



Many low-level tweaks can normally only be performed on Android by flashing custom ROMs. The Xposed Framework allows you to modify your existing system without installing a new custom ROM. All it requires is root access.

通常只能通过刷新自定义ROM在Android上执行许多低级调整。 Xposed Framework允许您修改现有系统,而无需安装新的自定义ROM。 它只需要root访问权限

Sure, you may want to flash a custom ROM like CyanogenMod to get the latest version of Android or use a wide variety of tweaks, but if you like the version of Android you already have, the Xposed framework is very flexible. Think of the Xposed Framework as building your own custom ROM for Android. Instead of downloading something like CyanogenMod, which comes with a bunch of new features baked in, Xposed lets you add just the features you want, one by one, through individual modules. No ROM flashing required. This article has a few examples of the things you can do, if you’re curious.

当然,您可能想要刷新自定义ROM(例如CyanogenMod)以获取最新版本的Android或进行各种调整,但是如果您喜欢已经拥有的Android版本,则Xposed框架非常灵活。 将Xposed框架视为构建自己的Android自定义ROM。 Xposed无需下载诸如CyanogenMod之类的东西,它附带了许多新功能,而是使您可以通过各个模块逐个添加所需的功能。 无需ROM刷新。 如果您感到好奇, 本文提供了一些您可以执行的操作的示例。

这个怎么运作 (How It Works)

The popular GravityBox Xposed module, which contains many useful tweaks in one package.
The popular GravityBox Xposed module, which contains many useful tweaks in one package.
流行的GravityBox Xposed模块,在一个软件包中包含许多有用的调整。

To perform various low-level tweaks, developers have to modify system APK (app package) files. They generally release these changes as a custom ROM, which users have to flash onto their device.

要执行各种低级调整,开发人员必须修改系统APK(应用程序包)文件。 他们通常将这些更改作为自定义ROM发布,用户必须将该Flash刷新到其设备上。

The Xposed Framework requires root access to install, but should be able to work without root afterwards. It extends the /system/bin/app_process executable to load a specific JAR file on startup. This file’s classes will be part of every app process on the system — even system service processes. It’s then possible to modify an app’s behavior at runtime — no ROM flashing or modifying app APK files required.

Xposed Framework需要具有root用户访问权限才能安装,但是之后无需root用户就可以工作。 它扩展了/ system / bin / app_process可执行文件以在启动时加载特定的JAR文件。 该文件的类将成为系统上每个应用程序进程(甚至是系统服务进程)的一部分。 这样就可以在运行时修改应用程序的行为-无需ROM刷新或修改应用程序APK文件。

The Xposed Framework isn’t guaranteed to work on every phone, nor are the individual models. It’s designed to work with most Android 4.0 and later devices. In addition, it (or its modules) may not work on heavily modified ROMs, or devices that heavily modify certain pieces of code (Samsung devices may run into issues, for example). The only way to know is to browse the Xposed forums or try it out for yourself. There are unofficial builds out there for TouchWiz and other versions of Android, if you’re willing to give them a shot.

不能保证Xposed框架可以在每部手机上运行,​​也不保证各个型号都可以。 它旨在与大多数Android 4.0及更高版本的设备一起使用。 此外,它(或其模块)可能无法在经过大量修改的ROM或对某些代码进行大量修改的设备上运行(例如,三星设备可能会出现问题)。 唯一了解的方法是浏览Xposed论坛或亲自尝试。 如果您愿意为他们提供一些非官方的TouchWiz和其他版本的Android版本。

Your phone will also need to be rooted. There’s no way around this, so if you haven’t rooted yet, there’s no better time than now! Every phone is a little different, so check out our rooting guide, and the XDA Developers Forum for your specific device for more information on how to root it.

您的手机也将需要植根。 无法解决这个问题,因此,如果您还没有扎根,那么没有比现在更好的时间了! 每个电话都有所不同,因此请查看我们的生根指南以及适用于您特定设备的XDA开发者论坛 ,以获取有关如何生根的更多信息。

Lastly, keep in mind that–just like unlocking your bootloader and rooting–Xposed modules have access to deep system functions on your phone, and are a security risk. Only install modules from developers you trust, or search for open source modules and stick to those. Everything from here on out is at your own risk, so be careful and install responsibly.

最后,请记住,就像解锁引导加载程序生根一样, Xposed模块可​​以访问手机上的深层系统功能,并且存在安全隐患。 仅安装您信任的开发人员的模块,或搜索开源模块并坚持使用。 从此处开始的所有内容均由您自担风险,因此请当心并负责任地安装。

You can browse the different Xposed tweaks available at Xposed’s web site, and see lots more info and frequently asked questions on the Xposed forum at XDA Developers.

