ipad flash_为什么您不能在iPad上安装Flash(以及该怎么做)

ipad flash

ipad flash

The Adobe Flash icon and a question mark.

If you’ve visited an Adobe Flash-based website on your iPad or iPhone, you probably saw a message saying you need to install Flash to view that site. Unfortunately, you can’t install Flash on an iPad or iPhone, but there are several work-arounds.

如果您在iPad或iPhone上访问过基于Adobe Flash的网站,则可能会看到一条消息,提示您需要安装Flash才能查看该网站。 不幸的是,您不能在iPad或iPhone上安装Flash,但是有几种解决方法。

iPhone和iPad从未正式支持Adobe Flash (The iPhone and iPad Never Officially Supported Adobe Flash)

Apple has never supported Flash on the iPhone or iPad. In fact, in 2010, Apple CEO, Steve Jobs, penned a famous letter outlining why. He cited potential reliability and compatibility issues with a touch-based interface, as well as security concerns.

Apple从未在iPhone或iPad上支持Flash。 实际上,在2010年,苹果首席执行官史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs) 写下了一封著名的信,概述了原因。 他列举了基于触摸的界面的潜在可靠性和兼容性问题,以及安全方面的担忧。

So, Flash has never been part of the iPad or iPhone, and it’s impossible to force Flash apps to run directly on these devices.


Adobe Flash是一个过时的平台 (Adobe Flash Is an Obsolete Platform)

Due to advances in standards-based web technologies, such as HTML5 and JavaScript, Flash is no longer a requirement for the rich, interactive websites we expect today. As a result, fewer and fewer sites rely on it. Sensing the changing tide, Adobe announced in 2017 that support for Flash will cease at the end of 2020.

由于基于标准的Web技术(例如HTML5和JavaScript)的进步,Flash不再是我们今天所期望的丰富,交互式网站的要求。 结果,越来越少的站点依赖它。 意识到这一变化的趋势,Adobe在2017年宣布, 对Flash的支持将于2020年底停止

Even so, there are still some sites and web-based apps that require Flash to function, and there likely will be for some time. Translating Flash-based software or educational apps to a new platform is a costly and time-consuming process for smaller developers, so this won’t happen overnight.

即便如此,仍有一些网站和基于Web的应用程序需要Flash才能运行,并且可能还会持续一段时间。 对于小型开发人员而言,将基于Flash的软件或教育性应用程序转换到新平台是一个昂贵且耗时的过程,因此这不会一overnight而就。

In the meantime, though, there’s a work-around.


海雀浏览器 (Puffin Browser)

An Adobe Flash app running via Puffin on an iPad
Teaching Textbooks 教学教科书

Luckily, someone thought of a loophole! While you can’t run Flash directly on an iPhone or iPad, you can simulate it. That’s the concept behind Puffin, a browser app (currently $4.99) for the iPhone and iPad. It allows you to use Flash-based web apps by rendering Flash on a remote server, and then streaming the results to your device as a sort of interactive video. It also picks up your local inputs and sends them to the server, so it seems like you’re using Flash locally.

幸运的是,有人想到了漏洞! 虽然不能直接在iPhone或iPad上运行Flash,但是可以对其进行仿真。 这就是Puffin的概念, Puffin是一款适用于iPhone和iPad的浏览器应用程序(目前为4.99美元)。 通过在远程服务器上渲染Flash,然后将结果作为一种交互式视频流式传输到您的设备 ,它使您可以使用基于Flash的Web应用程序。 它还会拾取本地输入并将其发送到服务器,因此好像您在本地使用Flash。

If you’d like to try Puffin, you can download it from the App Store and visit your favorite Flash-based sites. Hopefully, they’ll work just as you expect them to.

如果您想尝试Puffin,可以从App Store下载它,并访问您最喜欢的Flash网站。 希望它们会像您期望的那样工作。

If not, you can try a different mobile browser, like Photon, which handles Flash in a similar way.

如果没有,您可以尝试使用其他移动浏览器,例如Photon ,它以类似的方式处理Flash。

如果其他所有方法均失败,请尝试使用桌面浏览器 (If All Else Fails, Try a Desktop Browser)

Unsatisfied with a simulated Flash experience on your iPhone or iPad? Well, the only other option is to load the Flash-based site on a desk- or laptop running a browser that supports Flash on Windows, macOS, or Chrome.

对iPhone或iPad上的模拟Flash体验不满意? 好吧,唯一的其他选择是在运行Windows,macOS或Chrome上支持Flash的浏览器的台式机或笔记本电脑上加载基于Flash的网站。

Be aware, though, that many browsers now block Flash by default for security reasons. If there’s a Flash-based app you love, you might want to politely ask the developer if it can be translated to a more modern, web-based platform.

但是请注意,出于安全原因,现在默认情况下许多浏览器会阻止Flash。 如果有您喜欢的基于Flash的应用程序,则可能要礼貌地询问开发人员,是否可以将其转换为更现代的基于Web的平台。

Again, the clock is ticking, anyway, as Flash support will officially end at the end of this year.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/684602/why-you-cant-install-flash-on-an-ipad-and-what-to-do-instead/

ipad flash





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