


Norton, like most other antivirus tools, is rather intrusive. It installs a toolbar in your web browser, pops up notifications even when you download safe files, and shows you various special offers and reports. But you can set Norton to only notify you when there’s an actual problem.

像大多数其他防病毒工具一样, Norton相当具有侵入性。 它会在网络浏览器中安装工具栏,即使下载安全文件也会弹出通知,并向您显示各种特别优惠和报告。 但是您可以将Norton设置为仅在出现实际问题时通知您。

The steps below were performed with Norton Security Deluxe, but the process should be similar for other editions of Norton’s antivirus software. To learn more about which antivirus programs we recommend, check out this guide.

以下步骤是使用Norton Security Deluxe执行的,但是对于其他版本的Norton防病毒软件,该过程应该类似。 要了解有关我们建议使用哪种防病毒程序的更多信息,请查阅本指南

摆脱诺顿的浏览器扩展 (Get Rid of Norton’s Browser Extensions)

Norton automatically installs the “Norton Security Toolbar” and “Norton Identity Safe” browser extensions for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Internet Explorer when you install it.

诺顿会在安装时自动为Google Chrome,Mozilla Firefox和Internet Explorer安装“ Norton安全工具栏”和“ Norton Identity Safe”浏览器扩展。

The Norton Security Toolbar not only adds a toolbar to your browser, but also alters pages to show whether search results are “safe” or not. You don’t need this feature—your web browser and search engines already attempt to block dangerous websites. Your antivirus will also automatically scan downloads whether not not you use the browser extension. The Norton Identity Safe extension provides a password manager, but we recommend other password managers instead.

诺顿安全工具栏不仅向您的浏览器添加了一个工具栏,而且还更改了页面以显示搜索结果是否“安全”。 您不需要此功能-您的Web浏览器和搜索引擎已经尝试阻止危险的网站。 无论您是否使用浏览器扩展程序,防病毒软件也会自动扫描下载内容。 Norton Identity Safe扩展程序提供了密码管理器,但是我们建议您使用其他密码管理器

We don’t recommend using your antivirus’s browser extensions in general, since they often present problems. We recommend removing them.

我们一般不建议您使用防病毒的浏览器扩展 ,因为它们经常会出现问题。 我们建议删除它们。

In Google Chrome, click the menu and select More Tools > Extensions. Click the trash can icons to the right of the Norton Identity Safe and Norton Security Toolbar extensions to remove them.

在Google Chrome浏览器中,点击菜单,然后选择更多工具>扩展程序。 单击Norton Identity Safe和Norton Security工具栏扩展名右侧的垃圾桶图标以将其删除。

In Mozilla Firefox, click the menu button and select “Add-ons”. Click the “Disable” button to the right of the Norton Security Toolbar add-on. Norton doesn’t seem to offer the Norton Identity Safe add-on for Firefox, so you just have the toolbar to remove.

在Mozilla Firefox中,单击菜单按钮,然后选择“附加组件”。 单击Norton Security工具栏加载项右侧的“禁用”按钮。 诺顿似乎没有提供适用于Firefox的Norton Identity Safe附加组件,因此您只需要删除工具栏即可。

In Internet Explorer, click the menu button and select “Manage Add-ons”. Select the Norton Toolbar and Norton Identity Protection add-ons under Toolbars and Extensions and click the “Disable” button at the bottom of the window for each.

在Internet Explorer中,单击菜单按钮,然后选择“管理加载项”。 选择“工具栏和扩展”下的“诺顿工具栏”和“诺顿身份保护”加载项,然后单击每个窗口底部的“禁用”按钮。

You’ll be prompted to enable Norton’s browser extensions later, but you can click the “Don’t Ask Me Again” link in the popup and Norton shouldn’t ask you again in the future.


禁用报告,后台任务通知和广告 (Disable Reports, Background Task Notifications, and Advertisements)

The rest of Norton’s settings are located in its interface. To open it, find the Norton icon in your notification area—it looks like a yellow circle with a checkmark inside it—and double-click it. The icon may be hidden behind the up arrow to the left of your system tray icons.

诺顿的其他设置位于其界面中。 要打开它,请在您的通知区域中找到Norton图标(它看起来像一个带有选中标记的黄色圆圈),然后双击它。 该图标可能隐藏在系统任务栏图标左侧的向上箭头后面。

Click the “Settings” link at the top right corner of the Norton Security window.

