
Ever wish you could run macOS and Windows software, side by side, arranging windows from each operating system however you like? Thanks to a feature in Parallels called Coherence Mode, which you can use if you’ve set up Parallels to run Windows inside macOS, it’s only a click away.

曾经希望您可以同时运行macOS和Windows软件,并根据自己的喜好排列每个操作系统的窗口吗? 多亏了Parallels中称为Coherence Mode的功能,如果您已设置Parallels在macOS内运行Windows ,就可以使用它,只需单击即可。

In Coherence Mode, your virtual Windows desktop will merge with your Mac one, allowing you to arrange windows from the two operating systems side-by-side. You can think of it as a very polished version of VirtualBox’s seamless mode, but it’s more than that: the Parallels’ team laser focus on macOS means there are all sorts of integrations that similar tools wouldn’t even think to offer, like menus for Windows program in the menu bar and compatible keyboard shortcuts. It’s not quite as good as running a native Mac app, but it’s the next best thing.

在Coherence模式下,您的虚拟Windows桌面将与您的Mac桌面合并,从而允许您并排排列两个操作系统中的窗口。 您可以将其视为VirtualBox无缝模式的非常完美的版本,但不仅限于此: Parallels团队专注于macOS,意味着存在各种类似工具甚至都无法提供的集成,例如用于菜单的菜单。菜单栏中的Windows程序和兼容的键盘快捷键。 它不如运行本机Mac应用程序那么好,但这是次要的事情。

如何并行启动相干模式 (How to Launch Coherence Mode in Parallels)

To get started, you need a Windows virtual machine with Parallels tools installed. Here’s how to set that up if you haven’t already. Open your virtual machine and you’ll see a blue button at the top left of the window, to the right of the usual Mac window buttons.

首先,您需要一个装有Parallels工具的Windows虚拟机。 如果您尚未设置,请按以下方法进行设置 。 打开您的虚拟机,您将在窗口左上角(通常的Mac窗口按钮的右侧)看到一个蓝色按钮。

Click this and your Windows desktop will merge with your macOS one. Programs you have open in Windows run alongside your Mac ones, which is a little weird at first.

单击此按钮,您的Windows桌面将与您的macOS合并。 您在Windows中打开的程序与Mac程序一起运行,一开始有点奇怪。

There are a few other integrations that make it easy to use everything together. You’ll find a sort of Start menu folder in the dock, making it easy to launch Windows software.

还有其他一些集成,可以轻松地将所有内容一起使用。 您可以在扩展坞中找到一种“开始”菜单文件夹,可以轻松启动Windows软件。

If you prefer the actual Windows start menu, complete with search, simply click the virtual machine’s icon in the dock; the full start menu will launch above your dock.

如果您希望使用实际的Windows开始菜单(包括搜索),只需单击扩展坞中的虚拟机图标即可。 完整的开始菜单将在扩展坞上方启动。

From here you can search Windows, or access any other functionality of the Windows operating system, all without leaving the macOS desktop.


And the integration goes further: look at the macOS menu bar and you’ll find the Windows tray icons.


Speaking of the menu bar: Windows programs are somewhat integrated with the macOS menu bar, allowing you to do things like Copy and Paste.


It’s a subtle thing, sure, but it makes the Windows applications feel just a little more at home in macOS.


如何配置一致性模式(以及关闭某些功能) (How to Configure Coherence Mode (and Turn Certain Features Off))

If some of these integrations bother you, don’t worry: you can enable and disable most of them. Shut down your virtual machine, then click the gear button next to its name in the Control Center.

如果其中一些集成使您感到困扰,请不要担心:您可以启用和禁用其中的大多数功能。 关闭您的虚拟机,然后在控制中心中单击其名称旁边的齿轮按钮。

Head to the “Applications” section.


Here you’ll find the option to disable the applications folder in the dock and the notification area in the menu bar. This is a matter of taste: some people will like the integrations, and some would prefer to head to the full Windows environment to access things like the tray icons. Happily it’s all up to you.

在这里,您可以找到禁用扩展坞中的application文件夹和菜单栏中的通知区域的选项。 这是一个品味问题:有些人会喜欢这些集成,有些人会喜欢去完整的Windows环境访问诸如托盘图标之类的东西。 幸运的是,一切取决于您。

如何退出连贯模式 (How to Exit Coherence Mode)

Even with these integrations turned off, you might realize that Coherence isn’t for you, at least not constantly. No worries: it’s easy to turn off. Click the Parallels icon in the menu bar, then head to View > Exit Coherence.

即使关闭了这些集成,您也可能意识到Coherence不适合您,至少不是一直都没有。 不用担心:很容易关闭它。 单击菜单栏中的“平行”图标,然后转到“视图”>“退出连贯性”。

Alternatively, you can right-click the virtual machine’s dock icon; you’ll find the same options.

或者,您可以右键单击虚拟机的停靠图标。 您会找到相同的选项。

不仅仅是Windows (More Than Just Windows)

Parallels is mostly designed to make running Windows programs on Mac simpler, but Windows isn’t the only trick it can pull: Linux virtual machines also work well. Such machines even support Coherence, once Parallels Tools is installed. Here’s how that looks with Ubuntu.

Parallels的主要目的是简化在Mac上运行Windows程序的过程,但Windows并非唯一可以解决的问题:Linux虚拟机也可以正常运行。 一旦安装了Parallels Tools,此类机器甚至支持Coherence。 这是Ubuntu的外观。

The integrations aren’t quite as strong: a good chunk of the Ubuntu UI comes over wholesale, rather than finding a niche in the macOS dock and menu bar. But software runs, making it just a little easier to run Linux software alongside macOS apps.

集成的功能还不那么强大:Ubuntu UI的很大一部分都是批发销售的,而不是在macOS底座和菜单栏中找到合适的位置。 但是软件可以运行,这使得与macOS应用程序一起运行Linux软件变得更加容易。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/307655/how-to-use-parallels-coherence-mode-to-run-windows-and-mac-apps-side-by-side/





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