
save data

In the event of a disaster or major evacuation, you don’t just want to stay safe—you want to make sure all your important data is safe, as well. Here’s how to backup data and protect your hardware from the elements.

万一发生灾难或重大疏散,您不仅希望保持安全,还希望确保所有重要数据也都安全。 这是备份数据并保护硬件不受这些元素影响的方法。

While the loss of data pales in comparison to the loss of life, it can make a return to normalcy that much easier to have important information, photographs, and documents protected when you have to act fast and plan an escape. In this extensive article, we’ve included links to emergency planning websites, information about various disasters, checklists for emergency supply kits, loads of great ways to backup your data, both off and online, and a final contingency plan—removing your hard disk, and evacuating to safety! Readers are encouraged to share their experiences in dealing with natural disasters, as well as the backup solutions that have worked out best.

尽管与生命损失相比,数据丢失的情况显得微不足道,但当您必须Swift采取行动并计划逃生时,可以很轻松地保护重要的信息,照片和文件,从而恢复正常状态。 在这篇广泛的文章中,我们提供了指向应急计划网站的链接,有关各种灾难的信息,应急物资清单清单,离线和在线备份数据的绝妙方式的负载以及最终的应急计划(卸下硬盘) ,并撤离至安全! 鼓励读者分享他们在应对自然灾害方面的经验以及最有效的备份解决方案。

首先要做的是:做好准备,确保安全 (First Things First: Be Prepared, and Be Safe)


Although this article is primarily about protecting your data, the first place you should always start is by protecting yourself. Regardless of where you live and what sort of disaster you might be facing, preparation is always key and, in the right situation, could possibly save your life. There are numerous resources online for advice and planning for emergencies and disasters, including Ready.gov, which is a US government public service website for spreading this very type of information. On it, you can find instructions on how to make emergency kits, create emergency plans with your family, and general information about what to expect in case of earthquake, flood, hurricanes, and many many other potential disasters. Here’s a short list of links to some of the information available.

尽管本文主要是关于保护数据的,但您始终应该首先保护自己。 无论您生活在何处以及可能面对何种灾难,准备工作始终是关键,在适当的情况下,可以挽救您的生命。 在线上有大量资源可用于为紧急情况和灾难提供建议和计划,包括Ready.gov,这是美国政府的公共服务网站,用于传播此类信息。 在该页面上,您可以找到有关如何制作应急包,与家人一起制定应急计划的说明,以及有关在地震洪水飓风和许多其他潜在灾难的情况下的预期结果的一般信息。 以下是一些可用信息的链接的简短列表。


One of the most important things to prepare is an emergency supply kit. These usually include non-perishable food, batteries, prescription medicine, water, clothes, flashlights, radios, and various other items that would prove useful in case you are forced to evacuate, or have to leave your home for an extended period of time. Ready.gov has a very helpful checklist in PDF form, for printing or downloading.

准备的最重要的事情之一是应急物资套件。 这些物品通常包括不易腐烂的食物,电池,处方药,水,衣服,手电筒,收音机以及其他各种物品,以防万一您被迫撤离或不得不长时间离开家。 Ready.gov有一个非常有用的PDF格式清单 ,可用于打印或下载。

哪些数据最重要? (What Data Is Most Important?)


In an emergency situation, you might not have all the time in the world to leisurely make a complete backup of your drives. Prioritize what’s important to you, e.g. family photos, an expensive music collection, tax and legal documents, school assignments, creative work, or maybe even video game save files. Our own tech superhero The How-To Geek, has already written a pretty handy description of what’s most important back up.

在紧急情况下,您可能没有时间在世界各地悠闲地对驱动器进行完整备份 。 优先考虑对您来说重要的事情,例如家庭照片,昂贵的音乐收藏,税收和法律文件,学校作业,创意作品,甚至是视频游戏保存文件。 我们自己的技术超级英雄“ How-To Geek”已经对最重要的备份进行了非常方便的描述。

将重要数据保存在云中 (Keep Important Data In the Cloud)


One very useful strategy is to upload your data to cloud-based services, provided that the services you’re uploading to don’t have servers based in the effected area. The advantage of keeping lots of your data in cloud-based services is that if you lose your PC or it gets broken, you can jump to any other machine and retrieve the bulk of your most important information.

