


In the quest for ever-faster computers, Intel is constantly introducing new upgrades to its products to try and get a bit of extra cash out of enthusiasts and corporate customers. One of the company’s most dramatic introductions as of late has been its branded Optane memory, launched alongside the seventh generation of Core-series processors.

为了追求更快的计算机速度,英特尔一直在对其产品进行新的升级,以尝试从发烧友和企业客户那里获得更多的现金。 该公司最近推出的最引人注目的产品之一是与第七代Core系列处理器一同推出的品牌Optane内存。

Unfortunately, Optane as a technology and an implementation is quite confusing, even once you get past the basic requirements. Here’s a primer on what Optane is right now… and what it might become later.

不幸的是,即使您超越了基本要求,Optane作为一项技术和一种实现方式也相当混乱。 这是关于Optane目前的情况以及以后可能发生的情况的入门知识。

Optane内存是什么 (What Optane Memory Is)

Optane is Intel’s trademarked term for a new class of hyper-fast memory modules. The name refers specifically to the memory itself, not an individual format, but at the moment it’s being marketed primarily in a specialized M.2 card, compatible only with supported motherboards that can use Intel 7th-gen Core processors (i3, i5, and i7 chips in the 7XXX series). Optane memory uses 3D NAND fabrication techniques and various proprietary technologies to achieve super-low latency—as fast as 10 microseconds.

Optane是Intel的新型超高速内存模块商标。 该名称专门针对内存本身,而不是单独的格式,但目前主要以专用的M.2卡进行销售,仅与可使用英特尔第七代酷睿处理器(i3,i5和7XXX系列中的i7芯片)。 Optane存储器使用3D NAND制造技术和各种专有技术来实现超低延迟-最快10微秒。

Optane不是什么 (What Optane Isn’t)

Optane memory isn’t a type of conventional random-access computer memory, or RAM. And it isn’t a technology that’s being used for conventional storage—at least not at the consumer level, and not yet. Instead, the consumer M.2 Optane modules sold in 16GB and 32GB capacities are meant to work as a cache memory bridge between RAM and storage, allowing for faster data transfer between the memory, storage, and processor. This accelerates more or less every operation for the end user, especially when paired with caching software that intelligently stores relevant data on the Optane drive for near-instant retrieval.

Optane内存不是传统的随机存取计算机内存或RAM。 它不是用于常规存储的技术-至少现在还没有在消费者级别上使用。 取而代之的是,以16GB和32GB容量出售的消费M.2 Optane模块旨在充当RAM和存储之间的高速缓存存储器桥梁,从而允许在存储器,存储和处理器之间更快地进行数据传输。 对于最终用户而言,这或多或少地加快了每项操作的速度,特别是与与将软件智能地将相关数据存储在Optane驱动器上以进行即时检索的缓存软件搭配使用时。

Imagine an Optane memory add-on as a supercharger for a conventional gasoline engine: it’s not a required component to make the engine work, and it doesn’t replace any existing parts, it just makes the whole thing run faster.


The idea of using a small amount of super-fast flash storage to augment the performance of a primary storage drive isn’t new. In fact, Optane is basically a next-gen version of Intel’s Smart Response Technology (SRT), which could use cheap, low-capacity SSDs to cache data for slower, high-capacity conventional hard drives. The difference is that Optane uses memory manufactured and sold by Intel, in conjunction with special hardware and software components on compatible motherboards.

使用少量超快速闪存来增强主存储驱动器性能的想法并不新鲜。 实际上,Optane基本上是英特尔智能响应技术(SRT)的下一代版本,它可以使用便宜的低容量SSD来为较慢的高容量常规硬盘驱动器缓存数据。 区别在于Optane使用Intel制造和销售的内存,以及兼容主板上的特殊硬件和软件组件。

为什么不只是提高存储速度? (Why Not Just Make Faster Storage?)

