我应该购买哪个Amazon Echo? 回声vs.点vs.表演vs.Plus等

The Amazon Echo started off as a simple device, but now there are more than nine different Echo products out in the wild and on Amazon’s virtual shelves. So what’s the difference between them all, and which one should you buy?

亚马逊Echo起初只是一个简单的设备,但是现在,在野外和亚马逊的虚拟货架上已经有超过九种不同的Echo产品问世。 那么,它们之间有什么区别,您应该购买哪一个呢?

原始回声:带有强壮扬声器的语音控制 (The Original Echo: Voice Control with a Beefy Speaker)

Let’s start with the original products, for comparison’s sake. The first-gen Echo was a wine-bottle-sized speaker, with far-field always-listening microphones that allowed you to talk to it from across the room. It can answer questions, play music, control smarthome devices, and act as an intercom of sorts with other Echos. Many of these new features came as software updates, and if you have an Amazon Echo now, it’ll probably still get some new features in the future. Here’s a roundup of everything you can do with the Echo.

为了比较,让我们从原始产品开始。 第一代Echo是一款酒瓶大小的扬声器,带有远场始终听着的麦克风,使您可以在整个房间与之交谈。 它可以回答问题播放音乐控制智能家居设备 ,并与其他Echos 进行各种对讲 。 这些新功能中有许多是作为软件更新提供的,如果您现在拥有Amazon Echo,则将来可能仍会获得一些新功能。 这是您可以使用Echo进行的所有操作的摘要

Amazon has stopped selling the original Echo on its website, but you can still get it at Whole Foods while supplies last, as well as grab both the black and white versions refurbished for $130 on amazon.com. We also recommend grabbing them used for cheap—apparently a lot of people are buying them, not using them, and then trying to fence them on Craigslist and OfferUp later on.

亚马逊已经停止在其网站上出售原始的Echo,但您仍然可以在Whole Foods上购买它,售完为止,并可以在amazon.com上以130美元的价格购买翻新的黑色 和白色版本。 我们还建议您以便宜的价格抢购它们-显然,很多人正在购买它们,而不是使用它们,然后稍后尝试在Craigslist和OfferUp上隔离它们。

回声点:小巧紧凑,但音质不佳 (The Echo Dot: Small and Compact, but with Poor Audio Quality)

The Echo Dot ($50) is a tiny, inexpensive version of the original Echo—it can do everything a regular Echo can, but without taking up as much space (although it’s missing the nice, big speaker). However, to make up for the lack of speaker, it contains a line out port that lets you hook it up to your stereo or other big, high-quality speaker. Keep in mind, though, that all of the newer Echos have a line out port now.

Echo Dot (50美元)是原始Echo小巧,便宜的版本 -它可以执行常规Echo可以执行的所有操作,但不占用太多空间(尽管它缺少漂亮的大型扬声器)。 但是,为了弥补扬声器的不足,它包含一个输出端口,可让您将其连接到立体声或其他大型高质量扬声器。 但是请记住,所有较新的Echos现在都有一个线路输出端口。

The original Echo Dot contained a volume wheel along the top, just like the original Echo. However, that was shortly discontinued, and replaced with a cheaper version that contained volume buttons instead.

原始的Echo Dot沿顶部包含一个音量轮,就像原始的Echo一样。 但是,此功能不久就停产了,取而代之的是包含音量按钮的便宜版本。

亚马逊Tap:具有Alexa的电池供电蓝牙扬声器 (The Amazon Tap: A Battery-Powered Bluetooth Speaker with Alexa)

While it doesn’t follow along with the “Echo” naming convention, the Amazon Tap ($130) is basically a battery-powered Amazon Echo. It’s designed to be more of a travel Bluetooth speaker with Alexa built in, but now that it has always-on listening, there are almost no other differences between it and a regular Echo beyond its slightly smaller size. It was a great deal, but the second-generation Echo is even cheaper, so it’s a better buy if you don’t need the battery power (more on that in a moment).