一种非常有用的策略是将数据上传到基于云的服务,前提是要上传的服务在受影响的区域没有服务器。 将大量数据保留在基于云的服务中的优势在于,如果您丢失了PC或计算机损坏了,则可以跳至任何其他计算机,并检索大部分最重要的信息。

Photo sharing websites like Flickr can be a good place to back up photos, and in case of disaster or hard drive failure, can be a good place to reclaim lost images. Dropbox is a good service for remotely backing up those important files, although you may want to encrypt important documents with sensitive data, like tax forms with social security numbers, etc.

Flickr之类的照片共享网站可以是备份照片的好地方,万一发生灾难或硬盘驱动器故障,可以是恢复丢失的图像的好地方。 Dropbox是远程备份那些重要文件的良好服务,尽管您可能希望使用敏感数据(例如带有社会保险号的税单)加密重要文件。

Email and communication is also terribly important, because it allows you to store not only lots of text based information, but also images, contacts, and important correspondence. Gmail, in addition to this, also has the ability to make phone calls and send text messages, so it can be terribly important to keep an email account that you can access from any computer.

电子邮件和通讯也非常重要,因为它不仅可以存储大量基于文本的信息,还可以存储图像,联系人和重要的信件。 除此以外,Gmail还具有拨打电话和发送短信的功能,因此保留可从任何计算机访问的电子邮件帐户非常重要。

Author’s Note: We realize that there are TONS of cloud based services you can store data in, and it would be futile for us to list them all. But for the sake of helping out your fellow HTG readers, feel free to share your favorites with us in the comments below.

作者的注释:我们意识到,您可以在其中存储大量的基于云的服务数据,而将它们全部列出将是徒劳的。 但是为了帮助您的HTG读者,请随时在下面的评论中与我们分享您的收藏夹。

使用付费服务在线备份您的数据(以及一项免费服务) (Back Up Your Data Online With Pay Services (And One Free One))


There are also myriad ways to pay for automatic online backup. While we don’t particularly endorse any one brand over another, some of the major contenders are Mozy and Carbonite.

也有多种方式来支付自动在线备份费用。 尽管我们并没有特别认可任何一个品牌,但其中一些主要竞争者是Mozy和Carbonite

In addition to this, you can also check out an older How To Geek article, about how to remotely back up your data for free with CrashPlan.

除此之外,您还可以查看较早的How To Geek文章,该文章介绍了如何使用CrashPlan免费远程备份数据

使用外部硬盘驱动器,关键驱动器或硬盘驱动器机箱 (Use External Hard Drives, Key Drives, or Hard Drive Enclosures)


Some sensitive data you might not be comfortable uploading to Dropbox or putting on Flickr. For that, external hard drives and key drives can be excellent solutions. External drives have great portability, and for those of you that need greater portability still, flash drives like the Lacie Iamakey are easy to carry and dependable (Author’s note: This is based on my own personal experience). You might feel better keeping your most sensitive data encrypted on your keychain, rather than emailing it to yourself in Gmail.

您可能不愿意将某些敏感数据上传到Dropbox或放在Flickr上。 为此, 外部硬盘驱动器和关键驱动器可能是出色的解决方案。 外部驱动器具有出色的可移植性,对于仍然需要更大可移植性的那些人,诸如Lacie Iamakey之类的闪存驱动器易于携带且可靠( 作者注:这是基于我个人的经验) 。 您可能会觉得最好将最敏感的数据加密在钥匙串上,而不是通过Gmail通过电子邮件发送给自己。

Hard drive enclosures are simple USB devices that internal drives can hook into. Basically, they can turn an internal hard drive into an external one, and can be swapped out easily. Keep reading, and we’ll show you how to remove your internal hard drives in a worst case scenario.

