为什么不应该使用(大多数)基于Google Chrome的替代浏览器

Google Chrome is based on Chromium, an open-source browser project. Anyone can take the Chromium source code and use it to build their own browser, renaming it and changing whatever they like. That’s why there are so many alternative browsers based on Google Chrome—but you don’t necessarily want to use most of them.

Google Chrome基于开放浏览器项目Chromium 。 任何人都可以获取Chromium源代码,并使用它来构建自己的浏览器,对其进行重命名并更改所需的内容。 这就是为什么有这么多基于Google Chrome的替代浏览器的原因-但您不一定要使用大多数浏览器。

Many web sites have recommended these browsers in the past—including us, in this very post. We’ve since rewritten this article to discuss the problems with some of these alternative browsers, and why we no longer recommend using them—with a few exceptions.

在过去的这篇文章中,很多网站都曾推荐过这些浏览器,包括我们在内。 此后,我们重写了这篇文章,以讨论其中一些替代浏览器的问题,以及为什么我们不再建议使用它们(少数例外)。

“安全”的Comodo Dragon有很大的安全问题 (The “Secure” Comodo Dragon Had Big Security Problems)

Comodo Dragon is a Chrome-based browser made by Comodo, a security company. It’s installed by default with Comodo Internet Security.

Comodo Dragon是由安全公司Comodo制造的基于Chrome的浏览器。 默认情况下,它与Comodo Internet Security一起安装。

You’d think a “secure” web browser made by a security software company would be…well, secure, but it’s had some big problems. Google’s Tavis Ormandy found that the browser shipped with a serious problem that destroyed the security of HTTPS encryption. As he put it: “Chromodo is described as ‘highest levels of speed, security and privacy’, but actually disables all web security.”

您可能会认为,由安全软件公司制造的“安全”网络浏览器会……很好,很安全,但是却存在一些大问题。 谷歌的塔维斯·奥曼迪(Tavis Ormandy)发现该浏览器带有严重问题 ,破坏了HTTPS加密的安全性。 正如他所说:“ Chromodo被描述为“最高级别的速度,安全性和隐私性”,但实际上禁用了所有Web安全性。”

Comodo responded by issuing a fix that didn’t actually fix the problem. Comodo did fix it eventually, but that doesn’t change the fact that such a glaring security problem shipped with the browser. Companies like Google, Mozilla, Microsoft, and Apple have never made such a big mistake in their products. Comodo doesn’t sound like a company we’d want to get our web browser from.

作为回应,Comodo发布了实际上并未解决问题的修复程序。 Comodo最终确实修复了此问题,但这并没有改变浏览器附带如此明显的安全问题的事实。 像Google,Mozilla,Microsoft和Apple这样的公司从未在产品中犯过如此大的错误。 Comodo听起来不像我们要从中获取Web浏览器的公司。

SRWare Iron的隐私权声明被夸大,并且更新缓慢 (SRWare Iron’s Privacy Claims Are Exaggerated, and It’s Slow to Update)

SRWare Iron promises to remove various privacy-infringing options from Google Chrome. But it isn’t as good as it sounds.

SRWare Iron承诺从Google Chrome中删除各种侵犯隐私的选项。 但这并不像听起来那样好。

Right off the bat, there’s something we don’t like: On March 17, 2017, the latest version of SRWare Iron was version 56.0.2950.1. The latest version of Chrome was version 57.0.2987.110, released on March 16. That means SRWare Iron was missing more than 36 security fixes that Chrome had for over a week.

马上,我们不喜欢某些东西:2017年3月17日,SRWare Iron的最新版本为56.0.2950.1.。 Chrome的最新版本是3月16日发布的版本57.0.2987.110。这意味着SRWare Iron缺少了一周多的36多个安全修复程序。

That’s because SRWare Iron’s developers have to do some work to release those security fixes whenever Google releases a new version of Chrome. It’s not instant, and these third-party projects may take a long time to issue updates if their developers are busy.