您可以浏览Xposed网站上提供的各种Xposed调整,并在XDA Developers的Xposed论坛上查看更多信息和常见问题。

第一步:安装Xposed框架 (Step One: Install the Xposed Framework)

The Xposed Framework isn’t available in Google Play, so you’ll need to install it through one of two other methods.

Xposed框架在Google Play中不可用,因此您需要通过其他两种方法之一进行安装。

Update: If you’re running Marshmallow or above, you can install the a newer, “systemless” version of Xposed, which is much more flexible than the old version discussed in this article. First, you’ll want to read about systemless root, and then learn how to install systemless Xposed here.

更新 :如果您运行的是棉花糖或更高版本,则可以安装Xposed的更新的“无系统”版本,它比本文讨论的旧版本更加灵活。 首先,您将要了解无系统root ,然后在这里学习如何安装无系统Xposed。

If you’re running a version of Android Ice Cream Sandwich, Jelly Bean, or KitKat, you can download the Xposed Installer APK from Xposed’s home page, then transfer it to your phone with a USB cable or an app like Dropbox. Then, launch the APK to begin the installation and skip to the next section.

如果您运行的是Android Ice Cream Sandwich,Jelly Bean或KitKat版本 ,则可以从Xposed主页下载Xposed Installer APK ,然后通过USB电缆或Dropbox之类的应用程序将其传输到手机。 然后,启动APK以开始安装并跳至下一部分。


If you’re running Android Lollipop or Marshmallow, installation is a bit more complicated: you’ll need to flash the framework using a custom recovery like TWRP, then sideload the installer. (Though remember, if you’re running Marshmallow, you can also install the systemless version, which is better.)

如果您正在运行Android Lollipop或Marshmallow ,则安装会稍微复杂一些:您需要使用TWRP之类的自定义恢复来刷新框架,然后侧重安装程序。 (不过请记住,如果您运行的是棉花糖,也可以安装无系统版本 ,这是更好的选择。)

Head to Xposed’s forum thread on XDA Developers and download three files: the Xposed Installer APK, the Xposed Framework ZIP, and the Xposed Uninstaller ZIP. You may have to do some research to figure out which .zip file to download. “sdk21”, “sdk22”, and “sdk23” refer to Android 5.0, 5.1, and 6.0, respectively; “arm”, “arm64”, and “x86” refer to ARM, 64-bit ARM, and Intel processors, respectively.

前往XDA Developers上Xposed的论坛主题并下载三个文件:Xposed Installer APK,Xposed Framework ZIP和Xposed Uninstaller ZIP。 您可能需要做一些研究才能确定要下载哪个.zip文件。 “ sdk21”,“ sdk22”和“ sdk23”分别是指Android 5.0、5.1和6.0; “ arm”,“ arm64”和“ x86”分别是指ARM,64位ARM和Intel处理器。

So, since I have a Nexus 5X–which has a 64-bit ARM processor and is running Android 6.0.1 Lollipop–I downloaded the Xposed Installer APK, the xposed-v80-sdk23-arm64.zip file, and the xposed-uninstaller-arm64.zip file.

因此,由于我有一个配备64位ARM处理器并运行Android 6.0.1 Lollipop的Nexus 5X,因此我下载了Xposed Installer APK,xposed-v80-sdk23-arm64.zip文件和xposed-uninstaller -arm64.zip文件。

Transfer all three files to your phone using a USB cable or an app like Dropbox.


Next, reboot your phone into TWRP recovery. Doing this is a bit different on every phone–for example, you may have to hold the Power and Volume Down buttons simultaneously, then use the volume keys to boot “Recovery Mode”. Google instructions for your specific model to see how it’s done.

接下来,将手机重新启动到TWRP恢复。 在每部手机上执行此操作都有些不同,例如,您可能必须同时按住电源和降低音量按钮,然后使用音量键启动“恢复模式”。 Google针对您的特定模型的说明,说明如何完成。

Once you’ve done so, you’ll be greeted with the familiar TWRP home screen. Click the Install button.

完成此操作后,您将看到熟悉的TWRP主屏幕。 单击安装按钮。

NOTE: You may want to make a backup in TWRP before continuing with this process.



The following screen will appear. Scroll down and navigate to the Xposed framework .zip file you transferred earlier.

将出现以下屏幕。 向下滚动并导航到您先前传输的Xposed框架.zip文件。


Tap the Xposed zip and you’ll see this screen. Swipe to confirm the flash.

