reddit_什么是Reddit Karma,如何获得?



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Karma is Reddit’s voting system. The posts with the most karma are the ones you see on the front page. Reddit tracks how much karma each of its users has earned, too. We’ll explain how Reddit karma works and how you get it.

业力是Reddit的投票系统。 业力最大的职位是您在首页上看到的职位。 Reddit也跟踪每个用户赚取了多少业障。 我们将解释Reddit业力如何工作以及如何获得它。

什么是Reddit Karma? (What Is Reddit Karma?)

Next to every Reddit post or comment are upvote and downvote buttons. By clicking one of these, you are giving either positive or negative karma to the post. Positive karma increases the number of points a post has, while negative karma decreases that number.

每个Reddit帖子或评论旁边都有upvote和downvote按钮。 通过单击其中之一,您可以为帖子提供正面或负面的业力。 正因果报应增加帖子所获得的积分,而负因果报应减少该积分。

Upvote and Downvote Buttons

Reddit uses karma as a way of showing the best possible content to users. Upvoted comments and posts with a ton of points end up at the top of the page, which leads to even more people seeing and upvoting them. Downvoted comments end up at the bottom of the thread. If a post is downvoted enough, it eventually becomes hidden, and you have to click to expand it.

Reddit使用业力作为向用户显示最佳内容的一种方式。 带有大量要点的经评论的评论和帖子最终显示在页面顶部,这导致更多的人看到和评论它们。 投票不足的注释将最终出现在该线程的底部。 如果一篇文章被否决,那么它最终将被隐藏,您必须单击以展开它。

Sometimes, posts and comments will have a small cross symbol (†) next to their karma count. This indicates the post is controversial, which means it has a similar amount of upvotes and downvotes.

有时,帖子和评论的业力计数旁边会带有一个小十字符号(†)。 这表明该帖子是有争议的,这意味着该帖子的赞成票和反对票数相似。

You can view each Redditor’s total karma on their profile. This karma is divided between post karma, which is the total points of all the threads they posted, and comment karma, which is the total points of the comments they submitted to existing threads.

您可以在其个人资料上查看每个Redditor的总业力。 此业力分为发布业力(即其发布的所有线程的总分)和评论业力(即其提交至现有线程的评论的总分)。

业力做什么? (What Does Karma Do?)

Karma doesn’t have any intrinsic value. Because of this, Redditors often joke that all they’re getting are “imaginary internet points.” However, a user who has a lot of karma and an extensive post history is a sign that they’re very active on the site.

业力没有任何内在价值。 因此,Redditor经常开玩笑说他们所获得的只是“虚构的互联网积分”。 但是,具有很多业力和丰富的过往历史的用户表明他们在网站上非常活跃。

While you can’t exchange your karma for anything, a few subreddits require you to have a minimum amount of karma to comment and post. This is especially true for marketplace subreddits that involve meeting and transacting with people outside of the site. Having a lot of karma across multiple posts makes you appear more trustworthy.

虽然您无法将业力交换为任何东西,但需要有一些必要之处,才能发表评论和发表内容。 对于涉及与站点外人员进行会见和交易的市场次级交易尤其如此。 在多个帖子中拥有很多业力,使您显得更值得信赖。

我什么时候应该上贴或下贴帖子? (When Should I Upvote or Downvote a Post?)

The basic rule of Reddit is that you should upvote the things you like, whether that’s a particularly funny joke, a highlight from your favorite football player, or a great question prompt that leads to a lot of interesting stories. Upvoting a post helps other people see it as well. Being an active voter can help improve the Reddit experience for everybody.

Reddit的基本原则是,您应该对自己喜欢的事物进行投票,无论这是一个特别有趣的笑话,您最喜欢的足球运动员的精彩集锦,还是一个引人入胜的有趣故事提示。 发表帖子可以帮助其他人也看到它。 成为一名积极的选民可以帮助改善所有人的Reddit体验

Reddit Karma AMA
pterv2112 & KayGlo / Reddit pterv2112和KayGlo / Reddit

Most people agree that votes shouldn’t be as simple as upvoting posts you agree with and downvoting posts you disagree with. If there’s a thought-provoking, balanced discussion going on, make sure to upvote the comments that have good points in them.

