如何使用Nova Launcher更改Android的图标主题


Changing icons in Nova Launcher is one of the easiest ways to truly make your device yours. Everything from setting up a full icon theme to make things clean and concise, to simply changing that one icon you just don’t like is incredibly easy in Nova. And best of all, this feature is available in both the free and paid versions of the launcher, so everyone can take advantage of it.

在更改图标新星发射是真正使您的设备你的最简单的方法之一。 在Nova中,从设置完整的图标主题到使事情变得简洁明了,到简单地更改您不喜欢的一个图标,一切都变得非常容易。 最重要的是,此功能在启动器的免费和付费版本中均可用,因此每个人都可以利用它。

如何在Nova Launcher中更改图标包 (How to Change Icon Packs in Nova Launcher)

To get a uniform look across your entire device—be it on the home screens or in the app drawer—you’ll want to use an icon pack. Not all icon packs support all apps, because that would be nearly impossible, but most of the larger packs will offer at least one option for all of the really popular apps on Android. And, for any apps that aren’t supported, you can change their icons manually (which we’ll cover in the second section of this guide).

要在整个设备上(无论是在主屏幕上还是在应用程序抽屉中)保持一致的外观,您需要使用图标包。 并非所有图标包都支持所有应用程序,因为这几乎是不可能的,但是大多数较大的图标包将为Android上所有真正流行的应用程序提供至少一个选项。 而且,对于任何不受支持的应用程序,您可以手动更改其图标(我们将在本指南的第二部分介绍)。

First, of course, you’ll need to find an icon pack to use. For this example I’ll be using Whicons, which is a free pack that contains over 3,000 all-white icons based on Google’s Material Design. It also offers matching wallpapers and a feature that gives users a way to request icons for their favorite apps. Not all icon packs will be this full-featured, so keep this in mind when searching for the perfect theme.

首先,当然,您需要找到要使用的图标包。 在此示例中,我将使用Whicons ,这是一个免费包,其中包含基于Google的Material Design的3,000多个全白图标。 它还提供了匹配的墙纸,并为用户提供了一种为其喜欢的应用程序请求图标的功能。 并非所有图标包都具有全部功能,因此在搜索完美主题时请记住这一点。

Once you have your icon pack installed, you’re ready to apply it. Jump into the app drawer and find the “Nova Settings” icon to get into Nova’s menu.

一旦安装了图标包,就可以应用它了。 跳到应用程序抽屉中,找到“ Nova设置”图标以进入Nova的菜单。


Tap on the fifth entry in this menu, which reads “Look & Feel.” This will bring up all of Nova’s aesthetic options. The first entry in this menu is the “Icon theme” option—tap that.

点击此菜单中的第五项,显示为“ Look&Feel”。 这将带来Nova的所有美学选择。 此菜单中的第一项是“图标主题”选项,请点击该选项。


This will open a small popup window with all of the currently installed icon packs, along with options for the original “System” theme and Android’s stock “Marshmallow” icons. Tap the one you want to apply (in our case, “Whicons”).

这将打开一个小的弹出窗口,其中包含当前所有已安装的图标包,以及原始“系统”主题和Android库存的“棉花糖”图标的选项。 点击您要应用的一个(在我们的示例中为“ Whicons”)。


The popup box will disappear, but the “Icon theme” entry should now show the icon theme that you just selected in the subtext beneath the title.



Back on your home screen and app drawer, all the supported apps should now have the icon pack applied to them.



如何在Nova Launcher中更改单个图标 (How to Change Individual Icons in Nova Launcher)

Chances are, there are a few icons that didn’t get changed. Maybe there wasn’t an icon in the pack that matched that app, or maybe (due to some error) that one icon didn’t apply properly–we’ve seen this on more than one occasion.

可能有一些图标没有更改。 包中可能没有与该应用程序匹配的图标,或者(由于某些错误)一个图标没有正确应用-我们已经不止一次看到这种情况。

Or maybe you don’t want to change all your icons, but just want to tweak a few. Nova Launcher allows for this as well.

或者,也许您不想更改所有图标,而只想对其进行一些调整。 Nova Launcher也允许这样做。

After installing your icon pack—again, in this example we’re using Whicons—open your app drawer and find the icon you want to change. Tap it and hold until you’re greeted with the following screen, then drag the icon over the “Edit” option.

同样,在本示例中,在我们使用Whicons的情况下,安装图标包后,打开应用程序抽屉,找到要更改的图标。 点击并按住直到出现以下屏幕,然后将图标拖到“编辑”选项上。

NOTE: You can tap and drag icons from the home screen, too, but this will only change the icon on the home screen. If you change it from the app drawer, it’s really easy to re-add it to your home screen if the home screen icon doesn’t change.

