
Photo By Steakpinball


A $600 language learning course may not be as good as a $10 learning method. We can even learn a new language without spending a dime with a free, easy to use, and rich feature flash card software.

600美元的语言学习课程可能不如10美元的学习方法好。 我们甚至可以学习一种新的语言,而无需花费任何钱就可以使用免费的,易于使用的功能丰富的闪存卡软件。

A flash card is a simple card with that has on one side a new word in a language that you’re learning and on the other side a word in your mother tongue. Flash card is really easy to make, all you need is a pen and a paper and just start writing the the word that you’re learning on one side of the paper and the word in your mother tongue on the side of the paper.

闪存卡是一种简单的卡,其中一方面包含您正在学习的语言的新单词,另一方面包含您母语中的单词。 闪存卡非常容易制作,您只需要一支笔和纸,然后就可以在纸的一侧开始写要学习的单词,在纸的一侧开始用母语写该单词。

There are plenty of good software, such as Anki ,that we can use to make flash card in Windows, Linux, Mac OSX, and iPhone. Anki has a lot of useful feature such as giving us access to a list of shared flash card decks. Let’s download a set of available flash cards to get us started on learning Japanese.

有很多很好的软件,例如Anki ,我们可以使用它们在Windows,Linux,Mac OSX和iPhone中制作闪存卡。 Anki具有许多有用的功能,例如使我们能够访问共享闪存卡组的列表。 让我们下载一组可用的闪存卡,让我们开始学习日语。

Anki has a strong of community that shares plenty of useful flash cards to get us started in learning a new language.Some of these flash cards even comes with sounds and pictures that helps us remember the foreign words that we are studying.


使用助记符学习外来词 (Using Mnemonics to Learn Foreign Words)

Mnemonics are verbal cues such as short poem or special words that helps us remember certain words. Mnemonics techniques rely on associating easy to remember constructs to the foreign words we are learning, such as:

助记符是口头提示,例如短诗或特殊单词,可以帮助我们记住某些单词。 助记符技术依赖于将易于记忆的构造与我们正在学习的外来词相关联,例如:

Memory for Images


Words are better remembered when they are paired with solid objects or events that are easy to visualize. When we want to memorize a Japanese word ‘Kore’ that means ‘This one’, We can try to recall a weekend when we went out to a shop and asked the shop keeper to show us his merchandise by asking him “Can I see this one ?”

将单词与易于可视化的固体对象或事件配对时,会更好地记住单词。 当我们想记住日语单词“ Kore”(意思是“这个人”)时,我们可以回想一下周末去商店购物时,店主问他“我能看到这个吗? 一个 ?”

Listening to the Words


Knowing how to verbally understand a foreign word is as important as understanding how to read and write it. Anki helps our listening skill by allowing us to attach an audio file to each flash card from its simple editing form to specify the foreign word’s meaning, reading, and images to a flash card.

知道如何口头理解一个外国单词与理解如何阅读和写作一样重要。 Anki允许我们将音频文件从其简单的编辑形式附加到每个闪存卡,以指定闪存卡上的外来词的含义,阅读和图像,从而帮助我们提高听力。

Anki streamlines other methods of attaching audio file such as recording our voice by clicking the audio record button to record our voice to a flash card.


用Anki学习词汇 (Studying Vocabulary with Anki)

Anki randomly pick a card from our decks and ask us to rate each vocabulary with four options: ‘Again’, ‘Good’,’Easy’, or ‘Very Easy’. Each options indicates our competency with for each word, choose ‘Again’ if we can’t guess the meaning of the word, or ‘Very Easy’ if we can guess the meaning of the word instantly.

Anki从我们的牌组中随机选择一张卡片,并要求我们使用四个选项对每个词汇表进行评分:“再次”,“良好”,“简单”或“非常简单”。 每个选项都表明我们对每个单词的能力,如果我们无法猜测单词的含义,请选择“再次”,如果可以立即猜测单词的含义,请选择“非常简单”。

If we choose ‘Again’ Anki will show is in a couple of minutes, if we choose ‘Good’ Anki will show it to us within another 11 hours. The easier we rate each word, the longer Anki will repeat the words to us during a review session, allowing us to learn those words that we find difficult to remember more frequently.

如果我们选择“再次”,Anki将在几分钟内显示,如果我们选择“良好”,Anki将在另外11个小时内显示给我们。 我们对每个单词的评分越容易,Anki在复习期间向我们重复这些单词的时间就越长,从而使我们能够更频繁地学习那些难以记住的单词。

结论 (Conclusion)

Learning a new language does not have to be expensive. The most important thing on learning a new language is motivation and the passion for learning. A good study method and habit will also help us learn a new language faster. Flash card is only one of the available methods to learn a new language. There are other methods to learn new language and we should find one that suits our study habit and our budget.

学习一门新语言不一定是昂贵的。 学习新语言最重要的是学习的动力和热情。 良好的学习方法和习惯也会帮助我们更快地学习新语言。 闪存卡只是学习新语言的可用方法之一。 学习新语言还有其他方法,我们应该找到一种适合我们的学习习惯和预算的方法。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/55414/use-your-pc-to-learn-a-new-language-without-spending-a-dime/





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