如何在Windows 10上压缩(和解压缩)文件

Windows 10 logo.

The ZIP file format reduces the size of files by compressing them, saving disk space, and reducing network transfer times. It also allows you to combine several files into a single one that’s easy to share with others. Here’s how to zip and unzip files on Windows 10.

ZIP文件格式通过压缩文件,节省磁盘空间和减少网络传输时间来减小文件的大小。 它还允许您将多个文件合并为一个文件,易于与他人共享。 这是在Windows 10上压缩和解压缩文件的方法。

如何创建一个Zip文件(压缩文件夹) (How to Create a Zip File (Compressed Folder))

First, open File Explorer and locate the files or folders you’d like to compress and combine into a Zip file. Windows refers to a Zip file as a “compressed folder,” so the terms are interchangeable in this case.

首先,打开文件资源管理器,找到要压缩并合并为Zip文件的文件或文件夹。 Windows将Zip文件称为“压缩文件夹”,因此在这种情况下,这些术语可以互换。

We’ll be using a group of image files as an example, but you can zip any type of file.


Example of files to Zip in Windows 10.

If it’s a single file or folder you’d like to compress, right-click it and a menu will pop up. Click “Send to,” and then click “Compressed (Zipped) Folder.”

如果您要压缩的是单个文件或文件夹,请右键单击该文件或文件夹,然后会弹出一个菜单。 单击“发送到”,然后单击“压缩(压缩)文件夹”。

You can also select multiple files or folders in Explorer, and then follow the same steps above to compress them simultaneously.


Click "Send to," and then select "Compressed Zip Folder" in Windows 10.

Windows compresses the files or folders, and a new ZIP file appears in the same location as the files you’re working with. The ZIP file icon looks like a standard Windows folder with a zipper on it.

Windows将压缩文件或文件夹,并且新的ZIP文件将出现在与您正在使用的文件相同的位置。 ZIP文件图标看起来像带有拉链的标准Windows文件夹。

Windows then allows you to name the ZIP file whatever you want. Type a name, and then press Enter.

然后,Windows允许您随意命名ZIP文件。 键入一个名称,然后按Enter。

Rename a compressed folder in Windows 10.

如何查看ZIP文件的内容和添加文件 (How to View a ZIP File’s Contents and Add Files)

If you’d like to check the ZIP file’s contents, double-click it in File Explorer. The ZIP file will open much like a regular folder, and you’ll see the files inside.

如果要检查ZIP文件的内容,请在“文件资源管理器”中双击它。 ZIP文件将像常规文件夹一样打开,您将在其中看到文件。

You can also copy-and-paste or drag-and-drop files into this window to add them to the ZIP file. To remove individual files from the ZIP file, delete them from here. Any changes you make inside the folder will be applied to the ZIP file.

您也可以将文件复制或粘贴或拖放到此窗口中,以将其添加到ZIP文件中。 要从ZIP文件中删除单个文件,请从此处删除它们。 您在文件夹内所做的任何更改都将应用于ZIP文件。

A list of compressed files in Windows 10.

If you’re satisfied, close the ZIP file windows, and you’re set. You can copy the ZIP file to wherever you want.

如果满意,请关闭ZIP文件窗口,然后进行设置。 您可以将ZIP文件复制到所需的任何位置。

It’s also possible to add more files to an existing ZIP file by opening it in explorer, and then dragging the files you want to add into the window.


如何从压缩文件夹中提取所有文件(Zip文件) (How to Extract All Files from a Compressed Folder (Zip File))

If your compressed folder (ZIP file) contains many files, it’s often easiest to extract them simultaneously into a new folder. To do so, locate the Zip file you’d like to unzip/extract in Explorer. Right-click the file, and then select “Extract All” from the pop-up menu.

如果压缩文件夹(ZIP文件)包含许多文件,则通常最容易同时将它们提取到新文件夹中。 为此,请在资源管理器中找到要解压缩/提取的Zip文件。 右键单击该文件,然后从弹出菜单中选择“全部提取”。

Click "Extract All" in Windows 10.

A dialog box appears asking where you’d like to put the files you’re extracting. If you’d like to change the location, click “Browse,” and then select a path. When you’re done, click “Extract.”

出现一个对话框,询问您要将提取的文件放在何处。 如果您想更改位置,请单击“浏览”,然后选择一个路径。 完成后,单击“提取”。

Click "Extract" in Windows 10.

The files will extract themselves to the destination you selected, and you’ll see them in a new window.


Files extracted from a Zip file in Windows 10.

如何从压缩文件夹中提取单个文件(Zip文件) (How to Extract a Single File from a Compressed Folder (Zip File))

Using Explorer, locate the compressed folder (Zip file) from which you want to extract a file. Double-click it, and it opens like a regular folder. You’ll see either a list of files or group of icons representing the compressed files.

使用资源管理器,找到要从中提取文件的压缩文件夹(Zip文件)。 双击它,它会像常规文件夹一样打开。 您将看到文件列表或代表压缩文件的图标组。

A list of compressed files in Windows 10.

Locate the file you want to extract, and then drag it out of the compressed folder window to another location, such as another folder or your Desktop.


Dragging a file out of a Zip file in Windows 10.

The extracted file is copied to the new location, and it will also remain in the Zip file. You can repeat this process as many times you’d like. When you’re done, just close the compressed folder window.

提取的文件将被复制到新位置,并且还将保留在Zip文件中。 您可以多次重复此过程。 完成后,只需关闭压缩文件夹窗口即可。

更多压缩和解压缩方式 (More Ways to Zip and Unzip)

There are other ways to zip and unzip files in Windows using third-party tools, such as 7-Zip, which is one of our favorites. You can also password-protect and encrypt your Zip files while compressing them for security.

还有其他使用第三方工具在Windows中压缩和解压缩文件的方法, 例如7-Zip ,这是我们的最爱之一。 您还可以在压缩Zip文件时对其进行密码保护和加密 ,以确保安全。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/668409/how-to-zip-and-unzip-files-on-windows-10/





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