xbox360游戏下载_如何在Xbox One上玩Xbox 360游戏



Microsoft’s Xbox One can now play a limited number of Xbox 360 games. But it’s not as simple as inserting any old disc and starting it up. Only some games will work, and the Xbox One runs them in an emulator.

微软的Xbox One现在可以玩有限数量的Xbox 360游戏。 但这并不像插入任何旧光盘并启动它那样简单。 仅某些游戏可以运行,而Xbox One在模拟器中运行它们。

向后兼容性如何工作 (How Backwards Compatibility Works)

The Xbox One isn’t normally capable of playing Xbox 360 games. Instead, Microsoft created an emulator that simulates the Xbox 360’s hardware and software. Xbox 360 games run inside this emulator. It’s similar to how the “virtual console” games work on Nintendo’s Wii U and Wii, or how you’d run old console games in emulators on a PC.

Xbox One通常不能玩Xbox 360游戏。 而是,Microsoft创建了一个仿真器,用于仿真Xbox 360的硬件和软件。 Xbox 360游戏在此模拟器中运行。 类似于“虚拟控制台”游戏在任天堂的Wii U和Wii上的工作方式,或者类似于您在PC上的模拟器中运行旧的控制台游戏的方式

Not all games will run in the emulator. If you have an Xbox 360 game that’s compatible with your Xbox One, you can insert it into your Xbox One’s disc drive. The Xbox One will then download a ported version of that game from Microsoft’s servers and make it available on your console alongside your other installed games. If you have a digital copy of the game, you can download it from Microsoft’s servers like you’d download any other digital Xbox One game.

并非所有游戏都可以在模拟器中运行。 如果您有与Xbox One兼容的Xbox 360游戏,则可以将其插入Xbox One的光盘驱动器中。 然后Xbox One将从Microsoft的服务器上下载该游戏的移植版本,并将其与其他已安装游戏一起在您的控制台上使用。 如果您拥有游戏的数字副本,则可以像下载其他任何数字Xbox One游戏一样从Microsoft的服务器下载它。

Once you do get a game running, it should work well. You can even use the Xbox One’s Game DVR feature to record your gameplay in in Xbox 360 game. Eurogamer tested many major games and found that many of them performed better on the Xbox One than the Xbox 360, although some games had minor hitches and graphical problems that didn’t appear on the Xbox 360.

一旦您运行了游戏,它就应该可以正常运行。 您甚至可以使用Xbox One的Game DVR功能在Xbox 360游戏中记录您的游戏玩法。 Eurogamer测试了许多主要游戏,发现其中许多游戏在Xbox One上比Xbox 360表现更好,尽管某些游戏存在一些小问题和图形问题,而Xbox 360上没有出现。

But again: all this only works if the Microsoft has made the game compatible with the Xbox One. Each game’s publisher will need to sign off on this, and not every publisher has done so.

但同样:只有当微软使游戏与Xbox One兼容时,这一切才起作用。 每个游戏的发行商都需要对此进行签名,但并非每个发行商都已这样做。

如何检查Xbox 360游戏是否可以在Xbox One上运行 (How to Check if an Xbox 360 Game Will Work on Your Xbox One)

Before you go out of your way to get an Xbox 360 game for your Xbox One, be sure it’s actually compatible. The Backwards Compatibility page on Microsoft’s Xbox website contains a comprehensive list of backwards compatible games and shows games that were recently added to the program. There’s also this text-only list.

在竭尽全力为Xbox One获取Xbox 360游戏之前,请确保它实际上是兼容的。 Microsoft Xbox网站上的“ 向后兼容性”页面包含向后兼容游戏的完整列表,并显示了最近添加到该程序中的游戏。 还有一个纯文本列表

If a game you want to play isn’t backwards compatible yet, check back in the future. Microsoft regularly adds more games to the backwards compatibility program.

如果您要玩的游戏尚不向后兼容,请以后再查看。 Microsoft定期向后兼容程序中添加更多游戏。

如何在Xbox One上安装和玩Xbox 360游戏 (How to Install and Play an Xbox 360 Game on Your Xbox One)

If you don’t have a game you want to play yet, there are two ways to get one. First, you can acquire a physical copy of the game. This can be either a new copy or a used copy, so you may be able to find a good deal on a website like eBay or Amazon (or at your local video game shop).

如果您还没有想要玩的游戏,可以通过两种方法获得一种。 首先,您可以获取游戏的实体副本。 这可以是新副本,也可以是二手副本,因此您可以在eBay或Amazon之类的网站上(或在您当地的视频游戏商店中)找到很多优惠。

Used copies work well because the Xbox One doesn’t actually play the game from the disc. The Xbox One just needs to check the disc and verify what it is. The actual game is downloaded from Microsoft’s servers and run from your Xbox One’s hard drive. As long as the Xbox One can recognize the disc, you’re fine.

使用过的副本效果很好,因为Xbox One不能真正从光盘上玩游戏。 Xbox One只需要检查光盘并验证它是什么。 实际的游戏是从Microsoft的服务器下载的,并从Xbox One的硬盘驱动器上运行。 只要Xbox One可以识别光盘,就可以了。

Once you have the disc, insert it into your Xbox One. The Xbox One will tell you it needs to download an “update” for the game. It’s really downloading the entire ported version of the game.

拥有光盘后,将其插入Xbox One。 Xbox One会告诉您它需要下载该游戏的“更新”。 它实际上是在下载游戏的整个移植版本。

When it’s done, you just have to launch the game like you would any other. The Xbox One will need the game’s disc in its disc drive while you play it to confirm you do indeed own the game, but the game will actually run from the Xbox One’s internal drive and not the disc.