单击Norton Security窗口右上角的“设置”链接。

You’ll see a “Silent Mode” checkbox here, and you can click it to quickly make Norton be quiet. However, Silent Mode isn’t a permanent solution. You can only enable Silent Mode for a day at a time and it will disable itself afterwards.

您将在此处看到“静音模式”复选框,然后单击它可以快速使Norton保持安静。 但是,静默模式不是永久性的解决方案。 您一次只能启用一天的静默模式,此后它会自动禁用。

To find several of Norton’s notification settings, click “Administrative Settings” here.


Norton will automatically show a report every 30 days with information about the actions it performed in the last 30 days. To disable the report notification, set the “30 Day Report” slider to “Off”. Norton will still generate the reports; it just won’t alert you.

诺顿会每30天自动显示一份报告,其中包含有关过去30天执行的操作的信息。 要禁用报告通知,请将“ 30天报告”滑块设置为“关”。 诺顿仍将生成报告; 只是不会提醒您。

You can still manually view each 30 day report by clicking the “30 Day Report” button in Norton’s interface. This button will only appear after Norton has generated a report, so you won’t see it if you’ve just installed Norton.

您仍然可以通过单击Norton界面中的“ 30天报告”按钮来手动查看每个30天报告。 此按钮仅在Norton生成报告后才会显示,因此如果您刚刚安装Norton,则不会看到它。

Norton automatically performs some tasks in the background, including automatic antivirus scans and system cleanup tasks. By default, Norton will display a notification when it’s running these background tasks.

Norton会在后台自动执行一些任务,包括自动防病毒扫描和系统清理任务。 默认情况下,诺顿运行这些后台任务时将显示通知。

If you don’t want to see these notifications, set “Norton Task Notification” to “Off” here.

如果您不想看到这些通知,请在此处将“ Norton Task Notification”设置为“ Off”。

Norton automatically displays “special offers” for other Norton products by default. These are essentially just advertisements for other Norton products.

诺顿默认情况下会自动显示其他诺顿产品的“特惠”。 这些实质上只是其他诺顿产品的广告。

To disable these special offer notifications, scroll down on the Administrative Settings screen and set “Special Offer Notification” to “Off”.


隐藏安全下载通知 (Hide Safe Download Notifications)

Norton automatically checks with a reputation service whenever you download a file from a variety of web browsers, email clients, download managers, and peer-to-peer programs. You’ll see a message saying “[File name] is safe” if everything is fine.

每当您从各种Web浏览器,电子邮件客户端,下载管理器和对等程序下载文件时,诺顿都会自动使用信誉服务进行检查。 如果一切正常,您将看到一条消息,指出“ [[文件名]是安全的”。

These popups aren’t necessary at all. You can disable them and have Norton only alert you if there’s an actual problem.

这些弹出窗口根本不是必需的。 您可以禁用它们,让Norton仅在出现实际问题时才提醒您。

To disable notifications when you download safe files, click Settings > Firewall > Intrusion and Browser Protection and set “Download Insight Notifications” to “Risks Only”.


阻止反垃圾邮件弹出窗口 (Block AntiSpam Popups)

Norton includes an anti-spam feature that integrates with desktop email clients like Microsoft Outlook. This feature includes a “welcome screen” that provides you with information and feedback popups. If you just want the anti-spam feature to run silently in the background, you can disable these.

诺顿提供的反垃圾邮件功能可与Microsoft Outlook等桌面电子邮件客户端集成。 此功能包括一个“欢迎屏幕”,为您提供信息和反馈弹出窗口。 如果只希望反垃圾邮件功能在后台静默运行,则可以禁用这些功能。

To do so, click Setttings > AntiSpam in Norton’s interface. Click the “Client Integration” tab and set both “Welcome Screen” and “Feedback” to “Off”.

为此,请在Norton的界面中单击设置>反垃圾邮件。 单击“客户端集成”选项卡,并将“欢迎屏幕”和“反馈”均设置为“关”。

Norton should get out of your way after you change these settings, automatically protecting your PC in the background. You should only see a notification if Norton detects a problem.

更改这些设置后,Norton应该摆脱困境,自动在后台保护PC。 仅当Norton检测到问题时,您才应该看到通知。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/291934/how-to-disable-nortons-notifications-and-bundled-software/






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