steam流倒叙排序_Steam家用流媒体与NVIDIA GameStream:有何区别?



Both Steam In-Home Streaming and NVIDIA GameStream allow you to stream games from a powerful gaming PC and play them on another device, bringing the power of your gaming PC to your living room or a slower laptop or tablet. But what’s the difference between them?

Steam家用流媒体NVIDIA GameStream都可以让您从功能强大的游戏PC上播放游戏流,然后在另一台设备上进行游戏,从而将游戏PC的功能带到您的客厅或较慢的笔记本电脑或平板电脑上。 但是它们之间有什么区别?

基础 (The Basics)

Both Steam In-Home Streaming and NVIDIA GameStream function similarly. They let you “stream” games from a solid Windows gaming PC to another device over the network.

Steam家用流媒体和NVIDIA GameStream的功能相似。 它们使您可以将游戏从坚固的Windows游戏PC“流”到网络上的另一台设备。

For example, you might have a solid gaming PC in your office, but want to play a game on the TV in your living room. Rather than unplugging your PC and hauling it to another room–or buying another powerful, expensive PC just for your living room–you can just hook up a cheap PC to the TV in your living room and stream the game. Your gaming PC does the work, rendering the game while the image is sent to your TV. You hook up one or more game controllers–or a keyboard and mouse–to the device connected to the TV and it sends the input to the game running elsewhere in your home.

例如,您可能在办公室中有一台坚固的游戏PC,但想在客厅的电视上玩游戏。 与其拔掉PC并将其拖到另一个房间(或仅为您的客厅购买另一台功能强大,昂贵的PC) ,您只需将一台便宜的PC连接到客厅中的电视并播放游戏即可。 游戏PC完成工作,在将图像发送到电视的同时渲染游戏。 您将一个或多个游戏控制器(或键盘和鼠标)连接到连接到电视的设备,然后它将输入发送到在家里其他地方运行的游戏。

Streaming will never work as perfectly as hooking a powerful gaming PC directly to your TV. There will always be a small amount of input lag and perhaps some graphical artifacts due to the encoding. But, with a solid enough network connection and a powerful enough computer, you can have an excellent experience that’s much better than having a less powerful gaming PC hooked up to your TV.

流传输永远无法像将功能强大的游戏PC直接连接到电视那样完美。 由于编码的缘故,总会有少量的输入滞后和一些图形伪像。 但是,有了足够牢固的网络连接和足够强大的计算机,您可以拥有比将功能不那么强大的游戏PC连接到电视上更好的出色体验。

While the TV in your living room is the usual example, it doesn’t have to be a TV. You can use this solution to stream games from a high-power gaming PC to a laptop or tablet, allowing you to play games your laptop just wouldn’t be able to play.

虽然起居室中的电视是通常的示例,但不一定非要是电视。 您可以使用此解决方案将游戏从大功率游戏PC传输到笔记本电脑或平板电脑,从而让您可以玩笔记本电脑无法玩的游戏。

GameStream具有更严格的硬件要求 (GameStream Has Stricter Hardware Requirements)

Steam’s In-Home Streaming is the most forgiving in terms of hardware requirements. Valve recommends the computer you stream from have a quad-core CPU, and that the client PC support hardware-accelerated H.264 decoding. Practically any recent PC should have this feature.

就硬件要求而言,Steam的家庭流媒体是最宽容的。 Valve 建议您从中流式传输的计算机具有四核CPU,并且客户端PC支持硬件加速的H.264解码。 实际上,任何最新的PC都应具有此功能。

NVIDIA’s GameStream requirements are more strict. Your computer must have an NVIDIA graphics processor–AMD or Intel graphics  won’t work. That NVIDIA graphics hardware must be either be either a desktop-class GTX 600 series or higher GPU, or a notebook-class GTX 660M or higher GPU. You can check whether your PC supports this feature by opening the NVIDIA GeForce Experience application and looking under My Rig > GameStream.

