office遥测代理是什么_HP刚在PC上安装了膨胀的遥测废品。 这是删除方法



Not to be outdone by other terrible PC manufacturers, HP has been quietly, remotely installing a telemetry service known as “HP Touchpoint Manager” on its PCs since at least November 15, 2017. It’s sending data back to HP, introducing security holes, and generally bogging PCs down.

自从至少2017年11月15日起,惠普就一直在悄悄地在其PC上远程安装称为“ HP Touchpoint Manager” 的遥测服务 ,以免被其他可怕的PC制造商所淘汰。通常会使PC瘫痪。

HP Touchpoint Manager的功能以及您可能不想要的原因 (What HP Touchpoint Manager Does, and Why You Probably Don’t Want It)

The HP Touchpoint Manager website says that this service is a remote management tool, “delivered as part of HP Service as a Service (DaaS) Analytics and Proactive Management capabilities”. The details page for this software lists a variety of features it has, from the ability to wipe a device and set firewall policy to password recovery and application deployment features.

HP Touchpoint Manager网站说,该服务是一种远程管理工具,“作为HP服务即服务(DaaS)分析和主动管理功能的一部分提供”。 该软件的详细信息页面列出了它具有的各种功能,从擦除设备和设置防火墙策略的功能到密码恢复和应用程序部署功能。

That’s all well and good for enterprise customers, but why is HP installing this service on home PCs? HP installed this service on my personal laptop, which I purchased myself. I’m not the only one, and HP hasn’t explained why at all. You really don’t want this software installed unless your workplace actually takes advantage of it. It’s not a great idea to have remote management software like this installed and running if it’s not used. It’s a potential security hole that could open your PC to attack.

对于企业客户而言,这一切都是好事,但是为什么HP会在家用PC上安装此服务? HP在我自己购买的个人笔记本电脑上安装了此服务。 我不是唯一的一个,惠普根本没有解释原因。 您真的不希望安装此软件,除非您的工作场所实际利用了它。 如果不使用远程管理软件,请安装并运行它不是一个好主意。 这是一个潜在的安全漏洞,可能会使您的PC受到攻击。

Furthermore, it appears to send data about your PC to HP once per day, too. It’s likely this data is benign system info, but we don’t actually know what it’s sending, which doesn’t exactly make us want to keep the software installed.

此外,它似乎每天也将有关您的PC的数据发送到HP。 该数据可能是良性的系统信息,但实际上我们不知道其发送的内容,这并不完全使我们想要保持安装的软件。

Update: HP told Laptop Magazine that Touchpoint Analytics collects information about how the hardware performs and stores them on your local drive. This data is only sent to HP if you chose to share diagnostic information with HP while setting up your device. If you call HP for support, the company can access this information with your permission.

更新 :惠普告诉《 笔记本电脑杂志》 ,Touchpoint Analytics收集有关硬件性能的信息并将其存储在本地驱动器上。 仅当您在设置设备时选择与HP共享诊断信息时,此数据才会发送到HP。 如果您致电HP寻求支持,则公司可以在您允许的情况下访问此信息。

Lastly, some HP computer users are reporting high CPU usage and various other problems the service is causing on their system. HP said that the program “undergoes intensive performance testing” but “does download updates” which could cause high resource usage.

最后,一些HP计算机用户报告了CPU使用率过高以及该服务在其系统上引起的各种其他问题。 惠普表示,该程序“经过了严格的性能测试”,但“进行了下载更新”,这可能导致大量资源使用。

So the program does nothing unless you call HP on the phone for support, but sits in the background and wastes resources by performing updates? That sounds like the definition of bloated, useless, resource-wasting software to us.

因此,除非您通过电话致电HP寻求支持,否则该程序不会执行任何操作,而是位于后台并通过执行更新浪费资源? 对于我们来说,这听起来像是,肿的,无用的,浪费资源的软件的定义。

选项一:卸载软件 (Option One: Uninstall the Software)

Thankfully, you can uninstall this software if it’s on your computer. To do so, head to Control Panel > Uninstall a program. You can also just press Windows+R, type “appwiz.cpl”, and press Enter to go straight here.

幸运的是,如果您的计算机上装有此软件,则可以将其卸载。 为此,请转到控制面板>卸载程序。 您也可以只按Windows + R,输入“ appwiz.cpl”,然后按Enter键直接进入此处。

Select “HP Touchpoint Analytics Client” in the list and click the “Uninstall/Change” button to remove it from your PC.

在列表中选择“ HP Touchpoint Analytics Client”,然后单击“卸载/更改”按钮将其从您的PC中删除。

If you don’t see this application, you don’t have the software in question on your PC. It may also be called something like “HP Touchpoint Manager” on different PCs. Look for anything beginning with “HP Touchpoint” here and uninstall it.

如果没有看到此应用程序,则说明您的PC上没有相关软件。 在不同的PC上,它也可能被称为“ HP Touchpoint Manager”。 在此处查找任何以“ HP Touchpoint”开头的内容并将其卸载。

选项二:禁用服务 (Option Two: Disable the Service)

You can also choose to disable the service without removing the software from your computer, if you like. However, uninstalling the software will also remove the service, so you don’t need to do this if you’ve uninstalled the software already.

如果愿意,您也可以选择禁用服务而不从计算机上删除软件。 但是,卸载该软件也会删除该服务,因此,如果您已经卸载了该软件,则无需执行此操作。

To do this, open the Start menu and search for “Services”. Click the “Services” shortcut that appears. You can also just press Windows+R, type “services.msc”, and press Enter.

为此,请打开“开始”菜单,然后搜索“服务”。 单击出现的“服务”快捷方式。 您也可以只按Windows + R,键入“ services.msc”,然后按Enter。

Scroll down in the list and locate the “HP Touchpoint Analytics” service. Right-click it and select “Properties”.

在列表中向下滚动,找到“ HP Touchpoint Analytics”服务。 右键单击它,然后选择“属性”。

First, click the “Startup type” box and set the service to “Disabled” to prevent it from automatically starting in the future.


Second, click the “Stop” button to stop the service.


Click “OK” to save your changes.


The service is now disabled and it should no longer run. Hopefully, HP won’t play any tricks and reinstall or re-enable this software in the future, but you never know—so keep an eye out.

现在,该服务已被禁用,它将不再运行。 希望惠普将来不会玩任何花招,也不会重新安装或重新启用此软件,但您永远不会知道,因此请密切注意。

Image Credit: Aaron Yoo

图片来源: Aaron Yoo







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