centos spigot_如何为自定义多人游戏运行Spigot Minecraft服务器

centos spigot

centos spigot


Minecraft’s native LAN support is great for running games on the fly, but if you want a dedicated, customized server, Spigot is the way to go. Spigot is built on a plugin API called Bukkit, which makes customizing your gameplay easy, and since the Bukkit project has been around since the dawn of Minecraft multiplayer, many developers have released their own plugins and modifications.

Minecraft的本地LAN支持非常适合即时运行游戏,但是如果您想要专用的,定制的服务器,则可以使用Spigot。 Spigot建立在名为Bukkit的插件API上,该API使得自定义游戏玩法变得容易,并且自Minecraft多人游戏诞生以来Bukkit项目就已经存在,许多开发人员已经发布了自己的插件和修改版。

什么是子弹? (What is Spigot?)

Spigot is a modified fork of the Bukkit API, which is itself a modified fork of the official Minecraft server released by Mojang. Bukkit was born when developers and modders were dissatisfied with the closed source and lack of features in the official server, and wanted a more modular and customizable server solution. The actual implementation of the Bukkit API was called CraftBukkit, and as Minecraft grew, CraftBukkit grew to be the best choice for medium and large sized servers. Due to some legal troubles, the CraftBukkit project was shut down, and has not been updated to 1.8, the newest Minecraft version.

Spigot是Bukkit API的修改后的分支,它本身也是Mojang发布的Minecraft官方服务器的修改后的分支。 Bukkit诞生于开发人员和改装者对封闭源代码不满意且官方服务器缺乏功能的情况下,因此需要一种更具模块化和可定制性的服务器解决方案。 Bukkit API的实际实现称为CraftBukkit,随着Minecraft的发展,CraftBukkit成为中型和大型服务器的最佳选择。 由于法律上的麻烦,CraftBukkit项目已关闭,并且尚未更新为最新的Minecraft版本1.8。

This is where Spigot comes into play. Spigot was designed to make CraftBukkit faster and more efficient. It uses the Bukkit API, so all plugins compatible with Bukkit are compatible with Spigot. When the Bukkit downloads were taken down, the Spigot project continued to update the software, making it now the biggest choice for modded servers and the only choice for modded 1.8 servers.

这就是Spigot发挥作用的地方。 Spigot旨在使CraftBukkit更快,更高效。 它使用Bukkit API,因此所有与Bukkit兼容的插件都与Spigot兼容。 当Bukkit的下载被删除时,Spigot项目继续更新该软件,使其成为模块化服务器的最大选择,而模块化1.8服务器的唯一选择。

Windows安装 (Windows Installation)

Spigot does not have a download; it must be compiled from source. The Spigot Team automate this with a program called BuildTools. You can download the latest version of BuildTools here. You will also need Git for Windows. Make sure you have the latest version of Java.

Spigot没有下载。 它必须从源代码编译。 Spigot团队使用名为BuildTools的程序将其自动化。 您可以在此处下载BuildTools的最新版本。 您还需要Windows版Git 。 确保您具有最新版本的Java。

Create a folder to house all of your server files and stick the BuildTools jar in it:

创建一个文件夹来容纳所有服务器文件,并将BuildTools jar粘贴在其中:


Run the Git for Windows setup and wait patiently until the progress bar reaches the end.

运行Git for Windows安装程序,耐心等待直到进度条结束。


When Git is finished installing, open the start menu and you should see a new application in your programs folder. Run Git bash and you will see a terminal window. If you have experience with Unix terminals, you should be familiar with how to use it. If not, the process is simple anyway. Just cd to the folder you put the BuildTools jar in, and run it with java -jar:

Git安装完成后,打开“开始”菜单,您应该在“程序”文件夹中看到一个新的应用程序。 运行Git bash,您将看到一个终端窗口。 如果您有使用Unix终端的经验,则应该熟悉如何使用它。 如果不是这样,则该过程很简单。 只需cd到您将BuildTools jar放入其中的文件夹,然后使用java -jar运行它:

cd ~/path/to/folder/


java -jar BuildTools.jar

java -jar BuildTools.jar


The BuildTools program will now download all necessary source code and compile the server jar files automatically. This may take a long time. When it finishes you should see the command prompt and a bunch of files in the folder you put the BuildTools jar in. Make a new text document, name it start.bat, right click it and select edit. It will open in Notepad, and paste this script in:

BuildTools程序现在将下载所有必需的源代码并自动编译服务器jar文件。 这可能需要很长时间。 完成后,您应该会看到命令提示符和放入BuildTools jar的文件夹中的一堆文件。创建一个新的文本文档,将其命名为start.bat,右键单击它并选择编辑。 它将在记事本中打开,并将此脚本粘贴到:

@echo off


java -Xms512M -Xmx1024M -XX:MaxPermSize=128M -jar spigot.jar pause

java -Xms512M -Xmx1024M -XX:MaxPermSize = 128M -jar spigot.jar暂停


If you’re only running this server for a few people, or for yourself on the same machine, 1gb of RAM will do just fine, but if you want you can change the -Xmx argument to a higher amount.