Funny you should ask that. While the Optane branding is currently limited to super-fast M.2 cache memory modules on the consumer side of things, Intel is already selling “Optane” storage drives for corporate data centers. These are closer to conventional SSDs, bringing that expensive, speedy memory right to the storage component of mission-critical servers. Right now, the only industrial-class Optane storage drive mounts just 375GB of storage directly to a PCI express slot, and those drives are selling for thousands of dollars in bulk orders to corporate customers—not exactly a wise investment for a traditional independent system-builder.

有趣的是你应该问这个。 虽然在消费者方面,Optane品牌目前仅限于超高速M.2高速缓存内存模块,但英特尔已经在为企业数据中心销售“ Optane”存储驱动器 。 它们更接近于传统的SSD,将昂贵,快速的内存带到了关键任务服务器的存储组件中。 目前,唯一的工业级Optane存储驱动器仅将375GB的存储直接安装到PCI Express插槽中,并且这些驱动器向企业客户批量出售数千美元,对于传统的独立系统而言,这并不是明智的投资,建造者。

Intel has indicated that Optane-branded storage drives, both in the M.2 variety and in more standard 2.5-inch SSD form, will arrive for the consumer market at some point.


我可以使用Optane内存代替DRAM或SSD驱动器吗? (Can I Use Optane Memory Instead of DRAM or an SSD Drive?)

No. The 16GB and 32GB Optane M.2 modules currently being sold do not function as primary computer memory, and they don’t replace a full storage drive.

否。当前出售的16GB和32GB Optane M.2模块不能用作主计算机内存,也不能替代完整的存储驱动器。

Optane可使我的PC快多少? (How Much Faster Can Optane Make My PC?)

According to Intel’s marketing material, adding an Optane M.2 memory module to a 7th-gen Core motherboard can speed up overall “performance” by 28%, with a 1400% increase in data access for an older, spinning hard drive design and “twice the responsiveness” of everyday tasks.

根据英特尔的营销材料 ,在第7代Core主板上添加Optane M.2内存模块可以使整体“性能”提高28%,而对于较旧的旋转硬盘设计和“是日常任务的两倍”。

These claims are based on a series of benchmarks, the SYSmark 2014 SE Responsiveness subscore and the PCMark Vantage HDD Suite, so they’re fairly reliable. That being said, the actual hardware used to test those figures is hardly industry-leading: Intel used a mid-range Core i5-7500 processor, 8GB of DDR4-2400 memory, and a conventional 1TB hard drive with a speed of 7200RPM. That’s a decent system, but without the Optane add-on pretty much anything with an SSD installed will beat it for storage access and responsiveness.

这些声明基于一系列基准,SYSmark 2014 SE Responsiveness子评分和PCMark Vantage HDD Suite,因此它们相当可靠。 话虽这么说,用于测试这些数字的实际硬件几乎没有行业领先:英特尔使用了中端Core i5-7500处理器,8GB DDR4-2400内存和速度为7200RPM的常规1TB硬盘。 这是一个不错的系统,但是如果没有Optane附加组件,几乎所有安装了SSD的东西都将在存储访问和响应速度方面击败它。

Anandtech did a series of more intensive benchmarks using the same SYSmark 2014 test. They found that combining an Optane memory module with a conventional spinning hard drive could indeed increase overall system performance, in some cases beating out an SSD alone. But in each case, the performance was close enough that a simple SSD setup might be preferable to a hard drive plus Optane memory module, especially if you can afford to match the extra storage space with a 1TB or denser SSD. Performance improvements when pairing an Optane storage module with an SSD will be present, but much less dramatic.

Anandtech使用相同的SYSmark 2014测试做了一系列更严格的基准测试。 他们发现,将Optane内存模块与传统的旋转硬盘驱动器结合使用确实可以提高整体系统性能,在某些情况下,仅击败SSD就可以了。 但是在每种情况下,性能都足够接近,因此简单的SSD设置可能比硬盘驱动器和Optane内存模块更可取,特别是如果您有能力将额外的存储空间与1TB或更密集的SSD相匹配。 将Optane存储模块与SSD搭配使用时,性能会有所提高,但效果却要差得多。

Based on these findings (and on the limitations in the next section), Optane is ideal for someone who wants to use a single, large HDD with their system instead of a smaller but faster SSD.


