


As of Chrome OS 69, support for Linux applications is a baked in part of the operating system. Once enabled, this installs the Terminal on your Chrome OS system, but what is it and how does it compare to Crosh?

从Chrome OS 69开始,对Linux应用程序的支持已纳入操作系统的一部分 。 启用后,这会将终端安装在您的Chrome操作系统上,但它是什么?与Crosh相比又有什么不同?

Don’t worry if all that sounds like gibberish to you—if you’ve never spent any time poking around in your Chromebook’s guts, then you’ve likely never used (or even heard of) Crosh. And if you’ve never used Linux before, well, then you’ve never had to bother with the Terminal. The good news is that we’re going to make sense of both things today.

如果您听起来像是胡言乱语,请不要担心-如果您从未花时间研究Chromebook的勇气,那么您可能从未使用过(甚至听说过)Crosh。 而且,如果您以前从未使用过Linux,那么您就不必再为Terminal操心了。 好消息是,我们今天要对这两件事都弄清楚。

首先,什么是Crosh? (First Off, What is Crosh?)

Simply put, Crosh stands for “Chrome Shell,” and it lets you run commands that usually don’t have graphical tools. You can do things like installing Crouton for a full Linux OS on your Chromebook or checking the device’s battery health—more “advanced” stuff, to put it crudely. If you’ve ever used the Command Prompt or PowerShell on Windows, Crosh is Chrome OS’ version of that tool.

简而言之,Crosh代表“ Chrome Shell”,它使您可以运行通常没有图形工具的命令。 您可以执行以下操作,例如在Chromebook上为完整的Linux操作系统安装Crouton检查设备的电池运行状况 - 简而言之,就是 “更高级”的东西。 如果您曾经在Windows上使用过命令提示符或PowerShell,则Crosh是该工具的Chrome OS版本。

You can access Crosh on your Chromebook by hitting Ctrl+Alt+T to open a new Chrome tab with a black screen and an input prompt. Pretty simple.

您可以通过按Ctrl + Alt + T来打开带有黑屏和输入提示的新Chrome标签,从而在Chromebook上访问Crosh。 很简单

The nice thing about Crosh is that if you never have to use it, you’ll never know it was there. You can’t accidentally stumble into Crosh and mess something up, in other words. It stays out of the way—there for the power users, and hidden for everyone else.

Crosh的好处是,如果您永远不必使用它,就永远不会知道它在那里。 换句话说,您不能偶然发现Crosh并弄乱了某些东西。 它不影响用户使用,而对其他用户则隐藏。

好的,那么终端是什么? (Okay, So What is the Terminal?)

In short, the Terminal is the Linux version of Crosh or the Windows Command Prompt/PowerShell. It’s used to execute text commands, install applications and a lot more. On a full Linux system, the Terminal is one of the most used, most powerful tools people have at their disposal.

简而言之,终端是Crosh的Linux版本或Windows Command Prompt / PowerShell。 它用于执行文本命令,安装应用程序等等。 在完整的Linux系统上,终端机是人们可以使用的最常用,功能最强大的工具之一。

By comparison, the Linux Terminal is quite a bit more powerful than its Chrome OS counterpart, because you can use it to control the entire system. It’s also a crucial part of how Linux apps work on Chrome OS.

相比之下,Linux终端要比其Chrome OS同类产品强大得多,因为您可以使用它来控制整个系统。 这也是Linux应用程序如何在Chrome OS上运行的关键部分。

为什么ChromeOS同时需要Crosh和Linux终端 (Why ChromeOS Needs Both Crosh and the Linux Terminal)

The Terminal and Crosh are similar tools—in fact, they’re the same basic concept, but the Terminal is specifically for the Linux aspect of Chrome OS, where Crosh is for the Chrome OS side.

Terminal和Crosh是相似的工具-实际上,它们是相同的基本概念,但是Terminal专门用于Chrome OS的Linux方面,而Crosh是针对Chrome OS的方面。

You’d be forgiven if that doesn’t make a lot of sense right out of the gate—they’re both running on the same machine, at the same time after all. But they’re not connected.

如果这根本没有道理,那么您将被原谅-毕竟它们都同时在同一台机器上运行。 但是他们没有连接。

One of the biggest benefits of Chrome OS is its enhanced security. As a result, most things on the operating system run in an independent sandbox. That means that most elements don’t really interact with each other—for example, if a single tab suffers a failure and crashes, the other tabs in the browser window aren’t affected.

Chrome操作系统的最大好处之一就是增强了安全性。 结果,操作系统上的大多数内容都在独立的沙箱中运行。 这意味着大多数元素实际上并不会真正交互,例如,如果单个选项卡发生故障并崩溃,则浏览器窗口中的其他选项卡不会受到影响。

Linux apps (and Android apps for that matter) work in a very similar fashion. They run in a secure sandbox inside of a virtualized environment. In other words, they aren’t running natively on the machine—they’re being virtualized and run separately from the rest of the OS. Again, if something happens within this secure container, the rest of the OS will be unaffected. This also is why Linux and Android apps take a bit of time to launch for the first time after a reboot—the system has to get the virtual machines up and running.

Linux应用程序(以及与此相关的Android应用程序)的工作方式非常相似。 它们在虚拟环境内部的安全沙箱中运行。 换句话说,它们不是在计算机上本地运行的,而是在虚拟化并且与操作系统的其余部分分开运行。 同样,如果在此安全容器内发生了某些情况,则其余OS不会受到影响。 这也是为什么Linux和Android应用程序在重新引导后需要一些时间才能首次启动的原因-系统必须启动并运行虚拟机。

You can think of Chrome OS in its current state as three operating systems in one: Chrome OS, Linux, and Android. The latter two are stripped down versions compared to their full OSes, and all three operating systems share the same kernel, which is what makes all this possible in the first place.

您可以将Chrome OS当前状态视为三种操作系统合二为一:Chrome OS,Linux和Android。 与它们的完整OS相比,后两个版本是精简版,并且所有三个操作系统共享同一内核,这首先使所有这一切成为可能。







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