word自动更正关闭_如何在OS X中关闭自动更正文本替换



Autocorrect never ceases to humor us. Entire websites have been built upon so-called autocorrect fails. Funny as they are, for those of us who tend to be really good spellers, it’s aggravating when the computer thinks it knows better.

自动更正永远不会使我们幽默。 整个网站都建立在所谓的自动更正失败的基础上 。 尽管它们很有趣,但对于我们中那些往往是非常好的拼写者,当计算机认为它更懂时,这种情况会更加恶化。

Autocorrect and its direct descendent spellcheck are woven into the very framework of OS X. Typically any application that allows text entry will have spelling and/or substitution options on the Edit menu.

自动更正及其直接后代拼写检查被编织到OS X的框架中。通常,任何允许文本输入的应用程序都将在“编辑”菜单上具有拼写和/或替换选项。

Specialized applications like Microsoft Word will obviously have their own built-in text correction options, Android’s Google Keyboard too has autocorrect capabilities, and on OS X, if you’re using Safari or Mail or Slack, you’ll have the full range of the system’s text correction chops.

像Microsoft Word这样的专用应用程序显然将具有其自己的内置文本校正选项,Android的Google键盘也具有自动校正功能 ,并且在OS X上,如果您使用的是Safari或Mail或Slack,则将拥有完整的系统的文字校正印章。

Text correction options in an application like Safari include spelling and grammar check, substitutions, and text transformation.

All this stuff is great, and it has its place, but for the majority of users this is not a one-size-fits-all situation. Some of us may not want substitutions, or maybe we do but only in certain applications. Luckily, you can disable text substitutions either in the app or system-wide.

所有这些东西都很不错,而且它有它的位置,但是对于大多数用户来说,这不是万能的。 我们中的某些人可能不希望替代,或者也许只是在某些应用中才需要替代。 幸运的是,您可以在应用程序或系统范围内禁用文本替换。

Most will probably want to try the per-app route first, so we’ll start with that.


在个别应用程序中关闭拼写检查和自动更正 (Turning Off Spellcheck and Autocorrect in Individual Applications)

To make things simple, we’re going to stage all our examples in Safari since it’s a native OS X application and thus an ideal example.

为简单起见,我们将在Safari中上演所有示例,因为它是本机OS X应用程序,因此是理想的示例。

Let’s take this article we’re writing. Here’s what happens when we misspell the word application.

让我们看一下我们正在写的这篇文章。 当我们拼错单词application时,会发生以下情况。

The word is automatically corrected and underlined in blue. If you do nothing else at this point, then the misspelled word will appear underneath, and you will have the option to revert to it. The blue bar is important because it signifies that the word has been automatically corrected.

该词会自动更正并在蓝色下划线。 如果此时您不执行其他任何操作,则拼写错误的单词将显示在下方,并且您可以选择恢复到该单词。 蓝色条非常重要,因为它表示该单词已被自动更正。

If you misspell a word, and the system is unsure of a replacement, it will give you suggestions.


Honestly, the red-line method is about as automatic and intrusive as we want. It’s nice to know what is spelled incorrectly, but sometimes we intend to misspell stuff and, in any event, it’s better to just let us take care of our own corrections.

老实说,红线方法几乎是我们想要的自动和侵入式的。 很高兴知道拼写错误的内容,但是有时候我们会拼写错误,无论如何,最好让我们自己进行更正。

To turn this feature off you can either access the application’s Edit menu from the menu bar or simply right-click. On a right-click, the most immediate options will be suggestions for replacing the misspelled word. You can also either ignore the spelling or add it to your user profile’s dictionary so it’s never a problem again.

要关闭此功能,您可以从菜单栏中访问应用程序的“编辑”菜单,也可以单击鼠标右键。 右键单击,最直接的选项是替换拼写错误的单词的建议。 您也可以忽略拼写或将其添加到用户配置文件的字典中,这样就不再是问题。

Lower down on the right-click menu, we have the meaty part of the edit options.


These same options can be accessed for this application can be found on the menu bar’s Edit menu.

