如何在Apple Watch上快速关闭烦人的通知

App notifications management screen on Apple Watch
Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

By default, Apple Watch buzzes every time your iPhone does. But what if you want to turn off particularly annoying app notifications on your Apple Watch? You can do this right from your wrist.

默认情况下,每次您的iPhone响起Apple Watch都会发出嗡嗡声。 但是,如果您想关闭Apple Watch上特别烦人的应用程序通知,该怎么办? 您可以直接从手腕上进行操作。

如何在Apple Watch上关闭应用程序通知 (How to Turn Off App Notifications on Apple Watch)

Starting with watchOS 5, Apple Watch gained the ability to quiet and disable notifications right from the Notification Center. The Deliver Quietly feature works the same as on your iPhone. When enabled, your Apple Watch won’t buzz or vibrate, but you’ll find the notifications when you visit the Notification Center.

从watchOS 5开始,Apple Watch具备了从通知中心直接关闭和禁用通知的功能。 安静地传送功能与iPhone上的功能相同。 启用后,Apple Watch不会蜂鸣或振动,但是在访问通知中心时会找到通知。

If you’re the kind of person who wants only a subset of notifications (perhaps only the really important ones) on your Apple Watch, you can also disable the notifications for an app.

如果您是那种只希望在Apple Watch上接收通知子集(也许仅是真正重要的通知)的人,则也可以禁用应用程序的通知。

To start this process, swipe down from the watch face on your Apple Watch to reveal the Notification Center.

要开始此过程,请从Apple Watch的表盘向下滑动以显示通知中心。

Swipe down from watch face

Then, find the notification from the app you want to disable and then swipe left on it.


Swipe left on a notification

Here, tap the three-dots.


Tap on the three dots

You’ll now see two options. Tap the “Deliver Quietly” option to mute the notifications. If you want to disable the notifications altogether, tap the “Turn Off on Apple Watch” option.

现在,您将看到两个选项。 点击“安静发送”选项以使通知静音。 如果要完全禁用通知,请点击“在Apple Watch上关闭”选项。

Tap to turn off notifications on Apple Watch

The Deliver Quietly feature is great for when you want a temporary downtime. This setting is synced with your iPhone and you can customize this feature from the Notification Center on your iPhone as well.

安静地交付功能非常适合需要临时停机的情况 。 此设置已与您的iPhone同步,您也可以从iPhone的“通知中心”自定义此功能

After a quiet period, you might want to go back to the default behavior. For that, you can swipe left on the notification again and tap the Menu button to reveal the options. Here, you’ll now see a “Deliver Prominently” option. Tap it.

安静一段时间后,您可能需要恢复默认行为。 为此,您可以再次向左滑动通知,然后点击“菜单”按钮以显示选项。 在这里,您现在将看到“突出交付”选项。 点一下

Tap the Deliver Prominently option

如何管理Apple Watch App通知 (How to Manage Apple Watch App Notifications)

Sometime down the line, you might want to re-enable notifications for an app on your Apple Watch. You can do this from the Watch app on your iPhone.

有时候,您可能想在Apple Watch上重新启用应用程序的通知。 您可以通过iPhone上的“观看”应用执行此操作。

Open the “Watch” app, and from the “My Watch” tab, tap the “Notifications” option.


Tap the Notifications option from the Watch app

Here, tap the app for which you want to configure notifications.


Choose an app from the Watch app

Switch the setting to “Allow Notifications” to return to the default option.


Tap Allow Notifications

In the Notifications section, scroll down until you find the “Mirror iPhone Alerts From” section. Here, you’ll see a list of iPhone apps that don’t have an Apple Watch counterpart you can mirror notifications from. To re-enable notifications for an app, tap the toggle next to it.

在“通知”部分中,向下滚动,直到找到“镜像iPhone警报来源”部分。 在这里,您会看到没有可以从其镜像通知的Apple Watch对应版本的iPhone应用程序的列表。 要重新启用应用程序的通知,请点击其旁边的切换按钮。

Tap the toggle next to the app

If you want to disable the Deliver Quietly option for a notification from the iPhone, you’ll have to use the handset’s “Settings” app.


To do that, open the “Settings” app and then tap the “Notifications” option.


Select Notifications option from Settings

Scroll down and tap the app (it will have a “Delivery Quietly” tag under the title).

向下滚动并点按该应用程序(该应用程序的标题下将带有“ Delivery Quietly”标签)。

Choose an app from Notifications

Here, enable the alerts for Lock Screen and Banners. Below that section, tap the toggles next to the “Sound” and “Badges” option to return to the default behavior.

在这里,启用锁定屏幕和横幅的警报。 在该部分下方,点击“声音”和“徽章”选项旁边的切换按钮以返回默认行为。

Customize the notification for the app

You can do a lot more with your Apple Watch. Take a look at our Apple Watch tips guide to learn more.

您可以使用Apple Watch进行更多操作。 查看我们的Apple Watch提示指南以了解更多信息。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/661949/how-to-quickly-turn-off-annoying-notifications-apple-watch/

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