那是因为每当Google发布新版本的Chrome时,SRWare Iron的开发人员都必须做一些工作才能发布这些安全修复程序。 这不是即时的,如果开发人员很忙,这些第三方项目可能需要很长时间才能发布更新。

But here’s the real kicker: you aren’t really getting any extra privacy out of SRWare Iron. Most of what SRWare Iron does is possible through Chrome’s regular privacy settings. And if you enable those tweaks in Chrome, you’ll get the latest security updates without waiting for and trusting another company.

但是,这才是真正的踢腿:您不会真正从SRWare Iron获得任何额外的隐私。 SRWare Iron所做的大部分操作都可以通过Chrome的常规隐私设置进行。 而且,如果您在Chrome中启用了这些调整功能,则无需等待并信任另一家公司就可以获得最新的安全更新。

Chrome不适用于用户(Linux上除外) (Chromium Isn’t For Users (Except on Linux))

Google doesn’t want you using the open-source Chromium browser. That’s why the Chromium project only offers “raw builds” of Chromium code that “may be tremendously buggy” for Windows. They also don’t include an auto-update feature, so you have to manually download new versions with security and bug fixes. These Chromium builds are really just development tools for checking whether issues are fixed in the latest Chromium code. Stay away.

Google不想让您使用开源的Chromium浏览器。 这就是为什么Chromium项目仅提供“原始版本”的Chromium代码的原因,而这些代码对于Windows而言可能是“巨大的错误”。 它们也没有自动更新功能,因此您必须手动下载具有安全性和错误修复的新版本。 这些Chromium构建实际上只是用于检查最新Chromium代码中是否已解决问题的开发工具。 远离。

Chromium’s main difference is that it’s entirely open-source, while Google Chrome includes a few closed-source pieces (like Flash). That’s why Chromium is often made available via the package repositories on Linux distributions. A Chromium browser obtained from your Linux package repositories should be safe and receive regular security updates from your Linux distribution. But Windows and Mac users should just install Chrome.

Chromium的主要区别在于它是完全开源的 ,而Google Chrome浏览器包括一些封闭源代码的部分(例如Flash)。 这就是为什么Chromium经常通过Linux发行版上的软件包存储库提供的原因。 从Linux软件包存储库中获得的Chromium浏览器应该是安全的,并且可以从Linux发行版中定期接收安全更新。 但是Windows和Mac用户应该只安装Chrome。

基于Chrome的浏览器值得使用:Opera,Vivaldi和Chrome Portable (The Chrome-Based Browsers Worth Using: Opera, Vivaldi, and Chrome Portable)

There are, of course, exceptions to every rule. Some browsers are solid alternatives to Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, and Internet Explorer.

当然,每个规则都有例外。 某些浏览器是Chrome,Firefox,Safari,Edge和Internet Explorer的可靠替代品。

Opera, for example, has been around in one form or another for a long time, with the first version of Opera being released back in 1995. In 2013, the company abandoned its old, homegrown browser engine, Presto, and Opera is now based on Chromium.

例如, Opera已经以一种或另一种形式出现了很长一段时间,第一版Opera于1995年发布。2013年,该公司放弃了其古老的本地浏览器引擎Presto,Opera现在基于在Chrome上。

But Opera isn’t just a Chrome clone—it’s a unique browser with its own unique features, like a built-in VPN that can secure your web browsing.


Vivaldi is also based on Chromium, and was created by former Opera developers who disagree with Opera’s new direction. Released in 2016, Vivaldi attempts to restore various “power user” features the Opera project has removed. For example, Vivaldi allows you to make your tabs appear as vertical thumbnails, something that just isn’t possible in Chrome. The developers are working on adding a built-in email client, a feature no longer included on the latest versions of Opera.

Vivaldi也基于Chromium,由前Opera开发者创建,他们不同意Opera的新方向。 Vivaldi于2016年发布,试图恢复Opera项目已删除的各种“高级用户”功能 。 例如,Vivaldi允许您将标签页显示为垂直缩略图,而这在Chrome浏览器中是不可能的。 开发人员正在努力添加内置的电子邮件客户端,该功能不再包含在最新版本的Opera中。

Both Opera and Vivaldi support Chrome extensions, as they’re based on the same underlying technology. If you’re looking for a new browser that still uses Chrome’s speedy rendering engine and supports the same browser extensions you use in Chrome, these browsers are interesting options you may want to try.