NVIDIA对GameStream的要求更加严格。 您的计算机必须装有NVIDIA图形处理器-AMD或Intel图形将不起作用。 NVIDIA图形硬件必须是台式机级GTX 600系列或更高版本的GPU,或者是笔记本级GTX 660M或更高版本的GPU。 您可以通过打开NVIDIA GeForce Experience应用程序并在“我的装备”>“ GameStream”下查看,来检查您的PC是否支持此功能。

在GameStream复杂化的同时,Steam流到大多数PC (Steam Streams to Most PCs, While GameStream Is…Complicated)

Both of these solutions require you stream from a Windows PC, although Valve says it’s working on allowing you to stream from a Mac or Linux computer as well. But, if you have a powerful gaming PC, it’s probably running Windows anyway.

这两种解决方案都需要您从Windows PC进行流处理,尽管Valve表示正在努力也允许您从Mac或Linux计算机进行流处理。 但是,如果您拥有功能强大的游戏PC,则无论如何它都可能运行Windows。

The device you stream to is a different matter. Steam In-Home Streaming allows you to stream to any computer running Steam. This means that you can stream from a Windows gaming PC to a PC running Windows, Mac, or Linux, or a Steam Machine running SteamOS. There’s no way to stream to a computer running Chrome OS, though.

你流式传输该设备是一个不同的问题。 Steam在家流式传输使您可以流式传输到任何运行Steam的计算机。 这意味着您可以从Windows游戏PC到运行Windows,Mac或Linux的PC或运行SteamOS的Steam机器进行流传输。 不过,无法将其流式传输到运行Chrome操作系统的计算机。

NVIDIA GameStream, on the other hand, isn’t meant to stream to other PCs–it’s only meant to stream games to NVIDIA’s SHIELD devices (see below). But, thanks to an unofficial, open-source project named Moonlight, you can use GameStream to stream to a computer running Windows, Mac, or Linux, or even a Chrome OS computer. That is, as long as Moonlight is kept and up-to-date. Just remember that, since it’s unofficial, it could contain bugs or become abandoned at any time.

另一方面,NVIDIA GameStream并非要流式传输到其他PC上,而只是要将游戏流式传输到NVIDIA的SHIELD设备(请参见下文)。 但是,由于有了一个名为Moonligh t 的非官方开源项目 ,您可以使用GameStream将其流式传输到运行Windows,Mac或Linux的计算机,甚至是Chrome OS计算机。 也就是说,只要保持月光并保持最新状态即可。 请记住,由于它是非官方的,因此可能包含错误或随时被废弃。


Valve提供Steam链接,NVIDIA提供SHIELD硬件 (Valve Offers the Steam Link, and NVIDIA Offers SHIELD Hardware)

Both platforms also offer dedicated hardware devices for streaming.


For Steam In-Home Streaming, you can purchase a $50 Steam Link that’s designed to connect to the TV in your living room. This device isn’t a true Steam Machine; instead, it’s just designed to connect to a PC and use Steam In-Home Streaming to stream to your TV.

对于Steam家用流媒体,您可以购买50美元的Steam链接 ,该链接旨在连接到客厅中的电视。 该设备不是真正的蒸汽机; 取而代之的是,它仅设计用于连接PC并使用Steam家用流媒体传输到电视。

NVIDIA GameStream is officially designed to be used only with NVIDIA’s own NVIDIA SHIELD hardware. NVIDIA currently offers a SHIELD Android TV device designed to connect to your home entertainment center, a SHIELD tablet, and a handheld SHIELD gaming device.

NVIDIA GameStream被正式设计为只能与NVIDIA自己的NVIDIA SHIELD硬件一起使用。 NVIDIA当前提供用于连接家庭娱乐中心的SHIELD Android TV设备,SHIELD平板电脑和手持式SHIELD游戏设备。

It’s worth repeating that NVIDIA offers no official Windows, Mac, or Linux clients for GameStream. That’s why you need to use the unofficial Moonlight client mentioned above if you want to use GameStream on a PC. Only NVIDIA’s own SHIELD hardware is officially supported as a client.

