


So you have a Chromecast. Did you know that you can do more than just stream movies, music, and videos with it?  You can also play simple games that were actually designed for use on the Chromecast. We’re not talking about any AAA titles here, but there are definitely some fun little multiplayer games for when you have a group of people together.

因此, 您有一个Chromecast 。 您知道吗,您不仅可以播放电影,音乐和视频,还可以做更多的事情? 您还可以玩一些实际设计用于Chromecast的简单游戏。 我们在这里没有谈论任何AAA冠军,但是当一群人在一起时,肯定会有一些有趣的小型多人游戏。

The thing is, Google used to do a good job of making this a known feature for the Chromecast, but as the Chromecast became part of the Google Home family, the whole game thing apparently fell through the cracks. In fact, we wouldn’t be shocked if you didn’t know about this feature at all—there’s nary a trace of Chromecast games in the Home app at this point.

事实是,谷歌过去一直在努力使它成为Chromecast的知名功能,但是随着Chromecast成为Google Home系列的一部分,整个游戏领域显然陷入了困境。 实际上,如果您根本不了解此功能,我们将不会感到震惊-此时,Home应用程序中几乎没有任何Chromecast游戏。

As a result, finding good Chromecast games can be a bit of a challenge. The good news is that we’ve put together a short list of good titles to get you started down below. But first, let’s talk about how all this works.

因此,找到优秀的Chromecast游戏可能会有些困难。 好消息是,我们汇总了一些不错的标题,以帮助您入门。 但是首先,让我们谈谈所有这些工作原理。

如何在Chromecast上玩多人游戏 (How to Play Multiplayer Games on Chromecast)

If you have a Chromecast, you’re probably familiar with how casting works: you open the app, press the cast button, and select the movie or video you want to play. Pretty simple.

如果您使用的是Chromecast,则可能熟悉投射的工作原理 :打开应用程序,按投射按钮,然后选择要播放的电影或视频。 很简单

Playing games on Chromecast works pretty much the same way: fire up a Chromecast-supported game, tap the Cast button, and choose your casting device. But here’s where things get a bit different: anyone who is playing along will need to do the same thing on their phone. They’ll have to download the game and connect to the same device you’re casting to.

在Chromecast上玩游戏的方式几乎相同:启动受Chromecast支持的游戏,点击“投射”按钮,然后选择您的投射设备。 但是这里的情况有所不同:任何一起玩的人都需要在手机上做同样的事情。 他们必须下载游戏并连接到要投射到的同一设备。

And really, that’s it. The game will dictate whose turn it is where it needs to on turn-based games, so you need only sit back and enjoy the game. There are also games where everyone plays together at the same time, as well as some where you all play on one phone and just pass it around.

真的,就是这样。 游戏会决定在回合制游戏中需要轮到谁,因此您只需要坐下来欣赏游戏即可。 在有些游戏中,每个人都可以同时玩,还有一些游戏大家都在一个手机上玩,然后随身携带。

Regardless, it’s pretty intuitive across the board, but if you’re playing a game that requires multiple devices, just make sure everyone connects theirs to the Chromecast. Easy peasy.

无论如何,这都是非常直观的,但是如果您正在玩需要多个设备的游戏,只需确保每个人都将他们的设备连接到Chromecast。 十分简单。

最好的Chromecast游戏 (The Best Chromecast Games)

There are quite a few Chromecast games out there, but the focus here is on the multiplayer aspect. You can play by yourself (or online) on just about any console, so this is all about getting people together and doing something together. In person. Weird, I know.

有很多Chromecast游戏,但这里的重点是多人游戏方面。 您几乎可以在任何控制台上自己玩(或在线玩),因此,这一切都是关于让人们聚在一起并一起做某事。 亲自。 很奇怪,我知道。

Monopoly Here & Now


Man, who doesn’t love a good game of Monopoly? I mean, aside from people who don’t actually like Monopoly of course (yeah, they exist). Monopoly Here & Now is a great way to throw down one of the most popular board games of all time with nothing but a TV and some smartphones. It’s free to download and play, but does include in-app purchases, because of course it does.

