


If you purchased a recent iPhone (6S and above), then you may be loving the new Live Photos feature. If you aren’t, then maybe you just haven’t become well acquainted with it.

如果您购买的是最新的iPhone(6S及更高版本),那么您可能会喜欢新的实时照片功能。 如果不是,那么也许您只是还不熟悉它。

The best way to describe a Live Photo is to compare it to an animated GIF. You take a photo of your subject, which should be moving, and the camera on the iPhone will actually capture a short movie. When you apply pressure to it using 3D Touch, it will spring to life.

描述实时照片的最佳方法是将其与动画GIF进行比较。 您拍摄了应该移动的主题照片,而iPhone上的相机实际上将拍摄短片。 当您使用3D Touch对其施加压力时 ,它会栩栩如生。

If you look closely, you see it actually creates a small MOV file. This file will take up much more space than a simple still photo, so you should use Live Photos selectively.

如果仔细观察,您会发现它实际上创建了一个小的MOV文件。 该文件将比简单的静态照片占用更多的空间,因此您应该有选择地使用实时照片。

Live Photos are one of the coolest features to appear on an iPhone and we wholly recommend you check them out. To that end, we want to talk a bit about the best way to take Live Photos, how to turn them off (or on) as needed, and how to edit them.

实时照片是iPhone上最酷的功能之一,我们完全建议您将它们检出。 为此,我们想谈谈拍摄实时照片的最佳方法,如何根据需要将其关闭(或打开)以及如何进行编辑。

确保您的主题正在移动(但您没有移动) (Make Sure Your Subject is Moving (but You Are Not))

The whole point of Live Photos is to create short clips that animate when you touch them. To that end, it’s absolutely necessary you shoot something that is moving, whether it’s the ferris wheel at the carnival or your cat licking its chops after eating. Live Photos are only effective when there is motion.

Live Photos的全部重点是创建短剪辑,当您触摸它们时会发出动画。 为此,无论是在狂欢节上的摩天轮还是在吃完饭后舔猫的猫咪,绝对有必要拍摄移动的东西。 实时照片仅在运动时有效。

The other important thing to know is because you’re essentially shooting a movie, a Live Photo will take just a few seconds longer than still photos to capture. You can tell when a Live Photo is being shot because a “Live” box will appear in the center of the upper portion of the camera view.

要知道的另一件重要事情是,因为您实际上是在拍摄电影,所以实况照片的拍摄时间比静止照片要长几秒钟。 您可以知道何时拍摄实时照片,因为“实时”框将出现在相机视图上部的中央。

Once this box disappears, you know your Live Photo is done, and you can then view it in Photos. To fully capture your subject’s motion, you will need to keep the camera focused on it until it is done. Therefore, you need to remain fairly still so that your Live Photo doesn’t come out all shaky. Practice breathing slowly when you tap the shutter button and use the Volume Down button for best results.

该框消失后,您便知道Live Photo已完成,然后可以在Photos中查看它。 要完全捕获对象的运动,您需要使照相机保持聚焦,直到完成。 因此,您需要保持静止不动,以确保Live Photo不会摇摇欲坠。 当您轻按快门按钮并使用降低音量按钮以获得最佳效果时,请慢慢练习呼吸。

Also, keep in mind Live Photos will record sound as well, so make sure you don’t say anything unless you want it recorded as well.


如何打开或关闭实时照片 (How to Turn Live Photos Off or On)

If you bought yourself a new iPhone then Live Photos will be enabled by default. You can tell by the icon on the camera screen. This icon can be tapped at any point to turn the feature off, which is recommended when you’re just taking regular stills.

如果您自己购买了新iPhone,则默认情况下将启用“实时照片”。 您可以通过相机屏幕上的图标辨别。 您可以随时点按此图标以关闭此功能,建议您在只拍摄常规静止图像时使用。

That icon in the middle is to toggle Live Photos on or off. When it is yellow, Live Photos are active.
中间的图标用于打开或关闭实时照片。 黄色时,实时照片处于活动状态。

If it isn’t enabled and you want to take a Live Photo, then simply tap the icon to activate the feature.


