如何从Microsoft Word中的图片中删除背景

Every so often, you might want to remove the background from an image in your Word document, leaving a transparent area instead. You could turn to a full-featured image editor, but you can also do this right within Microsoft Word. Here’s how.

每隔一段时间,您可能想从Word文档中的图像中删除背景,而是保留一个透明区域。 您可以使用功能全面的图像编辑器,但也可以在Microsoft Word中直接进行此操作。 这是如何做。

There are many reasons why you may want to remove the background from an image. Perhaps you want to focus on one particular person or object without the background getting in the way. Maybe the background color doesn’t fit well with other colors in your document. Or maybe you just want to use Word’s text wrapping tools to get the text wrapped tighter around the image. Whatever your reason, removing the background from an image in Word is pretty easy.

您可能要从图像中删除背景的原因有很多。 也许您想专注于一个特定的人或物体,而不会妨碍背景。 可能背景颜色与文档中的其他颜色不太匹配。 或者,也许您只想使用Word的文本环绕工具将文本紧紧包裹在图像上。 无论出于何种原因,在Word中从图像中删除背景都非常容易。

The caveat here is that Word’s image editing tools are not as sophisticated as those you’ll find in something like Photoshop, or even other image editing apps. They work best if you have a fairly simple image with a clearly-defined subject.

需要注意的是,Word的图像编辑工具并不像在Photoshop或其他图像编辑应用程序中那样复杂。 如果您的图像很清晰且主题明确,则它们效果最好。

如何从Word中的图像中删除背景 (How to Remove the Background from an Image in Word)

We’re going to assume you’ve already inserted the image into your Word document. If not, go ahead and do that now.

我们假设您已经将图像插入到Word文档中。 如果没有,请立即执行。

Click the image to select it. When you do that, you’ll notice an additional “Format” tab appear on the Ribbon. Switch to that tab and then click the “Remove Background” button on the far-left side.

单击图像将其选中。 当您这样做时,您会注意到在功能区上出现一个附加的“格式”选项卡。 切换到该选项卡,然后单击最左侧的“删除背景”按钮。

Remove Background in Word

Word colors the background the image in magenta; everything in magenta will get removed from the image. This Is Microsoft’s attempt at auto-detecting the background of an image.

Word将背景颜色设为洋红色; 品红色的所有内容将从图像中删除。 这是Microsoft尝试自动检测图像背景的尝试。

Auto-detect remove background image

As you can see, Word isn’t quite sophisticated enough to accurately pick out the background on most images. That’s ok. Word provides two tools for helping you clean things up.

如您所见,Word不够复杂,无法准确地选择大多数图像上的背景。 没关系。 Word提供了两种工具来帮助您清理内容。

You should now see a new “Background Removal” tab on the Ribbon with a few options: Mark Areas to Keep, Mark Areas to Remove, Discard All Changes, and Keep Changes.


Returning to our example, you can see that Word didn’t correctly mark part of the background—there’s some grass still visible right in front of our tiger’s face. Word also marked part of the tiger (the area behind his head) incorrectly as part of the background. We’re going to use both the “Mark Areas to Keep” and “Mark Areas to Remove” tools to fix that.

回到我们的示例,您可以看到Word没有正确标记背景的一部分-在我们老虎的脸前仍然可以看到一些草。 Word还作为背景的一部分错误地标记了老虎的一部分(头部后面的区域)。 我们将同时使用“标记保留区域”和“标记保留区域”工具来解决此问题。

Let’s start with the areas we want to keep. Click the “Mark Areas to Keep” button.

让我们从我们要保留的区域开始。 单击“标记要保留的区域”按钮。

Background removal options

Your pointer changes to a pen that lets you highlight the areas of the image you want to keep. You can click a spot or draw a little bit. You’ll have to experiment with your image to find what works best. Keep in mind that you can undo an action if you go too far, or you can click the “Discard All Changes” button to wipe out all your changes and start over.

指针变为一支笔,使您可以突出显示要保留的图像区域。 您可以单击一个点或画一点。 您必须对图像进行试验才能找到最合适的图像。 请记住,如果您走得太远,则可以撤消操作,也可以单击“放弃所有更改”按钮来清除所有更改并重新开始。

Keep Region gif

When you’re done marking things, you can click anywhere outside the image to see the effect. After marking some areas on our tiger to keep, we now have an image that looks a bit like this.

标记完所有内容后,可以单击图像外部的任何位置以查看效果。 在我们的老虎上留下一些要保留的区域后,我们现在得到的图像看起来像这样。

Image with background mostly removed

Next, we’re going to mark the areas we want to remove from the image. In our case, it’s that bit of background that still remains. This time click the “Mark Areas to Remove” button.

接下来,我们将标记要从图像中删除的区域。 在我们的案例中,仍然保留着那部分背景。 这次单击“标记要删除的区域”按钮。

Mark areas to remove

Again, your pointer turns into a pen. This time, click or paint the areas you want to remove from the image. They should turn magenta as you do so.

同样,您的指针变成了一支笔。 这次,单击或绘制要从图像中删除的区域。 当您这样做时,它们应变成洋红色。

Mark areas to remove gif

Click outside the image at any time to check your work. When you’re satisfied, click the “Keep Changes” button on the “Background Removal” tab.

随时在图像外部单击以检查您的工作。 如果满意,请单击“背景移除”选项卡上的“保留更改”按钮。

Keep Changes

You should now have a clean, back-ground free image!


Background free image

That’s all there is to it!


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/365434/how-to-remove-the-background-from-a-picture-in-microsoft-word/





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