
While the smarthome industry is filled with startups and smaller companies, it’s a market that’s increasingly being controlled by the big guys, namely Amazon and Google.


Of course, there are still plenty of fish in the smarthome sea, and it’s pretty easy to support the smaller companies, especially when it comes to niche devices like sensors or PoE cameras. However, when it comes to smarthome products like thermostats, Wi-Fi cams, and voice assistants (i.e. devices aimed at the mainstream market), Amazon and Google have a lot of it locked down.

当然,智能家居中仍然有很多鱼,要支持较小的公司也很容易,尤其是在传感器或PoE摄像头等小众设备上。 但是,当涉及诸如恒温器,Wi-Fi摄像头和语音助手(即针对主流市场的设备)之类的智能家居产品时,亚马逊和谷歌有很多产品被锁定。

亚马逊和谷歌拥有什么 (What Amazon and Google Own)


Both Amazon and Google have a larger piece of the smarthome pie than you might think.


First off, Amazon owns Ring, the video doorbell company that first gained traction on Shark Tank and now has a line of security-focused Wi-Fi cameras and even a security system. Amazon also owns Blink, which makes battery-powered Wi-Fi cams.

首先,亚马逊拥有视频门铃公司Ring ,该公司首先在Shark Tank上受到关注,现在拥有一系列以安全性为重点的Wi-Fi摄像头,甚至还有一个安全系统。 亚马逊还拥有Blink,该公司生产电池供电的Wi-Fi摄像头。

Aside from recent acquisitions, Amazon has also invested in a handful of other smarthome companies, including Ecobee, Luma, Rachio, and Scout Alarm. And of course, Amazon has its own smaller line of smarthome products, like the Cloud Cam, Fire TV Cube, and a bunch of different Echo models that can be used to voice-control all your other smarthome devices.

除了最近的收购,亚马逊还投资了其他一些智能家居公司,包括Ecobee,Luma,Rachio和Scout Alarm。 当然,亚马逊拥有自己的小型智能家居产品线,例如Cloud Cam, Fire TV Cube一堆不同的Echo模型 ,可用于对所有其他智能家居设备进行语音控制。

As for Google, they own Nest, which makes the ever-popular Nest Thermostat. However, unlike Ecobee (a direct Nest Thermostat competitor), Nest has become more than just a smart thermostat company. They also offer a handful of Wi-Fi cam models, a video doorbell, smart smoke alarm, security system, and a smart lock developed in partnership with Yale. In other words, Nest has grown from its smart thermostat roots to become a powerhouse smarthome company on its own, and they’ll likely continue to grow.

至于Google,他们拥有Nest(Nest),这使得Nest Nest成为了最受欢迎的恒温器 。 但是,与Ecobee(直接与Nest恒温器的竞争对手)不同的是,Nest不仅仅是一家智能恒温器公司。 他们还提供了少数几种Wi-Fi凸轮模型, 可视门铃 ,智能烟雾报警器, 安全系统以及与耶鲁大学合作开发的智能锁。 换句话说,Nest已从其智能恒温器的根基成长为一家强大的智能家居公司,并且它们可能会继续增长。

Like Amazon, Google also has its own line of Google Home voice assistants that you can use to control your smarthome devices. While other companies have dabbled in voice assistants, including Apple, Samsung, and Microsoft, Amazon’s Alexa and Google Assistant are really the only two big ones that have taken over the space.

像亚马逊一样,Google也有自己的Google Home语音助手产品线,您可以用来控制智能家居设备。 尽管其他公司涉足语音助手,包括苹果,三星和微软,但亚马逊的Alexa和Google Assistant确实是接管该领域的仅有的两家大公司。

那么这对您意味着什么? (So What Does This All Mean for You?)

While it may not seem like a big deal that some or most of your smarthome products are owned by either Amazon or Google (or a mix of both), there’s one glaring issue to be aware of: compatibility.


Amazon and Google are in the middle of a cat fight, so much so that Amazon doesn’t sell a lot of Google hardware products, and the YouTube app is nowhere to be found on Amazon’s Fire TV devices or Echo devices like the Echo Show and Echo Spot (not to mention that Amazon Prime Video isn’t available for Google’s Chromecast).

亚马逊和Google 处于激烈的竞争之中 ,以至于亚马逊不销售很多Google硬件产品,而且在Amazon的Fire TV设备或Echo Show和Echo Spot(更不用说Amazon Prime Video不适用于Google的Chromecast)。

Basically, most things made by Amazon won’t work with Google products, and most things made by Google won’t work with Amazon products. This goes doubly for smarthome devices, which puts users in a bind if they mix-and-match smarthome devices from both Amazon and Google.

基本上,亚马逊生产的大多数产品都无法与Google产品一起使用,而谷歌生产的大多数产品也无法与亚马逊产品一起使用。 这对于智能家居设备来说是双重的,如果用户混合使用来自亚马逊和谷歌的智能家居设备,就会使用户陷入困境。


Of course, incompatibility across manufacturers is extremely common in the smarthome industry, but at least there’s a chance that smaller companies will work together eventually. Whereas Amazon and Google probably never will.

当然, 在智能家居行业中 ,制造商之间的不兼容性非常普遍 ,但是至少有较小的公司最终会合作的机会。 而亚马逊和谷歌可能永远不会。

And that’s a big problem, because every smarthome product on the market is increasingly becoming part of one of these two ecosystems—Nest has a full range of smarthome products and they’re closely integrated with Google Assistant for voice control. With Amazon, popular products from Ring, Blink, and Amazon’s own smarthome devices work smoothly with Alexa. But they work the other way around. Which means that if you want to go all-in on Nest, you have no choice but to use Google Assistant. And if you want to use any of Amazon’s devices, you’re kind of stuck with Alexa.

这是一个大问题,因为市场上的每种智能家居产品都越来越成为这两个生态系统之一的一部分-内斯特拥有全系列的智能家居产品,它们已与Google Assistant紧密集成以进行语音控制。 借助Amazon,Ring,Blink和Amazon自己的智能家居设备中的热门产品可以与Alexa正常运行。 但是他们反过来工作。 这意味着,如果您想全面使用Nest,则只能使用Google助手。 而且,如果您想使用亚马逊的任何设备,那么Alexa会让您感到困惑。


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