Opera和Vivaldi都基于相同的基础技术,因此它们都支持Chrome扩展程序。 如果您正在寻找一种仍使用Chrome的快速渲染引擎并支持您在Chrome中使用的相同浏览器扩展程序的新浏览器,则这些浏览器是您可能想尝试的有趣选项。

Lastly, you may also consider a portable version of Chrome or Chromium. The Chromium Portable project, for example, is a customized build of Chromium designed to run as a “portable application“. If you place its files on a USB drive or other removable media device, you can take it between computers, using it on any PC without installing it first.

最后,您还可以考虑使用便携式版本的Chrome或Chromium。 例如, Chromium Portable项目是Chromium的定制版本,旨在作为“ 便携式应用程序 ”运行。 如果将其文件放在USB驱动器或其他可移动媒体设备上,则可以将其放在计算机之间,并且可以在任何PC上使用它,而无需先安装它。

That said, Chromium Portable is based on the unstable “Dev” release channel of Google Chrome, which means it’s more unstable than the typical stable versions of Google Chrome. You probably aren’t looking for that. If you’d prefer a stable, portable version of Google Chrome, you’ll probably want to use the Google Chrome Portable package from PortableApps.com. Either way, both are decent, secure versions of Chrome.

也就是说,Chromium Portable基于Google Chrome不稳定的“ Dev”发布渠道 ,这意味着它比典型的Google Chrome稳定版本更加不稳定。 您可能不需要。 如果您希望使用稳定,便携式的Google Chrome版本,则可能要使用PortableApps.comGoogle Chrome Portable软件包 。 无论哪种方式,两者都是不错的,安全的Chrome版本。

为什么鲜为人知的浏览器是可疑的 (Why Lesser-Known Browsers Are Suspect)

There are other Chromium-based browsers out there. But we’re skeptical of them, and you should be too.

还有其他基于Chromium的浏览器。 但我们对此表示怀疑,您也应该对此表示怀疑。

Here’s the issue: Browsers are very important programs. You spend almost all of your internet-connected time in a browser, so it needs to be secure. Part of that means getting security updates very quickly when they’re released, and smaller Chromium-based browsers don’t always do that. Furthermore, you’re trusting a small company or group of developers to make changes to your browser, which can introduce problems—intentional or not.

问题是:浏览器是非常重要的程序。 你花几乎所有的互联网连接的时间在浏览器中,所以它需要是安全的。 这部分意味着要在发布安全更新时非常快,而基于Chromium的小型浏览器并不总是如此。 此外,您信任一家小型公司或一组开发人员对浏览器进行更改,这可能会引起问题(无论有意还是无意)。

Comodo’s security problems and SRWare’s update delays are a few examples of the problems that can occur, even when a browser developer is acting in good faith. And if a browser developer isn’t acting in good faith, you’re in an even worse position: they could snoop on your web browsing and abuse its access to your computer.

Comodo的安全性问题和SRWare的更新延迟是可能发生的问题的一些示例,即使浏览器开发人员出于善意而行。 而且,如果浏览器开发人员行为不诚实,您的处境将更加糟糕:他们可能会窥探您的Web浏览并滥用对计算机的访问权限。

Even if you don’t trust Google, Google is a large company with a lot of eyes on it. Google won’t steal your credit card number. If Google does something bad or makes a big mistake in Chrome, everyone will hear about it. The same isn’t true for these Chromium alternatives.

即使您不信任Google,Google还是一家拥有很多业务的大型公司。 Google不会窃取您的信用卡号。 如果Google在Chrome中做得不好或犯了很大的错误,那么每个人都会听到有关它的消息。 这些Chromium替代品并非如此。

Many of the features promised in various third-party browsers can be achieved simply by tweaking Chrome’s settings or installing extensions from the Chrome Web Store. You’re better off using Google Chrome and installing a few browser extensions than switching to a Chrome-based alternative.

只需调整Chrome的设置或从Chrome网上应用店安装扩展程序,即可实现各种第三方浏览器承诺的许多功能。 与切换到基于Chrome的替代方法相比,使用Google Chrome并安装一些浏览器扩展效果更好。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/108384/6-alternative-browsers-based-on-google-chrome/

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