硬盘驱动器机箱是内部驱动器可以插入的简单USB设备。 基本上,它们可以将内部硬盘驱动器转换为外部硬盘驱动器,并且可以轻松换出。 继续阅读,我们将向您展示在最坏的情况下如何卸下内部硬盘驱动器。

用干袋保护敏感的电子产品 (Protect Sensitive Electronics With Dry Bags)


Dry bags are designed for kayakers and rafters to keep their keys, food, and other items dry when they’re going down a river or body of water and fall in. If you think you might have to deal with a lot of flooded areas, you might want to look into a few dry bags for your electronics. Be careful, though—while dry bags will float and keep your electronics dry during a quick dip underwater, they may not be rated to be submerged for long periods of time.

干袋是专为皮划艇者和r子设计的,当它们沿着河流或水域坠入水中时,它们的钥匙,食物和其他物品保持干燥。如果您认为您可能需要处理很多水灾地区,您可能需要为电子产品准备一些干袋。 不过请当心-尽管干袋会在水下快速浸入水中漂浮并保持您的电子设备干燥,但它们可能不会长时间被淹没。

Dry Bags (Google Shopping)


最坏的情况:取出驱动器并运行! (Worst Case Scenario: Take Out That Drive and RUN!)

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Last but not least, in the situation when you don’t have your data backed up, you don’t have it on a laptop or smaller computer, and you can’t lug that huge tower around with you, it may come down to removing your hard drive. Here’s a quick photo how-to for those of you that have never done it before.

最后但并非最不重要,当你没有你的数据备份的情况下,你把它有一台笔记本电脑或较小的计算机,你不能耳周围与你巨大的塔,可能回落到卸下硬盘驱动器 。 这是针对从未使用过的人的快速照片操作方法。

Disclaimer: Opening your computer is scary, and yes, it can cause a lot of problems if you aren’t careful. So be careful, and be warned, you it is possible to do more harm than good. In general, though, removing hard drives is simple business.

免责声明:打开计算机很可怕,是的,如果不小心,可能会导致很多问题。 因此,请当心并警告您,可能弊大于利。 但是,一般而言,卸下硬盘驱动器很简单。

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You will need only one tool to open your computer tower—an ordinary Phillips head screwdriver. Normally magnetized screwdrivers don’t cause any harm, but they still are not recommended for this task.

您只需要一个工具即可打开计算机塔架,即一把普通的十字螺丝刀。 通常,磁化螺丝起子不会造成任何伤害,但是仍然不建议将其用于此任务。

Author’s Note: A small percentage of you may need a torx or hex head driver. These tools are less common, as are the bolts. At least, this is true in the places we’re going to be working, which are designed to be opened the normal way.

作者注:一小部分人可能需要梅花或六角螺丝刀。 这些工具和螺栓一样少见。 至少,在我们将要工作的地方,这是正确的,这些地方旨在以正常方式打开。

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Notice that the computer is unplugged, and make sure yours is as well before removing the screws on the back of the case.


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There are usually four on an ordinary computer case, and they hold the two sides in place. If yours has more, you’ll simply have to unscrew more bolts.

If your case is weird and exotic, look in the manual for the case, or use Google to find out directions on how to get it open.

In general, there are only a few fasteners, and they go through the side casings as shown here, highlighted in red.

普通的计算机机箱上通常有四个,它们将两侧固定在适当的位置。 如果您有更多螺栓,则只需拧松更多螺栓。



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Remove the left side of the case by pushing it towards the back. You may have to lift up and out, or simply push back towards the back, or even remove the top first, although this is less common.

向后推箱子的左侧以将其卸下。 您可能必须抬起并向外举,或者简单地向后推,甚至首先移开顶部,尽管这种情况并不常见。

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While you’re at it, you may need to remove the right side of the case, as many hard drives are screwed in on both sides of the drive cage. Like the left side, the right side removes by being pushed toward the back.