注意:您也可以从主屏幕上点击并拖动图标,但这只会更改主屏幕上的图标。 如果您从应用程序抽屉中进行更改,那么如果主屏幕图标未更改,将其重新添加到主屏幕确实非常容易。


This will open the app’s “Edit Shortcut” menu. Tap on the icon, which will bring up the “Select theme” options.

这将打开应用程序的“编辑快捷方式”菜单。 点击图标,这将弹出“选择主题”选项。


There are a few choices here—you can choose a system icon, something from your gallery, or an icon from an installed pack. We’re going to select one from the “Whicons” pack, but you can tap on whichever option best fits what you’re trying to do.

这里有一些选择-您可以选择系统图标,图库中的某些内容或已安装的软件包中的图标。 我们将从“ Whicons”包中选择一个,但您可以点击最适合您要执行的操作。


If you’re using a custom icon pack, it may take a few second to load, depending on the size of the pack. Once it’s ready, however, Nova should try to pick the best option and suggest it at the very top, which keeps you from having to scroll through thousands of icons to find the exact one you’re looking for.

如果您使用的是自定义图标包,则可能需要花费几秒钟的时间来加载,具体取决于包的大小。 然而,一旦准备就绪,Nova应该尝试选择最佳选项并在最上方建议它,这使您不必滚动数千个图标来查找所需的确切图标。


If the suggested icon isn’t the one you’re looking for (or there isn’t a suggestion), just scroll through the alphabetical list until you find the right choice. Tap it.

如果建议的图标不是您要查找的图标(或没有建议),则只需滚动字母顺序列表,直到找到正确的选择。 点一下

This will take you back into the “Edit Shortcut” menu—just tap “done” to save the changes.



The icon will change instantly, and you can move on to the next one.


Even if there isn’t an icon for your desired app in the pack, you can often find one that sort of fits. For example, maybe there isn’t an icon for Citi Bank specifically, but there’s a generic “$” icon that you could use in its place, so all your icons fit the theme.

即使包装中没有您想要的应用程序的图标,您也经常可以找到合适的图标。 例如,也许没有专门用于花旗银行的图标,但是有一个通用的“ $”图标可以代替它使用,因此所有图标都适合主题。

It’s also worth noting that applying a new icon pack to the entire system will not overwrite individual icon changes. So if you want one theme on your home screens and a different one in the app drawer, you can do so easily.

还值得注意的是,将新的图标包应用于整个系统不会覆盖单个图标更改。 因此,如果您想在主屏幕上显示一个主题,而在应用程序抽屉中想要一个不同的主题,则可以轻松实现。

Most icon packs are standardized now, so they will work with most of the popular third-party launchers. This is good news for users who may want to switch launchers, because the majority of the packs out there (especially the more popular and/or larger packs) are essentially universally compatible at this point.

现在大多数图标包都已标准化,因此它们可以与大多数流行的第三方启动器一起使用。 对于可能要切换发射器的用户来说,这是个好消息,因为此时大多数包装(尤其是较流行和/或更大的包装)在本质上都是通用的。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/250094/how-to-change-androids-icon-theme-with-nova-launcher/

Nova Launcher Prime 高度可定制,性能驱动的主屏幕。不接受替代品!Nova Launcher是现代Android的顶级启动器,始终采用完整的Material Design。Nova Launcher将您的主屏幕替换为您可以控制并可以自定义的主屏幕。更改图标,布局,动画等。 Nova Launcher主要功能: 手势–在主屏幕上滑动,捏合,双击等操作可打开您喜欢的应用 未读计数–绝不会错过任何一条消息。使用TeslaUnread插件的环聊,短信,Gmail和更多内容的未读计数徽章 自定义抽屉组–在应用抽屉中创建新标签或文件夹 隐藏应用程序-通过隐藏未使用过的应用程序来保持干净的应用程序抽屉 图标滑动–设置自定义操作以滑动应用程序快捷方式或文件夹 更多滚动效果–例如“擦除”,“手风琴”和“掷” Mod Lite信息: 优化的图形和清理的资源<进的结果(5.73 MB apk大小); 语言:EN,RU; 删除了默认壁纸; 残疾人率和社交菜单; 禁用/删除不需要的权限+接收者和服务; Analytics(分析)/ Crashlytics(崩溃)已禁用。 模组像素资讯: Nova Launcher和Razer: –完整的俄语翻译 –语言:英语和俄语 –替换了Pixel UI样式的图标和替换了启动器的图标 –压缩图形 –禁用了跟踪 –削减了Firebase和Meansurement服务 –从Google Play服务取消链接 –删除了设置图标和启动器新星 PRIME功能已解锁| 禁用分析 说明: 1.卸载旧版本的Nova Launcher和Tesla Unread插件 2. 从我的程序包(而不是Google Play)中安装Nova Launcher和Tesla Unread插件。 3.享受! 这是补丁版本,完全解锁的主要功能。不需要主键。 如果您的ROM是与Nova Launcher一起提供的,则必须在安装前将其删除。




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