大多数人都同意,投票不应该像投票赞成您同意的文章和反对您不同意的文章那样简单。 如果正在进行令人发人深省的,平衡的讨论,请确保赞成其中有观点的评论。

Some subreddits have guidelines as to what constitutes a “good post” and a “bad post.” For many communities, however, reposting old content, rehashing the same jokes, and low-effort content such as one-sentence text posts are heavily frowned upon. Downvoting bad posts brings good content to the forefront.

一些子目录对什么构成“好职位”和“坏职位”有指导原则。 但是,对于许多社区来说,重新发布旧内容,重新散布相同的笑话以及诸如单句文本发布之类的不费力的内容就变得格外烦恼。 对不良帖子进行投票可以使良好的内容脱颖而出。

我如何获得业力? (How Do I Get Karma?)

While you may be tempted to just post a lot of things in the hope that one of them gets widely upvoted, you should slow down. The practice of spamming reposts and random content to get karma is called “karma farming” and is generally frowned upon on Reddit. In some subreddits, you might be banned for posting too often within the same time period.

尽管您可能会想发布很多东西,希望其中之一得到广泛支持,但您应该放慢速度。 散布垃圾邮件和随机内容以获取业力的做法被称为“业力养殖”,并且在Reddit上普遍不赞成。 在某些子目录中,可能会禁止您在同一时间段内发布过多消息。

The best way to get karma is by posting organically. Find subreddits you enjoy reading and become an active member. Contribute to the discussion by sharing relevant posts, joining in on discussions, or making funny jokes. The users of Reddit love great wit, so a successful attempt at being clever will normally yield upvotes.

获得业力的最好方法是有机地张贴。 查找您喜欢阅读并成为活跃会员的子目录 。 通过分享相关帖子,参与讨论或开个有趣的笑话来为讨论做出贡献。 Reddit的用户非常喜欢机智,因此成功地尝试聪明的做法通常会产生投票。

Kawhi Leonard Basketball Karma
DRAZZILB1424 / Reddit DRAZZILB1424 / Reddit

Since posts are normally time-sensitive, there’s also a big benefit to being early. You can explore the “rising” or “new” tabs in subreddits so you can be one of the first users to comment. If you run into a breaking piece of news, being the first to post it on the relevant subreddit can get you a ton of karma. In subreddits for sports leagues, multiple accounts try to be the first to post important trades and signings as they lead to tens of thousands of karma points.

由于发布通常是时间敏感的,因此早发也有很大的好处。 您可以浏览子reddit中的“上升”或“新”选项卡,从而可以成为第一个发表评论的用户之一。 如果您遇到重大新闻,那么第一个在相关subreddit上发布该新闻的人可能会带来大量的业障。 在体育联赛的子积分中,多个帐户尝试成为第一个发布重要交易和签约的帐户,因为它们会导致成千上万的业障积分。

Another great way to get karma is by posting original content (OC): original, high-quality posts that start an interesting discussion or show off your creativity. For example, if you’re in a community focused on PC hardware, posting a comprehensive PC-building guide will likely lead to a lot of positive feedback and potentially a few awards.

获得业力的另一种好方法是发布原始内容(OC):高质量的原始文章开始有趣的讨论或炫耀您的创造力。 例如,如果您所在的社区专注于PC硬件,则发布全面的PC构建指南可能会带来很多正面反馈,并可能会获得一些奖励。

As a bonus, karma normally comes hand in hand with Reddit awards, which are paid symbols that have tangible benefits. Highly upvoted posts normally get multiple awards. So, while that karma itself won’t buy you anything, awards often arrive as you earn large amounts of karma.

作为奖励,业力通常与Reddit奖励并驾齐驱, Reddit奖励是有形收益的有偿标志。 高度评价的帖子通常会获得多个奖项。 因此,尽管业力本身不会给您买任何东西,但是当您赚取大量业力时,奖励通常会到来。



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