When you browse your photos, there’s no apparent way to distinguish Live Photos from stills, other than to give them a hard press. However, when you go to share one, a LIVE indicator will appear in the thumbnail’s upper-left corner.

浏览照片时,除了给照片加重压力外,没有其他方法可以将实时照片与静止图像区分开。 但是,当您共享一个时,“ LIVE”指示器将出现在缩略图的左上角。

It would be nice if there were some kind of consistent indicator throughout Photos giving some idea of which ones are live and which are stills. There isn’t even a special album into which they are grouped such as with slo-mo, bursts, and selfies.

如果在“照片”中有某种一致的指示,让您知道哪些是实时的,哪些是静止的,那将是很好的。 甚至没有特别的专辑将它们分组在一起,例如慢动作,连拍和自拍照。

For now, if you want to distinguish your Live Photos from others, you’ll have to go through and 3D Touch them.


如何将动态照片设置为动态壁纸 (How to Set a Live Photo as a Live Wallpaper)

You can also display Live Photos as animated wallpaper on your lock screen. To do this, open the Settings and tap “Wallpaper”.

您也可以在锁定屏幕上将实时照片显示为动画墙纸。 为此,请打开“设置”,然后点击“墙纸”。

On the next screen, tap “All Photos” to access your camera roll.


From your photos, choose the Live Photo you want.


Upon choosing your Live Photo, you need to set it, so you want to choose the “Live Photo” option. To test it, you can press on the screen to animate it, otherwise tap “Set”.

选择实时照片后,您需要对其进行设置,因此要选择“实时照片”选项。 要对其进行测试,可以按屏幕上的动画对其进行动画处理,否则请点按“设置”。

The next screen is going to ask you whether you want to set your Live Photo as the lock screen, home screen, or both. You can choose any or all, but in order for the Live Photo to function as a Live Wallpaper, it has to be set as your lock screen.

下一个屏幕将询问您是否要将实时照片设置为锁定屏幕,主屏幕或同时设置为两者。 您可以选择任何一个或全部,但是为了使Live Photo可以用作Live Wallpaper,必须将其设置为锁定屏幕。

Now your lock screen will be then set with your Live Photo and when you press on it, it will animate.



Remember, Live Photos take quite a bit more storage space so make sure that (a) if you are taking them, that you delete the ones you don’t want and (b) if you intend to take stills, turn off the Live Photos feature as we described earlier.

请记住,Live Photos会占用更多的存储空间,因此请确保(a)如果要使用它们,请删除不需要的照片,以及(b)如果要拍摄静止图像,请关闭Live Photos。如我们先前所述。

如何编辑实时照片 (How to Edit Live Photos)

You can also edit Live Photos right from the Photos app just as you would any other still photo. Just choose the Live Photo you want to manipulate and tap the Edit button at the bottom of the screen.

您也可以直接从“照片”应用程序编辑“实时照片”,就像处理其他静止照片一样。 只需选择要操作的实时照片,然后点击屏幕底部的“编辑”按钮即可。

Like we said, it’s the same as with any normal still photo you can crop, rotate, apply filters, adjust the color, brightness, and contrast, as well as use the markup tool.


When you’re happy with the result, you can tap “Done” to save your changes, or you can tap “Cancel” if you want to discard them.


Play around with it, find moving subjects, and make sure you try to stay very still, and you should be able to capture some really intriguing moving shots. Again remember, Live Photos also record sound, so keep that in mind.

试一试,找到动感的物体,并确保尝试保持静止不动,并且应该能够捕捉到一些非常有趣的动感镜头。 再次记住,实时照片还会录制声音,因此请记住这一点。

Live Photos are one of the more exciting features to appear on a mobile phone platform in a while. It’s an interesting concept and is sure to appeal to a variety of folks who want to add a little something more to their cherished memories; a short moment of time they can play back whenever they want to revisit something.

实时照片是一段时间后会出现在手机平台上的更令人兴奋的功能之一。 这是一个有趣的概念,并且肯定会吸引想要增加更多珍贵记忆的人们。 在很短的时间内,他们只要想重新访问某些内容就可以播放。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/230397/how-to-take-awesome-live-photos-with-your-iphone/






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