删除cortana_如何从Windows 10任务栏中删除Cortana



Cortana is the latest digital personal assistant to make its way into a market already dominated by Apple and Google. Cortana officially arrives for the desktop in Windows 10. That’s largely a good thing, though it’s still important to know how to reduce Cortana’s presence.

Cortana是最新的数字个人助理,可进入苹果和谷歌已经主导的市场。 Cortana正式到达Windows 10的台式机。这在很大程度上是一件好事,尽管了解如何减少Cortana的存在仍然很重要。

In case you hadn’t heard, Cortana is Microsoft’s version of the same kind of voice-activated (if desired) computer assistant you’ve come to expect from “Ok Google” and Siri. You can for example say, “Hey Cortana” and ask it for the weather or sport scores or see how your stocks are doing.

如果您没有听说过,Cortana是Microsoft的版本,您可以从“ Ok Google”和Siri中获得相同的语音激活(如果需要)计算机助手。 例如您可以说“ Hey Cortana”,并询问天气或运动成绩,或者查看您的股票表现如何。

So far the buzz about Cortana is generally positive and we are looking forward to it. For Windows, it seems like an idea whose time has come. It especially makes sense when you consider that Microsoft wants to fit Windows 10 onto more tablet-like devices, so being able to just tell your computer what you want will be more efficient and easier than using a touch keyboard all the time.

到目前为止,关于Cortana的热议总体上是积极的, 我们期待着它 。 对于Windows,似乎是一个时机已到的想法。 当您考虑到Microsoft希望将Windows 10安装到更多类似平板电脑的设备上时,这尤其有意义,因此,比起一直使用触摸键盘,只告诉您的计算机所需的内容将更加高效,轻松。

On Windows 10, Microsoft has integrated Cortana right into the taskbar, which is fine since Google has no problem slapping its search feature on Android’s home screen.

在Windows 10上,微软已经将Cortana集成到了任务栏中,这很好,因为Google可以在Android的主屏幕上轻拍其搜索功能。

Unlike Android, however, Windows 10 easily allows you to change how much space Cortana takes up on the taskbar. By default, it appears as a search bar that says “Ask me anything”.

但是,与Android不同,Windows 10允许您轻松更改Cortana在任务栏上占用的空间。 默认情况下,它显示为搜索栏,上面写着“问我什么”。

It’s not ugly or detracting but it is rather wide and for folks with smaller displays, it might take up too much screen real estate. Luckily, if you right-click on a blank spot on the taskbar, you can scroll up to “Search” and change how much space Cortana occupies.

它并不难看或不吸引人,但它相当宽,对于显示器较小的人来说,它可能占用过多的屏幕空间。 幸运的是,如果右键单击任务栏上的空白位置,则可以向上滚动到“搜索”并更改Cortana占用的空间。

Here, we’ve just elected to show the search icon, which is just a simple circle.


Finally, if you just want Cortana off your taskbar completely, then you can just disable it.


Note, however, this will not turn Cortana off. If you have it, for example, set up to listen for your voice, then even if you remove Cortana from the taskbar, it will still respond when you say “Hey Cortana”.

请注意,但是,这不会关闭Cortana。 例如,如果您有设置,可以监听您的声音,那么即使您从任务栏中删除Cortana,当您说“ Hey Cortana”时,它仍然会响应。

To completely turn Cortana off, as in, it will no longer work, respond, or collect information, then you first need to open the Cortana search feature and click on the gear icon along the left-hand edge.


This will open the settings where you can turn “Hey Cortana” on or off, change your name, or, most importantly, turn the whole thing off right at the very top where it says “Cortana can give you suggestions, ideas, reminders, alerts, and more.”

这将打开设置,您可以在其中打开或关闭“嗨,Cortana”,更改名称,或者最重要的是,在顶部显示“ Cortana可以为您提供建议,想法,提醒,警报等等。”

Once disabled, Cortana will revert to the traditional Windows search feature, indicated on the taskbar by a magnifying glass. When you click on it, it will instead let you “Search the web and Windows” (via Bing).

禁用后,Cortana将恢复为传统的Windows搜索功能,该功能在任务栏上由放大镜指示。 当您单击它时,它将改为让您“搜索网络和Windows”(通过Bing)。

You can still change the way search appears on your task bar, however, electing to show the search box, the icon, or disable (remove) it altogether. If you do decide you want to disable it, you can still access search through the old keyboard shortcut “Windows + S”.

您仍然可以更改搜索在任务栏上的显示方式,但是,选择显示搜索框,图标,或者完全禁用(删除)搜索框。 如果您确定要禁用它,仍然可以通过旧的键盘快捷键“ Windows + S”访问搜索。

It remains to be seen how much of an impact Cortana will have on regular desktop users. Microsoft has carefully incorporated it without overwhelming everything else. Many new Windows 10 users are unlikely to know the full extent of what Cortana can do, so it may take time for it to be a household name.

有待观察Cortana对普通桌面用户的影响有多大。 Microsoft精心整合了它,而没有压倒一切。 许多Windows 10新用户不太可能完全了解Cortana的功能,因此要成为家喻户晓的名称可能要花费一些时间。

If you have any questions or comments you would like to add, we encourage you to leave your feedback in our discussion forum.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/220955/how-to-remove-cortana-from-the-windows-10-taskbar/






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