如何将Android通知与Windows 10的周年更新同步


With the Windows 10 Anniversary Update, Microsoft included a simple way to see your Android phone’s notifications on your PC. It’s not as robust as some of the third-party options out there, but it’s extremely easy to set up, and even easier to use.

通过Windows 10周年更新,Microsoft提供了一种在PC上查看Android手机通知的简单方法。 它不像某些第三方选项那样健壮,但是它非常易于设置,甚至更易于使用。

The best part about all of this is that there’s literally no set up on the PC side—everything is done on your phone (assuming you haven’t disabled Cortana in Windows 10—if you have, you’ll need to turn it back on). The first thing you’ll want to do is jump into the Play Store and install Cortana. According to the app, you’ll also need to be a part of the Windows Insider Program to work, so you should sign up for that if you haven’t already.

最好的部分是,PC端实际上没有进行任何设置-手机上的所有操作都已完成(假设您尚未在Windows 10中禁用Cortana-如果已启用 ,则需要将其重新打开)。 您要做的第一件事就是跳到Play商店并安装Cortana 。 根据该应用程序,您还需要成为Windows Insider计划的一部分才能工作,因此如果尚未注册,则应该注册该程序

Once you’ve got Cortana installed, fire it up. You’ll need to grant some Android permissions: location and media access. After you approve those, go ahead and log in with the same Microsoft account that you log in to your Windows PC with. (Yes, you need to use a Microsoft Account on your PC, since that’s how Cortana syncs your notifications.)

一旦安装了Cortana,请启动它。 您需要授予一些Android权限:位置和媒体访问权限。 批准之后,继续并使用登录Windows PC时使用的相同Microsoft帐户登录。 (是的,您需要在PC上使用Microsoft帐户,因为这是Cortana同步通知的方式。)


With Cortana all logged in and ready to go, jump into the menu by tapping the three lines in the top-left corner. Then, tap “Settings.”

当Cortana全部登录并准备就绪后,请点击左上角的三行进入菜单。 然后,点击“设置”。


In the Settings menu, there’s an entry for “Sync notifications”—that’s what you’re after.



There are a handful of options here, some of which are already pre-selected: Missed call notifications, Incoming message notifications, and Low battery notifications should already be ticked. The bottom option—App notification sync—is off by default. In order to get the most out of notification sync, we recommend turning it on.

这里有几个选项,其中一些已经预先选择:未接来电通知,来电消息通知和电池电量不足通知应该已经打勾。 底部选项-应用程序通知同步-默认情况下处于关闭状态。 为了充分利用通知同步功能,建议您将其打开。


You should get a popup stating that Cortana needs Notification Access, which is given on an app-by-app basis. This basically allows apps to see and interact with notifications generated by other apps. It’s a privacy thing. If you’re cool with that (and really, you should be), then go ahead and tap the “Got it” button. This will automatically move you into Notification Access.

您应该会看到一个弹出窗口,说明Cortana需要Notification Access,该访问权限是逐个应用给出的。 基本上,这使应用程序可以查看其他应用程序生成的通知并与之交互。 这是一件隐私的事。 如果您对此感到满意(确实应该如此),请继续并点击“了解”按钮。 这将自动将您转到Notification Access。


From here, just go ahead and tick the slider for Cortana. You’ll see a warning here, letting you know that this will give Cortana access to all of your notifications. That’s kind of the idea here, so go ahead and tap “Allow.”

从这里开始,只需勾选Cortana的滑块即可。 您会在此处看到警告,告知您这将使Cortana可以访问您的所有通知。 这是个主意,因此继续并点击“允许”。


Back in Cortana’s Settings menu, you can now enable App Notification Sync. Once that slider has been toggled, a new menu entry will show up: Choose which apps to sync. This is a big one, because if you don’t want to be bombarded with notifications on your PC, you’ll definitely want to be selective with which apps you allow through. Fortunately, the majority of them are toggled to “off” by default—only Facebook and Facebook Messenger were on for me.

返回Cortana的“设置”菜单,您现在可以启用“应用程序通知同步”。 切换该滑块后,将显示一个新菜单项:选择要同步的应用程序。 这是一个很大的问题,因为如果您不想在PC上被通知轰炸,您肯定会选择允许使用哪些应用程序。 幸运的是,大多数默认情况下将它们切换为“关闭”-只有Facebook和Facebook Messenger对我有效。


It’s worth mentioning that if you may need to go through the list of apps and find your SMS messaging app to enable text message sync. For me, the stock “Incoming message notification” option did nothing—I had to find “Messenger” in the list and toggle it before I could read texts on my PC.

值得一提的是,如果您可能需要浏览应用程序列表并找到您的SMS消息传递应用程序以启用短信同步。 对我来说,股票“传入消息通知”选项没有任何作用-我必须在列表中找到“信使”并切换它,然后才能在PC上阅读文本。

Once you’ve selected your apps, you’re all set. Notifications on your Android phone will now generate a popup on your Windows PC, as well as populate the Action Center. There’s also an option to reply to certain messages—like text messages, for example—but this feature still seems to be a bit buggy since it’s still beta, so don’t rely on it completely to send those important texts for you. I’ve seen it work for some people, but I could never get it to reply to messages reliably.

选择了应用程序后,便一切就绪。 现在,Android手机上的通知将在Windows PC上生成一个弹出窗口,并填充操作中心。 还可以选择答复某些消息(例如,文本消息),但是由于此功能仍处于测试阶段,因此似乎仍然有些bug,因此请不要完全依靠它为您发送那些重要的文本。 我已经看到它对某些人有用,但是我永远无法获得它可靠地回复邮件。


Like we said above, you’ll probably have better luck with some of the third-party services that have been out there for a while–they’re more feature-rich, and more reliable since Cortana is still in beta. Still, it’s a simple way to see what’s coming in and quickly judge whether or not it’s something you need to deal with immediately or if it can wait.

就像我们上面说过的那样,您可能会对已经存在一段时间的一些第三方服务感到好运了-它们的功能更加丰富并且更加可靠,因为Cortana仍处于测试阶段。 不过,这是一种查看即将发生的情况并快速判断是否需要立即处理或可以等待的简单方法。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/265994/how-to-sync-android-notifications-to-your-windows-10-pc/

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