用自己的启动器替换了该方法。 自推出启动程序以来,我们不再使用Java。

So my advice is if Java worries you as a potential security concern on a browser level, just disable it for now. I am pretty confident that you will not miss it. And if, in like 8 to 9 months, you need Java for some reason, deal with it then.

因此,我的建议是,如果Java将您作为浏览器级别的潜在安全隐患而担心,请暂时将其禁用。 我非常有信心您不会错过它。 并且,如果在8到9个月内由于某种原因需要Java,那么请进行处理。

HTG Note: If you do not need Java on your system, we recommend uninstalling it entirely or disabling the browser plugin.

HTG注意:如果您的系统上不需要Java,建议 您完全卸载 Java 或禁用浏览器插件

Have something to add to the explanation? Sound off in the comments. Want to read more answers from other tech-savvy Stack Exchange users? Check out the full discussion thread here.

有什么补充说明吗? 在评论中听起来不错。 是否想从其他精通Stack Exchange的用户那里获得更多答案? 在此处查看完整的讨论线程







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