完成后,您只需像其他任何游戏一样启动游戏即可。 Xbox One将在您玩游戏时在其光盘驱动器中需要游戏光盘,以确认您确实拥有游戏,但是游戏实际上将在Xbox One的内部驱动器而非光盘上运行。

You can also purchase digital copies of Xbox 360 games from Microsoft’s Xbox store. If you already own a digital copy of the game, you’ll find it available for installation on your Xbox One alongside any normal Xbox One games you have. Head to My Games and Apps > Ready to Install to see games and apps you can install.

您还可以从Microsoft的Xbox商店购买Xbox 360游戏的数字副本。 如果您已经拥有该游戏的数字副本,则可以将其与任何普通的Xbox One游戏一起安装在Xbox One上。 转到我的游戏和应用>准备安装以查看可以安装的游戏和应用。

If you have an Xbox Live Gold subscription, you’ll also be able to download the Xbox 360 games given away for free every month on your Xbox One. Microsoft has promised that all future Xbox 360 games included with Xbox Live Gold will be compatible with the Xbox One.

如果您有Xbox Live Gold订阅,则还可以每月免费在Xbox One上免费下载赠送的Xbox 360游戏。 微软已承诺,Xbox Live Gold随附的所有将来的Xbox 360游戏都将与Xbox One兼容。

DLC如何工作? (How Does DLC Work?)

Downloadable content works in backwards compatible Xbox 360 games on the Xbox One, too. You can buy the DLC on the Xbox Store and it will “just work” in the backwards compatible game, as if you were playing the game on an Xbox 360.

可下载内容也可以在Xbox One上的向后兼容Xbox 360游戏中使用。 您可以在Xbox Store上购买DLC,它在向后兼容游戏中将“正常工作”,就好像您在Xbox 360上玩游戏一样。

Games with bundled DLC should work properly. For example, Red Dead Redemption for Xbox 360 is available in three different editions: Red Dead Redemption (standard), Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare, and Red Dead Redemption: Game of the Year Edition. All three discs are compatible and work how you’d expect them to. The “Game of the Year” edition disc comes with all the additional content, so it will just work in the game. The standard disc doesn’t come with any additional content, but you can choose to purchase the DLC from the Xbox Store and it will be enabled in your game.

捆绑了DLC的游戏应该可以正常运行。 例如,Xbox 360的Red Dead Redemption有三种不同版本: Red Dead Redemption (标准), Red Dead Redemption:亡灵梦mRed Dead Redemption:年度游戏版 。 这三张光盘都是兼容的,可以按照您的期望工作。 “年度最佳游戏”版光盘随附所有其他内容,因此它将在游戏中正常工作。 标准光盘不附带任何其他内容,但是您可以选择从Xbox商店购买DLC,它将在您的游戏中启用。

That’s how it should work for most games, in theory. In practice, we found that the Xbox One just downloaded the base version of Fable II when we inserted a Fable II: Game of the Year Edition disc. The system wanted us to purchase the DLC that should have been included with the game. The Xbox One can’t seem to tell the difference between the base and game of the year versions of this particular game. The Xbox One may be confused about some other “Game of the Year” games and their DLC, too–we’re not sure if this problem is specific to this one game or not.

从理论上讲,这就是大多数游戏应该采用的方式。 在实践中,我们发现当我们插入Fable II:年度游戏版光盘时,Xbox One刚刚下载了Fable II的基本版本。 系统希望我们购买应该包含在游戏中的DLC。 Xbox One似乎无法说明该特定游戏的年度版本的基本版本与游戏之间的区别。 Xbox One可能会对其他一些“年度最佳游戏”游戏及其DLC感到困惑-我们不确定这个问题是否仅针对该款游戏。

All in all, though, the system works pretty well–and should have you playing your old Xbox 360 games in no time.

总而言之,该系统运行良好-应该立即让您玩旧的Xbox 360游戏。



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STM32是一款广泛应用于嵌入式系统和物联网设备的微控制器。如果要将STM32用于制作Xbox 360游戏手柄,可以通过以下步骤来实现。 首先,我们需要了解Xbox 360手柄的工作原理和通信协议。Xbox 360手柄使用USB接口进行与主机的通信,通信协议为XInput。通过分析XInput协议,我们可以了解到手柄与主机之间的通信格式和数据传输方式。 接下来,我们可以选择合适的STM32系列微控制器,并开始进行硬件设计。我们需要将STM32与手柄的电子元件(如按钮、摇杆和震动马达)进行连接。可以采用GPIO引脚用于连接按钮开关、I2C或SPI接口连接摇杆等。此外,我们还需要将USB接口与STM32的UART或USB接口进行连接,以实现与主机的通信。 完成硬件设计后,我们需要编写相应的驱动程序来控制手柄的各个功能。这包括读取按钮状态、获取摇杆的位置信息,并控制震动马达等。编写驱动程序可以使用STM32的软件开发工具包(如STM32Cube)提供的函数和库,方便快捷地实现。 最后,我们需要进行调试和测试,确保手柄与主机的通信正常,各个功能都能够正常工作。可以连接手柄到电脑,通过调试工具对通信数据进行监控和分析,以排除可能存在的问题。 综上所述,使用STM32制作Xbox 360游戏手柄需要进行硬件设计、驱动程序编写以及调试测试等步骤。通过合理的设计和开发,我们可以实现一个具备各项功能的Xbox 360游戏手柄。


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