男人,谁不喜欢出色的垄断游戏? 我的意思是,除了那些实际上并不真正喜欢垄断的人(是的,他们存在)。 在这里和现在的垄断地位是丢掉有史以来最流行的棋盘游戏之一的一种好方法,只需要一台电视和一些智能手机即可。 它是免费下载和播放的,但确实包括应用程序内购买,因为它确实包含在内。

Download: Android | iOS

下载: Android | 的iOS

Risk: Global Domination


One time when my family came to visit, my cousin and I started a game of Risk that took all week to finish—we’d just play when we had time and leave the board for the next session. It’s a simple thing, but man it’s such a fun memory.

一次,当我的家人来拜访时,我的堂兄和我开始了一场冒险游戏,该游戏花了整整一周的时间-我们只是在有时间的时候玩,然后离开董事会下届会议。 这是一件简单的事情,但是老兄,这真是个有趣的回忆。

If you’re a Risk fan, then you really need to get in on the mobile game. And the good news is here is that your opponent won’t need to download the game—with “Pass & Play” mode, you’ll only need one phone. Get it, son.

如果您是风险迷,那么您确实需要加入手机游戏。 好消息是,您的对手无需下载游戏,通过“ Pass&Play”模式,您只需要一部手机。 知道了儿子

Like Monopoly, Risk is free to download and play, but it does have in-app purchases.


Download: Android | iOS

下载: Android | 的iOS

Tricky Titans


Tricky Titans is a Chromecast-only title, which means you literally can’t play it without one. That’s a neat concept, and Tricky Titans does a good job pulling it off. This is a turn-based game where you basically have to beat the other players by destroying their village. Each turn, every player will decide to attack, power up, or defend their village. It’s a simple game, but there’s definitely a level of strategy here, too. Best of all, it’s completely free with no in-app purchases and can even be played without other players by challenging the CPU to a game. Good luck.

Tricky Titans是仅适用Chromecast的游戏 ,这意味着从字面上看,如果没有它,您将无法播放。 那是一个整洁的概念,并且Tricky Titans很好地完成了这一任务。 这是一种回合制游戏,您基本上必须通过摧毁他们的村庄来击败其他玩家。 每回合,每个玩家都会决定进攻,加电或捍卫自己的村庄。 这是一个简单的游戏,但是这里肯定也有一定水平的策略。 最棒的是,它完全免费,无需应用内购买,甚至可以通过挑战CPU游戏来在没有其他玩家的情况下进行游戏。 祝好运。

Download: Android | iOS

下载: Android | 的iOS

Just Dance Now


With phones, friends, and a Chromecast, you can be getting your groove on in a matter of minutes with Just Dance Now. That’s really all there is to it, too: you connect, play some music, and just shake your groove thing till you drop.

有了电话,朋友和Chromecast,您可以在几分钟之内开始使用Just Dance Now。 这实际上也就是它的全部:您可以连接,播放一些音乐,然后只需摇动凹槽直至跌落即可。

Just Dance Now is free to download and play, but features in-app purchases.

《 Just Dance Now》可免费下载和播放,但具有应用内购买功能。

Download: Android | iOS

下载: Android | 的iOS

寻找其他游戏 (Finding Other Games)

While we’ve put together a short list of some great mulitplayer titles for Chromecast, those may get old pretty quickly—or you just may be in the mood for something different.


Unfortunately, finding good Chromecast-compatible games isn’t as straightfoward as it should be, but it’s still not that difficult. Honestly, the best thing to do is jump into your device’s app store and just search for “Chromecast Games.” This should at least point out a few new titles here, and who knows—you may just stumble across something great in the process.

不幸的是,找到兼容Chromecast的优秀游戏并没有像应该的那样简单,但是仍然没有那么困难。 老实说,最好的办法是跳入设备的应用商店,然后搜索“ Chromecast游戏”。 这至少应该在这里指出一些新标题,谁知道呢–您可能会偶然发现一些很棒的过程。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/236057/how-to-play-multiplayer-party-games-on-your-chromecast/






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