windows 标记文件_如何在Windows上标记文件以方便组织

windows 标记文件

windows 标记文件

If Windows Search just isn’t cutting it for helping you find your files, you can give it a little help by adding tags to many file types, from images in JPEG and PNG format to Office documents in DOCX, XLSX, and PPTX format.

如果Windows Search并不能帮助您查找文件,可以通过向许多文件类型添加标签(从JPEG和PNG格式的图像到DOCX,XLSX和PPTX格式的Office文档)提供一点帮助。

Tags work more or less like they do in any other system—photo libraries, social networks, et cetera. Unfortunately, there’s no way for Windows to auto-generate tags by itself. You’ll have to add and manage them manually. Then again, that might be a plus, depending on your personal style of organisation.

标签或多或少像在其他任何系统(照片库,社交网络等)中一样起作用。 不幸的是,Windows无法自行自行生成标签。 您必须手动添加和管理它们。 再说一遍,这可能是一个加号,这取决于您的个人组织风格。

在Windows资源管理器中标记文件 (Tagging Files in Windows Explorer)

Let’s take a look at my disorganized Pictures folder for an example. I use some subfolders for basic organization, but none of the files in the main folder are really named correctly—it’s just a bunch of stuff that doesn’t fit anywhere else.

让我们来看一个杂乱无章的“图片”文件夹作为示例。 我使用一些子文件夹进行基本组织,但是主文件夹中的文件都没有正确命名—只是一堆东西,其他地方都找不到。

I’ll use this old stock photo of Adam West as an example. To tag any file, right-click it in Explorer, and then click the “Properties” command. In the image’s properties window, switch over to the “Details” tab. You’ll see the “Tags” entry in the “Description” section.

我将以亚当·韦斯特的这张旧照片为例。 要标记任何文件,请在资源管理器中右键单击它,然后单击“属性”命令。 在图像的属性窗口中,切换到“详细信息”选项卡。 您将在“说明”部分中看到“标签”条目。

(If you don’t see a “Tags” entry here, that file type doesn’t support tags.)


To the right of the “Tags” entry, click the empty space in the “Value” column and a text box appears that just contains some “Add a tag” text. Type any tag you’d like to add. There are no predefined tags, so what you type is up to you. A tag can be any length and use any kind of standard character, including spaces, though we recommend keeping them reasonably short and easy to remember.

在“标签”条目右侧,单击“值”列中的空白区域,然后出现一个文本框,其中仅包含一些“添加标签”文本。 输入您要添加的任何标签。 没有预定义的标签,因此您键入的内容由您决定。 标签可以是任意长度,可以使用任何类型的标准字符(包括空格),尽管我们建议将标签的长度保持较短并易于记忆。

If you want to add multiple tags at once, just separate them with a semicolon.


When you’re done tagging, just click “OK” to finish.


使用标签进行搜索 (Using Tags to Search)

After you’ve tagged some files, you can then use those tags in your searches. But things are a little weird, depending on where you’re doing your searching.

标记了一些文件后,便可以在搜索中使用这些标记。 但是事情有些奇怪,这取决于您在哪里进行搜索。

In File Explorer, if you have the folder open where the file is contained, you can just type a tag into the search box and Windows will show you files tagged that way. Of course, the results also include any files that have that text in the name or other searchable content.

在“文件资源管理器”中,如果打开了包含文件的文件夹,则只需在搜索框中键入标签,Windows就会显示以这种方式标记的文件。 当然,结果还包括名称或其他可搜索内容中带有该文本的所有文件。

However, if you’re outside that folder (say, you want to search your whole PC or the entire Documents folder), you’ll have to add the “tags:” operator to the beginning of your search. The easiest way to do this is to just type “tags:” into the search box, and then type the tag text for which you want to search.

但是,如果您不在该文件夹中(例如,要搜索整个PC或整个Documents文件夹),则必须在搜索开始时添加“ tags:”运算符。 最简单的方法是在搜索框中键入“ tags:”,然后键入要搜索的标签文本。

You can also add that operator from the “Search” tab on File Explorer’s Ribbon, if you want. It’s more cumbersome than just typing the operator, but it might be useful if you’ve already performed a search and just want to narrow it down to tags.

如果需要,还可以从文件资源管理器功能区的“搜索”选项卡中添加该运算符。 它不仅比键入运算符还要麻烦,但是如果您已经执行了搜索并且只想将其范围缩小到标签,则可能会很有用。

在Microsoft Office中保存时标记文件 (Tagging Files While Saving in Microsoft Office)

Some apps, including all the Microsoft Office apps, let you add tags to files as you save them. Other apps, like Photoshop, do not. You’ll just have to play around with your apps to see which allow saving with tags.

某些应用程序(包括所有Microsoft Office应用程序)可让您在保存文件时向文件添加标签。 其他应用程序(例如Photoshop)则没有。 您只需要试验一下您的应用程序即可查看哪些允许使用标签进行保存。

Here’s how it looks in Word 2016. When you’re saving a document, just click the “More Options” link to open the full Save As dialog box.

这是在Word 2016中的外观。保存文档时,只需单击“更多选项”链接以打开完整的“另存为”对话框。

You’ll find a “Tags” box tucked under the file type dropdown menu. Click the box, and then type whatever tags you like.

您会在文件类型下拉菜单下找到一个“标签”框。 单击该框,然后键入所需的任何标签。

If you start typing a tag you’ve used before, Word will even pop up some suggestions.


To remove tags, just click the tag box, and then delete the tags you no longer want. Save the file again and the changes are applied.

要删除标签,只需单击标签框,然后删除不再需要的标签。 再次保存文件并应用更改。


windows 标记文件

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