xbox one x驱动_如何在Windows,OS X和Linux上使用Xbox One控制器

xbox one x驱动

xbox one x驱动


The Xbox One Controller is a fantastic gamepad, and although Microsoft has only recently started bundled the drivers for it in Windows 10, there are drivers available for Windows 7 and 8 on their website. Mac users do not have an official driver, but there is an lightweight open source solution that works well.

Xbox One控制器是一款出色的游戏手柄,尽管Microsoft直到最近才开始将其驱动程序捆绑在Windows 10中,但其网站上仍提供适用于Windows 7和8的驱动程序。 Mac用户没有正式的驱动程序,但是有一个运行良好的轻量级开源解决方案。

For all operating systems, the controller will only connect over the USB cable, not wirelessly, however Microsoft is releasing an adapter later this fall.


Windows驱动程序 (Windows Drivers)


Windows provides driver downloads on their support page. Be sure to download the correct version (32 bit or 64 bit) for your architecture. After installation, your controller should work fine when plugged in, but it may still be synced with the console. If it is, just turn the console and the controller off, plug in the controller, and turn the controller back on. If you want to use the controller on your Xbox again, you’ll have to do the same process to sync it to the console.

Windows在其支持页面上提供了驱动程序下载。 确保为您的体系结构下载正确的版本(32位或64位)。 安装后,您的控制器在插入后应该可以正常工作,但仍可以与控制台同步。 如果是这样,只需关闭控制台和控制器,插入控制器,然后重新打开控制器。 如果要再次在Xbox上使用控制器,则必须执行相同的过程将其同步到控制台。

You can check if the controller is working in the Devices panel in the settings, under ‘Connected Devices’. It should display simply as ‘Controller’. Alternatively, the home button on the controller will be lit and not flashing.

您可以在“连接的设备”下“设置”的“设备”面板中检查控制器是否正在工作。 它应该简单地显示为“控制器”。 或者,控制器上的主页按钮将点亮并且不闪烁。

Mac驱动程序 (Mac Drivers)


The Mac driver package, called Xone-OSX, is created by FranticRain on Github. The source code is available, but for anyone wanting a simple package to install, check the releases page. There is a disk image with a package installer that will automatically install the drivers and the System Preferences panel to go along with it.

Mac驱动程序包Xone-OSX由FranticRain在Github上创建。 源代码可用,但是对于想要安装简单软件包的任何人,请查看发行页面 。 有一个带有软件包安装程序的磁盘映像,它将自动安装驱动程序和“系统偏好设置”面板。

The controller will register in most Steam games as an input device, and can be configured in the ingame settings, but for anyone looking to use the controller outside of games or map the buttons to specific keys, there is a freeware application, Enjoyable,  which works incredibly well. You can even map the joystick and trigger buttons to control the mouse, which works very well with games like Minecraft or any first-person shooter.

该控制器将在大多数Steam游戏中注册为输入设备,并且可以在游戏内设置中进行配置,但是对于希望在游戏之外使用该控制器或将按钮映射到特定按键的任何人,都有一个免费软件应用程序Enjoyable ,运作得非常好。 您甚至可以映射操纵杆和触发按钮来控制鼠标,这在Minecraft之类的游戏或任何第一人称射击游戏中都非常有效。

Note that your controller will show up in some menus, including in Enjoyable, as an Xbox 360 controller. There isn’t really a difference internally as both the gamepads have the same layout.

请注意,您的控制器将作为Xbox 360控制器显示在某些菜单中,包括在Enjoyable中。 内部没有真正的区别,因为两个游戏手柄具有相同的布局。

Linux驱动程序 (Linux Drivers)

Surprisingly, other than Windows 10,  Linux is the only OS in the list to include native support for the Xbox One Controller. If your distro is running any kernel version past 3.17, you are good to go. SteamOS also has support for the controller.

令人惊讶的是,除了Windows 10之外,Linux是列表中唯一包含对Xbox One Controller的本机支持的操作系统。 如果您的发行版正在运行3.17以后的任何内核版本,则可以使用。 SteamOS还支持控制器。


xbox one x驱动





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