VLC media player is terrific for playing all kinds of media files on your system but you may not care for the native look. We have a great collection of skins to help get you started on removing the “blah factor” and make VLC a lot more fun to look at.
VLC媒体播放器非常适合在系统上播放各种媒体文件,但是您可能并不在意本机外观。 我们收集了很多皮肤,可帮助您开始消除“空白因素”,并使VLC看起来更加有趣。
默认皮肤和添加新皮肤 (Default Skins & Adding New Ones)
When you install VLC Media Player it has a basic, native look to it. If you are just interested in functionality then it is not a problem, but if you like something with a bit more attitude then a few minutes work will terminate the problem.
当您安装VLC Media Player时,它具有基本的本机外观。 如果您只是对功能感兴趣,那么这不是问题,但是如果您更喜欢一些东西,那么花几分钟的时间就可以解决问题。

The first step is to navigate to VLC’s Program Files folder and access the skins subfolder. You will see the .vlt file for the default skin included with your VLC installation.
第一步是导航到VLC的Program Files文件夹并访问skins子文件夹 。 您将看到VLC安装中随附的默认外观的.vlt文件。
Note: Unless you changed the folder name for VLC when installed (as shown here), look for a folder named VideoLAN.

Simply drag and drop the skins that you have downloaded into this folder. Now for the next step.
只需将已下载的皮肤拖放到此文件夹中即可。 现在进行下一步。

Go to the Tools Menu and access Preferences.
转到“ 工具”菜单,然后访问“首选项” 。

When the Preferences Window opens go to the Interface Settings section (it should display by default). Select the Use custom skin setting and click Save. You will need to restart VLC for the changes to take effect.
当“ 偏好设置”窗口打开时,请转到“ 界面设置”部分(默认情况下应显示)。 选择使用自定义皮肤设置,然后单击保存 。 您将需要重新启动VLC才能使更改生效。

As you can see the default skin has a nice, clean look to it but now you get to start having fun.

Right click on the top bar, go to Interface, then Select skin, and choose the skin you would like to use. That is all there is to it.
右键单击顶部栏,转到“ 界面” ,然后选择“皮肤” ,然后选择要使用的皮肤。 这就是全部。
Note: You will not need to manually restart VLC for the change to take effect.

推荐的皮肤 (Recommended Skins)
Note: Most of the download links open the VLC Skins Homepage but others are off-site.
注意:大多数下载链接都可以打开VLC Skins主页,但其他链接不在站点内。
Alienware Darkstar
Alienware Darkstar

Note: The skin will need to be extracted from a .rar file.

Note: The skin will need to be extracted from a .zip file.

VLC Darkness

Glow Part 2






VLC网站下载详细信息 (VLC Website Download Details)
The available skins will be laid out in a grid format. To see the details or download a skin click on the appropriate thumbnail. A popup window will open.
可用的外观将以网格格式进行布局。 要查看详细信息或下载皮肤,请单击适当的缩略图。 将打开一个弹出窗口。

The popup window will show an enlarged view of the skin, show the versions that it is compatible with, and let you rate it. The download links for the skins are in the lower left corner.
弹出窗口将显示皮肤的放大视图,显示其兼容的版本,并让您对其评分。 外观的下载链接位于左下角。

If you are the adventurous type and just want to try them all at once there is a download link at the top of the page. Note that the mega pack is updated daily.
如果您是喜欢冒险的人,并且只想一次尝试所有内容,则在页面顶部有一个下载链接。 请注意,大型包装每天更新。
Note: If you do choose this option keep in mind that some of the skins may not be totally compatible (as experienced on our system).

More VLC Goodness
Here are some more great articles about VLC media player for you to look through.
Fix for VLC Skipping and Lagging Playing High-Def Video Files
Help Prevent Stutter in Video Streams in VLC & Windows Media Player
帮助防止VLC和Windows Media Player中的视频流出现卡顿现象
Take Snapshots of Your Favorite Movie Scenes in VLC
Set a Video as Your Desktop Wallpaper with VLC
Enable DreamScene in Any Version of Vista or Windows 7
在任何版本的Vista或Windows 7中启用DreamScene
Stupid Geek Tricks: Watch Movies in Your Linux Terminal Window
Stream Media from Windows 7 to XP with VLC Media Player
使用VLC Media Player将媒体从Windows 7流传输到XP
Rotate a Video 90 degrees with VLC or Windows Live Movie Maker
使用VLC或Windows Live Movie Maker将视频旋转90度
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/26212/10-great-skins-that-make-vlc-media-player-look-awesome/