缺点是什么? (What Are the Drawbacks?)

Since Optane modules are relatively cheap performance add-ons—approximately $50 for the 16GB M.2 card and $100 for the 32GB version, at the time of writing—it might seem like a no-brainer. But keep in mind a few things. One, you’ll need the latest seventh-generation processor and a compatible motherboard to take advantage of it. Two, though Intel is advertising performance boosts for more or less any situation and application, the most dramatic improvements come from a system with an older spinning hard drive, not increasingly-popular SSD storage. The Optane system also increases power draw by a considerable margin.

由于Optane模块是相对便宜的性能附加组件,在撰写本文时, 16GB的M.2卡约为50美元,而32GB的版本约为100美元 ,这似乎很容易理解。 但是请记住一些事情。 第一,您需要最新的第七代处理器和兼容的主板才能利用它。 第二,尽管英特尔正在宣传在几乎任何情况和应用下都可以提高性能,但是最显着的改进来自具有较旧旋转硬盘驱动器的系统,而不是越来越受欢迎的SSD存储。 Optane系统还大大提高了功耗。

What about combination systems, which use an SSD as a primary “OS” drive and a larger hard drive for more dense file storage? Sorry, no. Optane’s caching system only works with the primary OS drive, and even then, only the primary partition. You can install Optane memory in a desktop that uses both SSD and hard drive storage, but it won’t improve the speed of the secondary storage drive at all. Your money would be better spent on more RAM or a larger initial SSD if you’re building from scratch.

结合系统如何使用SSD作为主“ OS”驱动器和更大的硬盘驱动器来存储更密集的文件呢? 抱歉,没有。 Optane的缓存系统只能与主OS驱动器一起使用,即使如此,也只能与主分区一起使用。 您可以将Optane内存安装在同时使用SSD和硬盘驱动器的台式机中,但这根本不会提高辅助存储驱动器的速度。 如果您是从头开始构建的,则最好将钱花在更多的RAM或更大的初始SSD上。

硬件要求是什么? (What Are the Hardware Requirements?)

First of all, you need a seventh-generation Intel Core chip. That’s any desktop processor in the Core i3, i5, and i7 family with a model number in the 7XXX format.

首先,您需要第七代Intel Core芯片。 这就是Core i3,i5和i7系列中任何型号为7XXX格式的台式机处理器。

You’ll obviously need a compatible motherboard, but that motherboard also needs an Intel chipset that supports Optane and at least one M.2 expansion slot.  These don’t necessarily need to be Intel-branded motherboards—here’s a list of compatible boards from ASUS, Asrock, Biostar, ECS, EVGA, Gigabyte, MSI, and SuperMicro. They range in size from mini-ITX all the way up to ATX, so system builders have plenty of options.

您显然需要兼容的主板,但是该主板还需要支持Optane和至少一个M.2扩展插槽的Intel芯片组。 这些不一定是英特尔品牌的主板- 这里是华硕,华擎,华星,Biostar,ECS,EVGA,技嘉,微星和超微兼容板的列表 。 它们的大小范围从mini-ITX一直到ATX,因此系统构建者有很多选择。

Optane memory works with any kind of RAM modules, storage drives, and graphics cards that will fit in a compatible motherboard. At the moment Optane is not sold in laptops, but they may become available at some point. At the time of writing, Optane’s software component is only compatible with Windows 10.

Optane内存可与兼容主板上的任何类型的RAM模块,存储驱动器和图形卡配合使用。 目前,Optane尚未在笔记本电脑中出售,但可能会在某些时候上市。 在撰写本文时,Optane的软件组件仅与Windows 10兼容。

Image credit: Amazon, Anandtech, Intel

图片来源: 亚马逊Anandtech英特尔

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/317294/what-is-intel-optane-memory/






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