虽然它没有遵循“ Echo”命名约定, 但Amazon Tap (130美元)基本上是由电池供电的Amazon Echo。 它的设计更多地是内置Alexa的旅行蓝牙扬声器,但是现在它可以始终保持收听状态, 因此与常规Echo几乎没有其他区别,只是尺寸略小。 这是很大的一笔交易,但是第二代Echo甚至更便宜,因此如果您不需要电池电源(此刻会更多),它是一个更好的选择。

回声秀:视频回声 (The Echo Show: Echo with Video)

The Echo Show ($230) can do everything the original Echo can, but it contains a touch screen that can show the information, as well as say it. You can also watch videos on it, see a feed from your security cameras, video chat with other Echo owners, and do a few other things that require a screen.

Echo Show (230美元)可以做原始Echo可以做的所有事情,但是它包含一个触摸屏,既可以显示信息,也可以显示信息。 您还可以在上面观看视频,查看安全摄像机的提要,与其他Echo所有者进行视频聊天,以及执行其他一些需要屏幕的操作

回声,第二代:更小,更便宜,音质更好 (The Echo, Generation Two: Smaller & Cheaper with Better Sound)

The original Echo has been discontinued, and is now replaced by a slightly shorter second-generation model. It’s available for $99 on Amazon. It comes covered in a few different finishes, some fabric, others silver or wood for an extra $30.

最初的Echo已经停产,现在由稍微短一些的第二代模型代替。 它在亚马逊上的售价为99美元 。 它覆盖了几种不同的饰面,有些织物,另一些银色或木头,额外收取30美元。

The new Echo also eschews the volume wheel for volume buttons (much like the Echo Dot did with its second generation) and a line out port, also like the Echo Dot. It uses a newer version of Amazon’s far-field microphone technology, as well as a dedicated woofer and tweeter for better sound. In my experience, the mids and highs sound fairly similar to the original Echo, but the bass is way better, making it a worthy upgrade if you’re in the market for a new Echo.

新的Echo还避开了音量按钮,以使用音量按钮(就像第二代Echo Dot一样)和出线端口,也类似于Echo Dot。 它使用了较新版本的亚马逊远场麦克风技术,以及专用的低音扬声器和高音扬声器,以获得更好的声音。 根据我的经验,对中频和高频的声音非常类似原来的回声,但低音是更好的方式 ,使之成为一个值得升级,如果你在市场上一个新的回声是。

Echo Plus:具有(不太好)智能家居中心的第二代Echo (The Echo Plus: A 2nd-Gen Echo with a (Not Very Good) Smarthome Hub)

The Echo Plus ($150) uses the same wine-bottle-sized form factor as the original Echo, but with the newer microphones, woofer, tweeter, and line out port of the second-generation Echo (though the tweeter is slightly larger). It’s also available in black, silver, or white, and contains a built-in ZigBee smarthome hub.

Echo Plus (150美元)使用与原始Echo相同的酒瓶尺寸外形,但配备了更新的麦克风,低音扬声器,高音扬声器和第二代Echo的输出端口(尽管高音扬声器稍大)。 它也有黑色,银色或白色两种颜色,并内置ZigBee智能家居集线器

If you aren’t sure what that means, check out our explainer on smarthome hubs—essentially, the Echo Plus will allow you to use generic ZigBee devices without a separate hub like the Wink. Devices with their own proprietary hub, like Insteon, will still require their original hub. The Echo Plus appears to only work with ZigBee products—there is no mention of Z-Wave anywhere. This makes the Echo Plus’ smarthome hub pretty weak, since many sensors, smart locks, and other smarthome devices use Z-Wave (Philips Hue being the one big exception that uses ZigBee). There are other ZigBee devices out there, of course, but they are slightly less popular than their big name Z-Wave counterparts.

