
Your Facebook profile says a lot about you. It’s likely your most visible online presence, so it’s worth making it look good. Here’s how to pick a great cover photo.

您的Facebook个人资料说了很多关于您的信息。 这可能是您最明显的在线形象,因此值得将其看起来不错。 这是选择精美封面照片的方法。

注意大小限制 (Bear In Mind the Size Restrictions)

Facebook’s cover photos come in a weird size. They’re 851 pixels wide by 315 pixels (roughly a 2.7:1 aspect ratio) in a desktop browser.

Facebook的封面照片尺寸怪异。 在桌面浏览器中,它们的宽度为851像素,宽为315像素(纵横比大约为2.7:1)。

And they’re 640 pixels wide by 340 (about 1.88:1) pixels tall on mobile.


Any photo you upload is automatically displayed at that size and shape. You absolutely shouldn’t upload anything smaller than that because then Facebook will enlarge it, making it look blurry and ugly.

您上传的所有照片都会自动以该尺寸和形状显示。 您绝对不应该上传小于该尺寸的东西,因为这样Facebook会放大它,使它看起来模糊而丑陋。

Facebook cover photos are also 100KB in size. Facebook automatically reduces images to this size, but if you’re interested in having the highest quality image possible, you should do it yourself.

Facebook封面照片的大小也为100KB。 Facebook会自动将图像缩小到该大小,但是如果您有兴趣获得尽可能高质量的图像,则应该自己进行操作

想想您的图像在台式机和移动设备上的外观 (Think How Your Image Will Look on Desktop and Mobile)

Since your cover is going to look different on desktop and mobile (and also can appear as a full sized image in any aspect ratio when people click it), you need to think about how the photo will look in different places.


You are able to reposition your cover photo on the desktop, but on mobile, your cover photo is automatically cropped at the top and bottom to fit.


You also need to think about how your Profile Picture and the other interface elements affect your cover photo. On the desktop, your profile picture and name will obscure the bottom left corner. The Message, Friends, and other buttons will obscure the bottom right corner. There is also a subtle dark gradient, so things towards the bottom that aren’t blocked will look slightly darker.

您还需要考虑个人资料图片和其他界面元素如何影响您的封面照片。 在桌面上,您的个人资料图片和姓名将遮住左下角。 “消息”,“朋友”和其他按钮将遮住右下角。 还有一个细微的黑暗渐变,因此未阻塞的底部看上去会稍微暗一些。

On mobile, all the buttons are below the cover photo. Your profile picture, however, blocks off a chunk of the bottom center.

在移动设备上,所有按钮都在封面照片下方。 但是,您的个人资料图片遮挡了底部中间的大部分区域。

All this means that you should ideally choose a photo where the subject matter is focused in the center of the image. If it’s at the bottom, it’s just going to end up cropped off or blocked by interface elements.

所有这些意味着,理想情况下,您应该选择主题对准图像中心的照片。 如果在底部,它将最终被界面元素裁剪或阻塞。

选择有意义的东西 (Pick Something Meaningful)

Your cover photo is public. It’s one of the few things that anyone who views your Facebook page can see. This means you should probably pick something that has a bit of meaning or represents you. I tend to use photos I took around the area I’m from. Other people go with quotes that mean a lot to them, photos of their family, images of their hobbies, and so on.

您的封面照片是公开的。 这是查看您的Facebook页面的任何人都可以看到的少数事物之一。 这意味着您可能应该选择一些有意义或代表您的东西。 我倾向于使用我在附近地区拍摄的照片。 其他人使用对他们来说很有意义的报价,家人的照片,爱好的图像等等。

尝试360º封面照片 (Try a 360º Cover Photo)

There was a big trend a couple of years ago where people tied their profile pictures and cover photos together as one big image. Unfortunately, given that your profile picture appears in different positions depending on what device you use (and mobile is very popular), it doesn’t really work any more.

几年前出现了一个大趋势,人们将个人资料图片和封面照片绑在一起,成为一个大图像。 不幸的是,由于您的个人资料图片根据您使用的设备(在移动设备中非常流行)而出现在不同的位置,因此它实际上不再起作用。

That doesn’t mean you can’t get creative. Facebook now supports 360 degree cover photos, which are certainly eye catching and different. Just take a 360º photo and upload it as your cover photo. You can also use a panoramic image that isn’t a full 360º.

那并不意味着你就没有创造力。 Facebook现在支持360度封面照片,这些照片肯定引人注目并且与众不同。 只需拍摄一张360º的照片并将其作为封面照片上传即可。 您还可以使用不是完整360º的全景图像。

The big difference with 360º photos is that while they only display as a 851px by 315px (or 640px by 340px on mobile) image, people who visit your page are able to drag the image to see the rest of it.

360º照片的最大区别在于,尽管它们仅显示为851px x 315px(或在移动设备上为640px x 340px)图像,但是访问您页面的用户可以拖动图像以查看其余图像。

Cover photos, along with profile pictures, are the first thing people see when they visit your profile. Take the time to pick a good one.

封面照片和个人资料照片是人们访问您的个人资料时首先看到的东西。 花时间挑选一个好的。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/349445/how-to-create-the-perfect-facebook-cover-photo/

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