Save the script and run it. You will get an error and the program will exit. This is normal. The first time you run spigot.jar, it will create a EULA.txt file for legal reasons. Open it up, change it from false to true, and run start.bat again. To test that the server is running, open Minecraft and connect to localhost:

保存脚本并运行它。 您将得到一个错误,程序将退出。 这是正常的。 第一次运行spigot.jar时,出于法律原因,它将创建EULA.txt文件。 打开它,将其从false更改为true,然后再次运行start.bat。 要测试服务器是否正在运行,请打开Minecraft并连接到localhost:


You should be greeted with a Minecraft world and an error when you break a block near spawn. This is because Spigot defaults to a few blocks of spawn protection from everyone who isn’t an operator. You can ‘op’ yourself only from the server terminal by running

当您在生成区域附近突破一个方块时,应该会遇到Minecraft世界和一个错误。 这是因为Spigot会默认为所有不是操作员的人提供一些生成保护。 您只能通过运行从服务器终端“运行”自己

op playername


Or, if you want to remove someone,


deop playername


You need op permission to use a lot of in-game commands like giving items or switching to creative mode. There are also plugins that can give users permission to use specific commands.

您需要获得操作权限,才能使用许多游戏中命令,例如提供物品或切换到创作模式。 还有一些插件可以授予用户使用特定命令的权限。

OS X和Linux安装 (OS X and Linux Installation)

Installing Spigot on OS X and Linux is even easier. Make sure on both you have the latest version of Java installed. On Linux, use whichever package manager you have to install git if you don’t already have it:

在OS X和Linux上安装Spigot更加容易。 确保两者都安装了最新版本的Java。 在Linux上,使用尚未安装git的软件包管理器:

sudo apt-get install git

须藤apt-get install git

sudo yum install git

sudo yum安装git

Download the same BuildTools jar from the Windows installation and put it in its own folder.

从Windows安装中下载相同的BuildTools jar,并将其放在自己的文件夹中。


On Mac, open a terminal, navigate to that folder, and run it with


java -jar BuildTools.jar

java -jar BuildTools.jar


You should see a prompt asking you to install command line developer tools. Click ‘Install’ and wait for it to finish. This will install the tools necessary for BuildTools to run. On Linux you may need to run

您应该看到提示,要求您安装命令行开发人员工具。 单击“安装”,然后等待其完成。 这将安装BuildTools运行所需的工具。 在Linux上,您可能需要运行

git config –global –unset core.autocrlf

git config –global –unset core.autocrlf

before running the jar. Otherwise, the installation should go smoothly, and you can launch spigot.jar from the command line with java -jar, or with a startup script:

在运行罐子之前。 否则,安装将顺利进行,您可以使用java -jar或启动脚本从命令行启动spigot.jar:


#!/ bin / sh

java -Xms512M -Xmx1024M -XX:MaxPermSize=128M -jar spigot.jar

java -Xms512M -Xmx1024M -XX:MaxPermSize = 128M -jar spigot.jar

转发端口 (Port Forwarding)

If you want to play with friends outside of your local network, you need to forward ports on your router. Minecraft’s port defaults to 25565, though this can be changed in the server.properties config file.

如果要与本地网络外部的朋友一起玩,则需要转发路由器上的端口 。 Minecraft的端口默认为25565,尽管可以在server.properties配置文件中更改。

The address you give your friends should be your public IP address followed by a colon and the port number. You can find your public IP address online. For example, the IP your friends connect to will be something similar to

您提供给朋友的地址应该是您的公共IP地址,后跟冒号和端口号。 您可以在线找到您的公共IP地址 。 例如,您的朋友连接到的IP将类似于

安装插件 (Installing Plugins)

You can get plugins from Bukkit or SpigotMC. Many of the plugins are for 1.7, but most will work with 1.8. Installing a plugin is as easy as downloading a jar file and putting it in the plugins folder. You then need to reload or restart the server for the new plugin to kick in.

您可以从BukkitSpigotMC获得插件。 许多插件适用于1.7,但大多数可与1.8一起使用。 安装插件就像下载jar文件并将其放入plugins文件夹一样容易。 然后,您需要重新加载或重新启动服务器,以使新插件生效。

Here are some basic plugins you should install on setup:


  • LANBroadcaster opens your server to your local network, so friends can connect without typing in an IP.


  • Multiverse allows you to have as many Minecraft worlds as you want, and Multiverse Portals lets you link them together easily.

    Multiverse可让您拥有所需的Minecraft世界, Multiverse Portals可让您轻松地将它们链接在一起。

  • WorldEdit provides powerful control over terrain and building.


  • WorldGuard protects your builds from players and the environment.


Each of these plugins have their own syntax which you can learn by running /help in-game.

这些插件都有各自的语法,您可以通过在游戏中运行/ help来学习。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/223098/how-to-run-a-spigot-minecraft-server-for-customized-multiplayer/

centos spigot

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