传送的谷歌应用程序打不开_如何使用Google Home将内容传送到您的Chromecast



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Both the Amazon Echo and the Google Home allow you to do some really cool things, but the Google Home has one big advantage: you can beam content to your Chromecast using just your voice.

Amazon Echo和Google Home都可以让您做一些非常酷的事情,但是Google Home有一个很大的优势:您可以仅通过声音将内容传输到Chromecast。

First off, it’s important to know that the type of content you can beam to your Chromecast from the Google Home is extremely limited. Currently, you can only beam video content from YouTube and Netflix, and audio content from Google Play Music, Pandora, Spotify, and YouTube Music. If that’s all you really need, then read on. If the app you want to use isn’t supported, hopefully the Google Home will support more apps in the future.

首先,重要的是要知道,您可以从Google Home发送到Chromecast的内容类型非常有限。 目前,您只能传送来自YouTube和Netflix的视频内容,以及来自Google Play音乐,Pandora,Spotify和YouTube音乐的音频内容。 如果这是您真正需要的,请继续阅读。 如果不支持您要使用的应用,则希望Google Home将来会支持更多应用。

This guide assumes that you already have your Google Home and Chromecast set up and ready to go. If not, we have thorough guides on how to set up the Google Home and how to set up the Chromecast.

本指南假定您已经设置好Google Home和Chromecast并可以使用。 如果没有,我们将提供有关如何设置Google Home如何设置Chromecast的详尽指南。

在您的Chromecast上启用语音控制 (Enable Voice Control on Your Chromecast)

Once you have these two devices hooked up and ready to go, you may still need to enable voice control and link your Chromecast to your Google account before it will work with the Google Home. To do this, open up the Google Home app and tap on the Devices button in the top-right corner of the screen.

将这两种设备连接起来并准备就绪后,您可能仍需要启用语音控制并将Chromecast链接到您的Google帐户,然后才能与Google Home一起使用。 为此,请打开Goog​​le Home应用,然后点击屏幕右上角的设备按钮。


From there, find your Chromecast and then tap on “Enable voice control and more”.



When the pop-up appears, tap on “Yes, I’m In”.



After that, there’s nothing further you have to do—voice control should be enabled on your Chromecast  as long as both devices are connected to the same Wi-Fi network.


如何使用Google Home控制您的Chromecast (How to Control Your Chromecast with Google Home)

With that out of the way, all you have to do is say, “Hey Google, play [name of video/song] from [name of service] on [your Chromecast’s name].” For example, you could say something like, “Hey Google, play The Weeknd from Play Music on the Living Room Chromecast” and it will shuffle songs by The Weeknd from Google Play Music.

这样一来,您所要做的就是,“嘿Google,在[您的Chromecast名称]上播放[服务名称]中的[视频/歌曲名称]。” 例如,您可以说“嘿Google,在起居室Chromecast上的Play音乐中播放The Weeknd”之类的内容,它会随机播放Google Play音乐中The Weeknd的歌曲。

You can also watch YouTube videos and start them using your voice, saying, “Hey Google, play PewDiePie from YouTube on the Living Room Chromecast”. You can also be generic and say you want to watch “cat videos”, and the Google Home will simply just play random videos featuring cats.

您还可以观看YouTube视频并使用自己的声音开始播放,说:“嘿,Google,在Living Room Chromecast上播放YouTube上的PewDiePie”。 您也可以说是普通话,说要观看“猫咪视频”,而Google Home只会播放随机播放的猫咪视频。

You can be specific as to what YouTube video you want to watch as well, like “Hey Google, play the Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2 trailer on the Living Room Chromecast”.

您还可以指定要观看的YouTube视频,例如“嘿Google,在Living Room Chromecast上播放Galaxy Volume 2的监护人预告片”。

Whenever you want to pause playback, all you have to do is say “Hey Google, pause the Living Room Chromecast”. You can also stop casting altogether by saying “Hey Google, stop casting” or you can hit “Stop Casting” in the Google Home app.

每当您要暂停播放时,您只需说“嘿Google,暂停起居室Chromecast”即可。 您还可以通过说“嘿,Google,停止投放”来完全停止投放,也可以在Google Home应用中点击“停止投放”。


通过链接您的帐户来启用Netflix支持 (Enable Netflix Support By Linking Your Account)

Unfortunately, Netflix isn’t enabled off the bat and you have to link your Netflix account with your Google account first. Thankfully, it’s really easy to do.

不幸的是,尚未立即启用Netflix,您必须先将Netflix帐户与Google帐户关联。 值得庆幸的是,这确实很容易做到。

Start by opening up the Google Home app and tap on the Menu button in the top-left corner of the screen.

首先打开Goog​​le Home应用,然后点击屏幕左上角的“菜单”按钮。


Tap on “More Settings”.



Scroll down and select “Videos and Photos”.



Tap on “Link” under “Netflix”.

点击“ Netflix”下的“链接”。


Select “Link Account” when the pop-up appears.



Enter in your email address and password associated with your Netflix account and then tap on “Sign In and Link” at the bottom.



You’ll be taken back to the previous screen where it will now say “Unlink” under “Netflix”. You’re good to go at this point.

您将回到上一个屏幕,在该屏幕上现在将在“ Netflix”下显示“ Unlink”。 您现在好了。


To begin watching a show on Netflix, simply say, “Hey Google, watch Stranger Things on the Living Room Chromecast”. (You don’t have to say “On Netflix”, but you can.) If you’ve never watched the show, it’ll start on episode one; otherwise, it’ll pick up where you left off.

要开始在Netflix上观看节目,只需说“嘿Google,在起居室Chromecast上观看“陌生人事物””。 (您不必说“在Netflix上”,但可以。)如果您从未看过该节目,它将从第一集开始; 否则,它将在您离开的地方继续。

Once it begins playing, you can then pause and resume it at any time by just saying “Hey Google, pause” or “resume”. You can also say, “Hey Google, play the next episode” or “play the previous episode”.

开始播放后,您可以随时说“嘿Google,暂停”或“恢复”来暂停和继续播放。 您也可以说“嘿Google,播放下一集”或“播放上一集”。

Unfortunately, you can’t get specific and say something like, “Hey Google, play The Office season 1 episode 3”. Instead, you’ll have to go into the Netflix app to choose a specific episode. But Google’s voice control should cover you in most situations.

不幸的是,您无法说出具体的话,例如:“嘿Google,播放Office The Season 1第3集”。 取而代之的是,您必须进入Netflix App以选择特定的剧集。 但是Google的语音控制功能在大多数情况下都可以覆盖您。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/286623/how-to-use-google-home-to-beam-content-to-your-chromecast/






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