Let’s take apart the “Spelling and Grammar” section. Turning off “Correct Spelling Automatically” means you can misspell stuff to your heart’s content and it won’t be automatically corrected.

让我们分解一下“拼写和语法”部分。 关闭“自动正确拼写”意味着您可以将拼写错误的内容打入您的内心,并且不会自动纠正。

You will still be shown misspellings in the way of red underlines. If you’d just prefer not to see misspelled words at all, you can uncheck “Check Spelling While Typing”.
红色底线仍会显示拼写错误。 如果您只是不想看到拼写错误的单词,可以取消选中“键入时检查拼写”。

On the other hand, if you want to kick things into a higher editing gear. You can select “Check Grammar With Spelling” and a green dotted line will appear under questionable syntax.

另一方面,如果您想将内容放入更高的编辑设备中。 您可以选择“使用拼写检查语法”,一条绿色的虚线将出现在可疑语法下。

Truth be told, this is a terrible sentence and the grammar checker clearly isn’t very effective.

You can also access the Spelling and Grammar dialog by clicking “Show Spelling and Grammar” from the right-click menu.


Anyone who’s used Microsoft Word will probably be familiar with how this works. You can change a misspelled word, move on to the next typo, ignore it, and so on. There will also likely be a list of suggested corrections for you to peruse, and there’s even a “Guess” button in case the correct word doesn’t appear from the selections.

使用过Microsoft Word的任何人可能都会熟悉它的工作原理。 您可以更改拼写错误的单词,移至下一个拼写错误,忽略它,依此类推。 可能还会有建议的更正列表供您仔细阅读,甚至还有一个“猜测”按钮,以防选择中未出现正确的单词。

关闭整个系统的自动更正 (Turning Off Autocorrect Across the Whole System)

All this individual autocorrect customization is great if you’re a bad speller or you want to be very careful. But, for many of us it’s just a nuisance and can be completely disabled in the preferences. First, open the “System Preferences”, click “Keyboard” and then the “Text” tab.

如果您拼写不佳或要非常小心,那么所有这些单独的自动更正自定义功能都非常有用。 但是,对于我们许多人来说,这只是个麻烦,可以完全禁用其偏好设置。 首先,打开“系统偏好设置”,单击“键盘”,然后单击“文本”选项卡。

We’ve discussed the Keyboard preferences in depth before, but this is the first time we’ve actually focused on this particular aspect.

在之前 ,我们已经深入讨论了键盘的偏好设置 ,但这是我们第一次真正专注于这个特定方面。

To turn off autocorrect completely, uncheck the box next to “Correct spelling automatically”.


These settings – replace/with, spelling, and smart quotes/dashes – will work independently of autocorrection.

This will override any individual settings on your apps; however, any replace/with combinations you’ve set up will still work. For example, even if we have autocorrect turned off, when we type “omw” or “lol”, it will still change the word to “On my way!” or “that’s hilarious”, respectively.

这将覆盖您应用程序上的所有个人设置; 但是,您设置的所有替换/组合仍然可以使用。 例如,即使我们关闭了自动更正功能,当我们键入“ omw”或“ lol”时,它仍然会将单词更改为“ On my way!”。 或“那很热闹”。

Note, these settings will also be universal thus any changes you make here will be reflected elsewhere as well. If you don’t want smart quotes and dashes, you can also disable them. If you want to define the default spelling language, you can set that as well.

请注意,这些设置也将是通用的,因此您在此处所做的任何更改也会反映在其他位置。 如果您不希望使用智能引号和破折号,也可以禁用它们。 如果要定义默认的拼写语言,也可以进行设置。

That’s the extent of autocorrect in OS X. It’s good to be able to make adjustments to it on a per app basis or wholesale. It all really depends on how valuable the feature is to you. If you have any questions or comments you would like to add, please leave your feedback in our discussion forum.

那就是OS X中自动更正的程度。能够基于每个应用或批量进行调整是很好的。 这实际上取决于该功能对您的价值。 如果您有任何疑问或意见要补充,请在我们的论坛中发表您的反馈意见。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/216916/how-to-turn-off-autocorrect-text-substitution-in-os-x/


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