如果您不确定这是什么意思,请查看我们在 Smarthome 集线器上的解释器-本质上,Echo Plus将允许您使用通用ZigBee设备,而无需像Wink这样的单独集线器。 具有自己专有集线器的设备(例如Insteon )仍将需要其原始集线器。 Echo Plus似乎仅适用于ZigBee产品-在任何地方都没有提到Z-Wave。 由于许多传感器,智能锁和其他智能家居设备都使用Z-Wave(Philips Hue是使用ZigBee的一个大例外), 这使得Echo Plus的智能家居中枢非常薄弱 。 当然,还有其他ZigBee设备,但它们不如其知名的Z-Wave同类产品流行。

As for the sound quality, it’s about on par with the regular second-generation Echo with maybe ever-so-slightly better bass, but I couldn’t tell a huge difference. In other words, you don’t really need to pay $50 extra for the Echo Plus unless you really want the built-in smarthome hub.

至于音质,它可以和普通的第二代Echo相提并论,低音也许会稍微好一点,但是我无法说出很大的不同。 换句话说,除非您真的想要内置的智能家居集线器,否则您实际上不需要为Echo Plus多付50美元。

Echo Connect:您的电话座机,已连接到Alexa (The Echo Connect: Your Phone Landline, Connected to Alexa)

All Echos can make calls to US phone numbers today, but it uses an IP calling service that doesn’t hook up to your existing landline. For that, there’s the new Echo Connect ($35), available for pre-order and shipping on December 13. It’s essentially a box that connects your existing landline to your other Echo devices, allowing you to make voice calls that actually come from your phone number. It also means you can call 911 and call international numbers, which is nice.

现在,所有Echo都可以拨打美国电话号码,但是它使用的IP呼叫服务无法连接到您现有的固定电话。 为此,有一个新的Echo Connect (35美元),可以在12月13日预订和发货。它实际上是一个将现有固定电话连接到其他Echo设备的盒子,使您可以拨打实际上来自手机的语音电话数。 这也意味着您可以拨打911并拨打国际电话,这很好。

回声点:以闹钟形式显示的回声 (The Echo Spot: The Echo Show in Alarm Clock Form)

The Echo Spot ($130) is similar to the Echo Show, but with a circular 2.5″ screen that acts as a clock when not showing you other information. Designed to be set by a bedside, the “clock” can also show you the weather, play music, make video calls, and perform other similar tasks as the Echo Show.

Echo Spot (130美元)与Echo Show相似,但是具有一个圆形的2.5英寸屏幕,在不向您显示其他信息时可以充当时钟。 设计为在床头设置,“时钟”还可以向您显示天气,播放音乐,进行视频通话以及执行其他与Echo Show相似的任务。

回声按钮:...琐事游戏的怪异Gi头,我猜是吗? (Echo Buttons: A Weird Gimmick for…Trivia Games, I Guess?)

While not necessarily Alexa-equipped devices, Echo Buttons are meant to be companion devices for your existing Echo. They cost $20 for a two-pack, and according to Amazon, are designed to act as “buzzers” for the many trivia games available on the Echo (via third-party Alexa Skills). Yeah, I don’t really get it either. Maybe they’ll add more useful functionality to them in the future.

虽然不一定配备Alexa的设备,但回声按钮是作为现有Echo的配套设备。 它们的价格为两包20美元,据亚马逊称,它被设计为Echo上可用的许多琐事游戏的“蜂鸣器”(通过第三方Alexa Skills)。 是的,我也没有。 也许他们将来会为他们添加更多有用的功能。

其他使用Alexa的设备 (Other Devices with Alexa)

The above comprises most of Amazon’s Echo lineup, but they aren’t the only devices with Alexa. You might also be interested to learn about:

以上内容构成了亚马逊Echo系列的大部分产品,但它们并不是唯一配备Alexa的设备。 您可能也有兴趣了解以下内容:

That’s a pretty big lineup, but we’ve found them to be a lot more useful than they seem, especially if you have other smarthome products. We’ll be testing out more of these new Echos as they’re released, so stay tuned.

那是一个很大的阵容,但是我们发现它们比看起来有用得多, 尤其是如果您有其他智能家居产品 。 我们将在发布这些新回声时测试更多这些声音,敬请期待。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/327622/which-amazon-echo-should-i-buy/

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