reddit_什么是Reddit Gold,为什么要?



Reddit Award Types

You might have noticed some Reddit posts and replies have small golden icons next to them. These are “gilded,” which means someone spent real money to reward the poster with Reddit Gold. Here’s everything you need to know.

您可能已经注意到Reddit上的一些帖子,并且回复旁边有金色的小图标。 这些是“镀金的”,这意味着有人用真钱用Reddit Gold奖励了海报。 这是您需要了解的所有内容。

什么是Reddit Gold? (What is Reddit Gold?)

Anyone on Reddit can reward posts or comments from other users with a visible gold, silver, or platinum commendation. These awards cost coins, which are paid virtual goods you can buy directly on the site.

Reddit上的任何人都可以用可见的金,银或铂金表彰来奖励其他用户的帖子或评论。 这些奖励花费硬币,这是您可以在网站上直接购买的有偿虚拟商品。

Usually, these awards are given to acknowledge a special post, whether it’s an incredibly good pun, an in-depth book review, or an act of kindness. Other times, Reddit gold is given just because someone in a subreddit happens to have a lot of money to spend. The practice of awarding a post is referred to as “gilding.”

通常,授予这些奖项是为了表彰一个特殊的职位,无论该职位是双关语,还是深入的书评 ,还是一种善举。 其他时候,Reddit黄金之所以被给予,只是因为subreddit中的某人碰巧有很多钱可以花。 授予职位的做法称为“烫金”。

Gilded posts and comments are typically more visible and receive more upvotes. It’s also common for great posts to be awarded multiple times by different users.

镀金的帖子和评论通常更可见,并获得更多的赞誉。 不同的用户多次授予出色的帖子也很常见。

Reddit奖励可以做什么? (What Can You Do with a Reddit Award?)

In addition to feeling good about your post and having a spiffy badge next to your name, Reddit awards also come with a few perks.


If you receive a silver award, all you get is the icon. If you receive a gold award, you get a week of Reddit premium, plus 100 coins you can use to give someone silver. If you receive a platinum award, you get a month of Reddit premium and 700 coins to award people with silver or gold.

如果您获得银奖,则只获得图标。 如果您获得金奖,您将获得一周的Reddit保费,外加100枚硬币可以用来给某人银。 如果您获得白金奖,您将获得一个月的Reddit赠金和700枚硬币,用以向人们授予金或银奖。

Reddit premium is the platform’s ad-free subscription service. If you’re gilded, you get to browse the site without ads for the whole week, and this status unlocks a few additional features, which improve your Reddit experience.

Reddit premium是该平台的无广告订阅服务。 如果您镀金了,您将可以整周浏览该网站而没有任何广告,并且此状态可以解锁一些其他功能,从而改善您的Reddit体验

Also, Reddit awards stack on top of each other. So, if you happen to get two gold awards on the same day, then you get a premium subscription for two weeks.

此外,Reddit奖励也相互叠加。 因此,如果您恰巧在同一天获得两个金奖,那么您将获得为期两周的高级订阅。

Gilding is meant to encourage people to share better content with the community. While karma fulfills a similar purpose, awards come with tangible benefits and cost money to give.

镀金旨在鼓励人们与社区共享更好的内容。 虽然业力可以达到类似的目的,但奖励却具有切实的利益和付出的金钱。

Also, when you purchase Reddit coins, it helps keep the site running. On the old version of Reddit’s website, there was an information box on your profile that showed how much server time gifts on your behalf had funded.

此外,当您购买Reddit硬币时,它有助于保持网站的正常运行。 在旧版本的Reddit网站上,您的个人资料上有一个信息框,其中显示了代表您资助的服务器时间礼物的金额。

Minutes of funded server time for a user on the old Reddit site.

我如何被镀金,以及如何应对? (How Do I Get Gilded, and How Do I Respond?)

The simplest way to get gilded is to be active on subreddits that interest you. Most of the content that receives awards are already highly upvoted and have a lot of responses. Things like a useful guide for beginners on a particular topic or an original, unique meme frequently get gilded. Also, in subreddits with a constant flow of news, the first person to post a breaking story is often awarded.

镀金的最简单方法是活跃于您感兴趣的子目录 。 大部分获得奖项的内容都已经被高度评价并获得了很多回应。 诸如针对特定主题的初学者的有用指南或原始,独特的模因之类的东西经常会被烫伤。 同样,在新闻不断传播的次要新闻中,通常会授予第一个发布突发事件的人。

When many people receive their first Reddit award, they edit their post to add an “awards speech” and thank the “kind stranger” who gave them the award. There’s an entire subreddit dedicated to the corniest, most over-the-top speeches.

当许多人获得第一个Reddit奖励时,他们会编辑帖子以添加“奖励演讲”,并感谢授予该奖项的“善良的陌生人”。 有一个完整的次要主题专门介绍最老套的,最热门的演讲。

Redditors can opt to give an award anonymously. If you receive an award from an anonymous person, you can thank your benefactor via private message. If he or she responds to your note, you can find out the person’s username.

改编者可以选择匿名授予奖项。 如果您收到来自匿名人士的奖励,则可以通过私人消息感谢您的恩人。 如果他或她回答了您的备注,则可以找到此人的用户名。

我如何给Reddit金币? (How Do I Give Reddit Gold?)

To give an award on the site, you need to acquire Reddit coins. There are three ways you can get them: buy them, be awarded gold or platinum, or subscribe to Reddit premium. When you do the latter, you get a monthly allotment of 700 coins.

要在网站上授予奖励,您需要获取Reddit硬币 。 您可以通过三种方式获得它们:购买它们,获得金或白金或订阅Reddit premium。 当您使用后者时,您每月可获得700个硬币的分配。

To award silver, gold, or platinum, it costs 100, 500, and 1800 coins, respectively. To use your coins, just navigate to a post you enjoyed and click “give award” at the bottom.

要授予银,金或铂金,分别需要100、500和1800个硬币。 要使用硬币,只需导航至您喜欢的帖子,然后单击底部的“给予奖励”即可。

Click "Give Award."

A prompt asks you which award you want to give and whether you want to do it anonymously. You can also send a private message along with your gift.

提示询问您要授予哪个奖项,以及是否要匿名进行。 您还可以发送私人消息和礼物。

The "Give an Award to This Post" window on Reddit.

社区和国防部奖 (Community and Mod Awards)

The "Create Award" Mod menu on Reddit.

Sometimes, you see awards on posts that don’t look silver, gold, or platinum. These unique icons are community awards. The mods of each subreddit develop these to cater specifically to the theme of the community. They’re awarded the same way as the others. Their prices correspond to the length of the premium subscription they get as a reward.

有时,您在看起来不像银,金或铂的帖子上看到奖励。 这些独特的图标是社区奖项。 每个subreddit的mod都开发了这些mod,以专门满足社区的主题。 他们被授予与其他人相同的方式。 它们的价格对应于他们作为奖励获得的高级订阅的时间。

Each subreddit also has a “community bank.” Every time someone on a subreddit uses a community award, the community bank gets credited 20 percent of the coins spent. The mods can then use these to commend great content on the sub. Mods can also create and give out special moderator-exclusive awards.

每个子目录也都有一个“社区银行”。 每次使用subreddit进行社区奖励时,社区银行都会获得20%所花费硬币的贷记。 然后,mod可以使用这些来赞扬子上的精彩内容。 Mods还可以创建并颁发主持人专有的特殊奖励。



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