使用时,由于许多硬盘驱动器都固定在驱动器仓的两侧,因此可能需要卸下机箱的右侧。 像左侧一样,右侧被向后推而去除。

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Isn’t it beautiful? We need to remove those cables, then get the drive out.

不漂亮吗 我们需要卸下那些电缆,然后将驱动器取出。

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This closeup shows an older standard for hard drive power and data. Yours may look different, and in fact, will likely be SATA power and data. These are actually easier to remove than these old IDE/PATA standards. Regardless, you’ll be looking for this spot in your case, where your hard drive is installed. Note the screws on the right.

此特写显示了硬盘驱动器电源和数据的较旧标准。 您的外观可能有所不同,实际上,可能是SATA电源和数据。 这些实际上比这些旧的IDE / PATA标准更容易删除。 无论如何,您都会在安装硬盘驱动器的情况下寻找该位置。 注意右侧的螺钉。

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Remove the IDE/PATA data and power cables by gently rocking them back and forth. If they’re the smaller SATA cables, they won’t take as much coaxing to remove. IDE cables can be stubborn.

前后轻轻晃动它们,以卸下IDE / PATA数据和电源线。 如果它们是较小的SATA电缆,则无需花费太多的同轴电缆即可卸下。 IDE电缆可能很坚固。

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This is roughly what your drive cage should look like, facing out to you on the left side of the PC. We’re going to simply unscrew these.

这大致就是您的驱动器笼的外观,在PC左侧朝您。 我们将只松开这些。

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There’s not a lot to it, really. With your drive unplugged, take out all the screws holding the drive in place.

确实没有很多。 在拔下驱动器的情况下,拧下将驱动器固定到位的所有螺钉。

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Check out the right side of the case before attempting to remove the hard drive. It may have additional screws holding the drive in place. They’ll be in a place like the one pointed to here.

在尝试卸下硬盘驱动器之前,请先检查一下机箱的右侧。 它可能还有其他螺钉将驱动器固定到位。 他们将在这里所指的地方。

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Handle the drive by the sides, and keep your fingers off of the circuit board. Take it straight out, and be careful not to bump it against any of the other components, if you can help it—it can be bad both for the drive and the other components.

握住驱动器的侧面,使手指远离电路板。 直接取出它,如果可以帮助,请注意不要使其碰到其他任何组件,这对驱动器和其他组件都可能有害。

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Your drive is now removed, and should be ready to be a part of your mad dash away from danger.



In addition to removing your drive, it can be helpful to keep anti-static bags on hand to protect your drive from the elements. These are good for storing drives outside of actual computers, and protect them from static shock. In addition to this protection, the additional layer of a dry bag may save your data when briefly submerged in floodwaters.

除了卸下驱动器之外,将防静电袋放在手边以保护驱动器不受组件影响也很有帮助。 它们非常适合将驱动器存储在实际计算机之外,并保护它们免受静电冲击。 除了这种保护之外,干袋的另一层可能会在短暂淹没在洪水中时保存您的数据。

With hurricanes approaching, tsunamis, and earthquakes in our recent past, it can only help your chances to be prepared for disaster. Stay safe out there, HTG Readers, and keep your data protected!

随着最近飓风的临近,海啸和地震,它只能帮助您为灾难做准备。 HTG阅读器,请确保在那里安全,并保护您的数据!

Image Credits: Katrina’s Fury by Sue Cline, available under Creative Commons. Hard Drive by walknboston, available under Creative Commons. Family History by alittlebirdy, available under Creative Commons.

图片来源: Sue Cline 创作的《 卡特里娜之怒》 ,可在“ 创用CC”下找到 walknboston的 硬盘驱动器 ,可在 Creative Commons下获得 alittlebirdy撰写的家族史 ,可参见 创用CC

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/71635/how-to-protect-your-data-from-a-hurricane-flood-or-natural-disaster/

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