如何在Apple Watch上查看实时照片

Much has been made of Apple’s new Live Photos feature and with good reason, it’s really cool and a great way to preserve special memories. If you own an Apple Watch, you can view Live Photos and even turn them into watch faces.

苹果的新Live Photos功能已经做出了很多,并且有充分的理由,它真的很酷,并且是保留特殊回忆的好方法。 如果您拥有Apple Watch,则可以查看实时照片,甚至可以将它们变成表盘。

In order to view Live Photos on your Apple Watch, you first have to sync photos to it. We explain how to do that in great detail, but for the purposes of this article, we want to show you how to cut to the chase.

为了在Apple Watch上查看实时照片,您首先必须将照片同步到它。 我们将详细介绍如何执行此操作 ,但是出于本文的目的,我们想向您展示如何进行追逐。

在Apple Watch上查看实时照片 (Viewing Live Photos on Your Apple Watch)

What you will probably want to do is add some of your preferred Live Photos to your Favorites. This guarantees that they’re easy to find and you will be able to quickly view them and turn them into watch faces.

您可能想要做的是将一些首选的实时照片添加到收藏夹中。 这样可以确保它们很容易找到,并且您将能够快速查看它们并将它们转变为表盘。

Do yourself a favor and favorite the Live Photos you want to view on your Watch. That way you won’t be spending tons of time looking through your photos hunting for them.
帮自己一个忙,并喜欢要在手表上查看的实时照片。 这样一来,您就不会花费大量时间寻找照片来寻找它们。

Next, open up the Watch app on your iPhone and check to make sure the Photo Syncing shared album is set to “Favorites”. Obviously, you could always create a special album with only Live Photos but for our purposes, this will work the best.

接下来,在iPhone上打开Watch应用,并检查以确保“照片同步”共享相册设置为“收藏夹”。 显然,您总是可以只使用Live Photos创建特殊专辑,但就我们的目的而言,这将是最好的。

Since we’ve already gone through and added our Live Photos to Favorites, we can just leave the synced album on our Watch as the default (Favorites).

With this step out of the way, we can now turn to our Watch and view our Live Photos on it. To do so, open the Photos app on your Watch.

通过这一步骤,我们现在可以转到“手表”并在其上查看“实时照片”。 为此,请在手表上打开“照片”应用。

With the Photos app open, you can go through and look at everything in your synced folder, which is our Favorites and thus contains all our desired Live Photos.


You can tell when something is a Live Photo because you will see the icon in the lower-right corner.

To view a particular Live Photo on your Apple Watch, simply place your fingertip on the watch face and the photo will play after a very short delay.

要在Apple Watch上查看特定的实时照片,只需将指尖放在表盘上,就会在很短的延迟后播放照片。

从实时照片创建表盘 (Creating a Watch Face from a Live Photo)

To quickly turn a Live Photo into a Watch face, press and hold your fingertip on it until it shows you the “Create Watch Face” screen.


Tap the “Create Watch Face” screen and your Live Photo will be transformed into a new watch face.


Note, you can drag the Live Photo left and right until you get it just the way you want.

The other method of creating a Live Photo watch face is to press and hold your current watch face until it lets you pick a new watch face. Swipe right until you get to the “New” screen.

创建实时照片表盘的另一种方法是按住您当前的表盘,直到您可以选择新的表盘。 向右轻扫,直到进入“新建”屏幕。

Now flick up until you can choose the “Photo” option. Tap again to set it as your new watch face.

现在轻弹一下,直到您可以选择“照片”选项。 再次点击以将其设置为新表盘。

If it isn’t oriented the way you want, press and hold the watch face again until you see the “Customize” option. Press the “Customize” button and you will be able to move the photo left or right until you get it just the way you want it.

如果不是您想要的方向,请再次按住表盘直到您看到“自定义”选项。 按下“自定义”按钮,您将可以向左或向右移动照片,直到获得所需的照片为止。

Once you have your Live Photo watch face set up the way you want it, whenever you look at your Watch to see the time, it will animate. You don’t need to interact with it at all to get it to do this, it will just come to life whenever you want to check the time.

一旦将Live Photo表盘设置为所需的方式,每当您看着手表查看时间时,它就会动起来。 您完全不需要与它进行交互就可以做到这一点,只要您想检查一下时间,它就会栩栩如生。

If you want to learn more about how to take great Live Photos, then you should check out our article on this very topic. On the other hand, if you want to learn about how to quickly share Live Photos with other non-Apple users such as on Facebook or Instagram, we’ve got you covered there as well.

如果您想了解有关如何拍摄出色的实时照片的更多信息,则应查看有关此主题的文章 。 另一方面,如果您想了解如何与其他非Apple用户(例如,Facebook或Instagram)快速共享实时照片, 我们也会为您提供帮助

Hopefully you found this article useful. If you have any questions or comments you would like to add, please leave your feedback in our discussion forum.

希望您发现本文有用。 如果您有任何疑问或意见要补充,请在我们的论坛中发表您的反馈意见。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/236154/how-to-view-live-photos-on-the-apple-watch/





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