windows10密码设置_如何在Windows 10中设置图片密码




A picture password is an alternative to typing regular passwords when signing into Windows 10. Setting one up is pretty easy, and we’re going to walk you through it.

登录Windows 10时,图片密码是键入常规密码的一种替代方法。设置密码非常简单,我们将逐步指导您进行设置。

Windows 8 and Windows 10 each brought in new ways of signing into your account. You now have options like signing in using a PIN or a picture password built into your basic account options. With the right add-on hardware, you can use Windows Hello to sign on with a fingerprint or even your webcam. And that’s all in addition to the unified login across devices you get when you use an online Microsoft account rather than a local user account.

Windows 8和Windows 10都采用了新的登录帐户方式。 现在,您可以使用基本帐户选项中内置的PIN或图片密码登录等选项。 借助合适的附加硬件,您可以使用Windows Hello使用指纹甚至是网络摄像头进行登录 。 这不仅是您使用在线Microsoft帐户(而不是本地用户帐户)时跨设备进行统一登录的全部内容。

什么是图片密码? (What Is a Picture Password?)

The picture password offers a way to sign in that’s easier than remembering and typing a long password, more friendly to touchscreen devices, and honestly a little more fun in general. You sign in by drawing shapes, tapping the right points, or making the right gestures over an image that you choose in advance.

图片密码提供了一种登录方式,该方式比记住和键入长密码更容易,对触摸屏设备更友好,并且从总体上讲更有趣。 通过绘制形状,点击正确的点或在预先选择的图像上做出正确的手势来登录。

Picture passwords are as secure as PINs, which is pretty secure. The data is stored locally, so someone must have your device to use them. But you must keep in mind that picture passwords and PINs aren’t really intended to provide an extra layer of security. At sign in, you always have the option of using your regular password instead of the picture password or PIN you have set up. All you have to do is click the “Sign-in options” text and then choose which way you want to sign in.

图片密码与PIN一样安全,这非常安全。 数据存储在本地,因此必须有人使用您的设备才能使用它们。 但您必须记住,图片密码和PIN并非真正旨在提供额外的安全保护。 登录时,您始终可以选择使用常规密码,而不是设置的图片密码或PIN。 您所要做的就是单击“登录选项”文本,然后选择您要登录的方式。


Put more simply: Picture passwords are easier and quicker, and offer an equivalent level of protection—but not any added protections—to passwords.


Keep in mind, though, that tapping and drawing gestures on screen leaves behind oils and other smears. In the right light at the right angle, someone might be able to decode your gestures—but a quick wipe of the screen after drawing your password should alleviate this.

但是请记住,在屏幕上轻击和绘制手势会留下油污和其他污迹。 在适当的角度正确的光线下,某人也许可以解码您的手势,但是在输入密码后快速擦拭屏幕应该可以缓解这种情况。

如何设置图片密码 (How to Set Up a Picture Password)

Setting up a picture password is pretty straightforward. Just hit Windows+I to bring up the Settings window and then click “Accounts.”

设置图片密码非常简单。 只需按Windows + I即可打开“设置”窗口,然后单击“帐户”。


On the “Accounts” page, select the “Sign-in options” tab on the left and then, on the right, click the “Add” button in the “Picture Password” section.



Windows will ask you to verify that you’re the owner of the account by entering your password. Type your password and click “OK.”

Windows将要求您通过输入密码来验证您是该帐户的所有者。 输入密码,然后单击“确定”。


In the “Picture Password” window, click the “Choose Picture” button. Using the Open/Save As dialog box, locate and select the picture you want to use. It will look best if you use a high resolution, full screen image.

在“图片密码”窗口中,单击“选择图片”按钮。 使用“打开/另存为”对话框,找到并选择要使用的图片。 如果使用高分辨率的全屏图像,则效果最佳。


After choosing the picture, click the “Use this picture” button to continue or click the “Choose new picture” button if you want to try something else.



Next, you’re going to draw three gestures on the picture. You can click and drag to draw a simple shape like a circle or triangle or you can just click to create a tap. As you draw each gesture, you’ll see the numbers move from one to three. In this example, for the first two gestures, I’m drawing circles that match the lenses of the glasses and a final tap on the nose.

接下来,您将在图片上绘制三个手势。 您可以单击并拖动以绘制简单的形状,例如圆形或三角形,也可以单击以创建水龙头。 绘制每个手势时,您会看到数字从一移到三。 在此示例中,对于前两个手势,我绘制了与眼镜的镜片匹配的圆圈,并在鼻子上进行了最后的轻拍。


After drawing your three gestures, you’ll be asked to draw them all again to confirm the password. If you mess up at any point while drawing or confirming the gestures, just click the “Start over” button to try again.

绘制完三个手势后,系统会要求您重新绘制所有手势以确认密码。 如果您在绘制或确认手势时有任何麻烦,只需单击“重新开始”按钮即可重试。

After you’ve successfully confirmed the gestures, click “Finish” to implement your new picture password.



Now, when you sign in, your sign-in screen will look something like the example below. Just draw your gestures on the picture and Windows will sign you right in.

现在,当您登录时,登录屏幕将类似于以下示例。 只需在图片上绘制手势,Windows便会立即登录。


You can also click “Sign-in options” if you prefer to sign in using another method like a PIN or regular password. Windows will remember the last sign-in method you used and present that as the initial option on your next sign-in.

如果您希望使用PIN或常规密码等其他方法登录,也可以单击“登录选项”。 Windows将记住您上次使用的登录方法,并将其作为下一次登录的初始选项。







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钱包余额 0