值得重复的是,NVIDIA不为GameStream提供官方的Windows,Mac或Linux客户端。 因此,如果要在PC上使用GameStream,则需要使用上述非官方的Moonlight客户端。 客户端仅正式支持NVIDIA自己的SHIELD硬件。

GameStream可以(非正式)流式传输到智能手机和平板电脑,但Steam不能 (GameStream Can (Unofficially) Stream to Smartphones and Tablets, But Steam Can’t)

Steam’s In-Home Streaming offers no way to play games on an Android smartphone or tablet, an iPad, or an iPhone.


However, that open-source Moonlight client for NVIDIA GameStream does offer Android and iOS clients , allowing you to play games on Android tablets, iPhones, and iPads. It’s a definite unique feature for GameStream, but it’s also unofficial. And, let’s be realistic–it sounds kind of cool, but you probably won’t want to play most PC games on your phone.

但是,用于NVIDIA GameStream的开源Moonlight客户端确实提供了Android和iOS客户端,使您可以在Android平板电脑,iPhone和iPad上玩游戏。 这是GameStream的绝对独特功能,但它也是非官方的。 而且,让我们变得现实-听起来很酷,但您可能不想在手机上玩大多数PC游戏。

GameStream不仅可以在家中通过互联网流式传输 (GameStream Can Stream Over the Internet, Not Just In the Home)

Steam’s In-Home Streaming only functions on your local network. In other words, In-Home Streaming only functions in your home–it’s in the name. You can’t stream games remotely without messing with VPNs, and even then it may not work well.

Steam的家庭流媒体仅在您的本地网络上起作用。 换句话说,家庭流媒体仅在您的家庭中起作用,这就是它的名字。 您不能在不弄乱VPN的情况下远程流式传输游戏,即使那样也可能无法正常工作。

NVIDIA GameStream does offer some support for remotely streaming games, so you can leave your gaming PC on at home and stream games from it to another device over the Internet. Of course, you won’t have ideal performance, but it’s a neat feature nonetheless.

NVIDIA GameStream确实为远程流游戏提供了一些支持,因此您可以将游戏PC留在家里,然后将游戏从PC上流到Internet上的另一台设备上。 当然,您将不会获得理想的性能,但这仍然是一个很好的功能。

哪个提供更好的性能? (Which Offers Better Performance?)

Which offers the best performance? It’s impossible to actually say. Performance will mostly depend on your network–we recommend a fast wired Ethernet network to improve your streaming performance–and the hardware in the PC you’re streaming from. We’ve used both and they both seemed to perform similarly, at least in ideal conditions.

哪个提供最佳性能? 真的不可能说。 性能将主要取决于您的网络-我们建议使用快速有线以太网络来改善流传输性能 -以及从中流传输的PC中的硬件。 我们都使用了它们,并且至少在理想条件下,它们的表现似乎都相似。

If you’re using AMD hardware, Steam’s In-Home Streaming is the only option for you, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. If you have recent enough NVIDIA hardware, you can also give GameStream a shot and see if one works better for you with your hardware and on your network. But you might stumble into bugs when using NVIDIA GameStream along with the unofficial Moonlight client, as NVIDIA doesn’t officially support this. So in the end, the best option may be the one that supports the operating systems and devices you use.

如果您使用的是AMD硬件,Steam的家庭流媒体将是您唯一的选择,而这不一定是一件坏事。 如果您最近拥有足够的NVIDIA硬件,您还可以试一试GameStream,看看在您的硬件和网络上是否更适合您。 但是当与非官方的Moonlight客户端一起使用NVIDIA GameStream时,您可能会发现错误,因为NVIDIA并未正式支持此功能。 因此,最后,最好的选择可能是支持您使用的操作系统和设备的选择。







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