点击Xposed zip,您将看到此屏幕。 滑动以确认闪光。


It should only take a moment to flash the package. When it finishes, tap the “Wipe Cache/Dalvik” button, then reboot your system.

只需花一点时间即可刷新包装。 完成后,点击“ Wipe Cache / Dalvik”按钮,然后重新启动系统。


If TWRP asks if you want to install SuperSU now, choose “Do Not Install”.


Your phone may take a few minutes to reboot, as it may “re-optimize” your apps. Give it time, and when it finishes, launch the Xposed Installer APK you transferred earlier. This will install the app you’ll use to manage your modules.

手机可能需要几分钟的时间才能重新启动,因为它可能会“重新优化”您的应用程序。 给它一点时间,当它完成时,启动您先前传输的Xposed Installer APK。 这将安装您将用来管理模块的应用程序。


If you run into any problems with the installation–like your phone goes into a boot loop–just flash the Xposed Uninstaller .zip file in the same fashion and things should go back to normal. If all else fails, restore from your last TWRP backup.

如果您在安装过程中遇到任何问题(例如您的手机进入启动循环),只需以相同的方式刷新Xposed Uninstaller .zip文件,一切应该会恢复正常。 如果其他所有方法均失败,请从上一次TWRP备份中还原。

第二步:设置Xposed安装程序并下载模块 (Step Two: Set Up the Xposed Installer and Download a Module)

Launch the Xposed Installer and you’ll be greeted with the screen below. Devices running KitKat will need to tap the “Framework” option, then tap the Install/Update button to install the Xposed Framework. You’ll need to reboot your phone when finished. Lollipop and Marshmallow users will have already done this through the .zip flashing in the previous step.

启动Xposed安装程序,您将看到下面的屏幕。 运行KitKat的设备将需要点击“框架”选项,然后点击“安装/更新”按钮以安装Xposed框架。 完成后,您需要重新启动手机。 棒棒糖和棉花糖用户将在上一步中通过.zip闪烁完成此操作。


Remember, Xposed requires root access, so if you get a prompt at this point from your superuser app. Grant Xposed Installer superuser rights to continue.

请记住,Xposed需要root用户访问权限,因此,如果此时您从超级用户应用程序收到提示,则Xposed。 授予Xposed Installer超级用户权限以继续。

Now that Xposed is all set up, it’s time for the fun part: installing modules. Xposed modules contain the different tweaks you can use to customize your system. Some are small, and only perform one function, while others are packages containing many useful tweaks. For this guide, we’re going to use a very simple example: XInsta, an Xposed module that adds an option to download photos from the Instagram app.

现在Xposed已全部设置好了,是时候进行有趣的部分了:安装模块。 Xposed模块包含可用于自定义系统的不同调整。 有些很小,只执行一项功能,而有些则是包含许多有用调整的软件包。 对于本指南,我们将使用一个非常简单的示例: XInsta ,一个Xposed模块,其中添加了一个选项,可以从Instagram应用程序下载照片。

Tap the “Download” section of the Xposed Installer and tap the search button in the toolbar. Search for “xinsta” and select the XInsta module that appears.

点击Xposed安装程序的“下载”部分,然后点击工具栏中的搜索按钮。 搜索“ xinsta”,然后选择出现的XInsta模块。


Swipe over to the Versions tab and tap the “Download” button on the latest version. This will download and install the Xposed module in question.

滑过“版本”选项卡,然后点击最新版本上的“下载”按钮。 这将下载并安装相关的Xposed模块。


When finished, the module will be installed, but not activated. In the Xposed Installer, head to the Modules section (or just select the notification that appears in your notification dropdown). Check the box next to the module you want to activate, and reboot your phone.

完成后,将安装模块,但不会激活它。 在Xposed安装程序中,转到“模块”部分(或仅选择显示在通知下拉列表中的通知)。 选中要激活的模块旁边的框,然后重新启动手机。


If you notice in the module’s description, it has one prerequisite: you need to give Instagram permission to access your phone’s storage. These kinds of things are common, so be sure to read the module’s description before you try to use it.

如果您在该模块的说明中注意到它,则有一个先决条件:您需要授予Instagram权限才能访问手机的存储空间。 这类事情很常见,因此在尝试使用模块之前,请务必先阅读其描述。

To do this, head to Settings > Apps > Instagram > Permissions and switch “Storage” to On.

为此,请转到设置>应用程序> Instagram>权限,然后将“存储”切换为“开”。


Then, open the Instagram app and click the three dots next to a photo–if all went well, you should have the option to download that photo to your device.


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Congratulations, you just successfully installed your first Xposed module!


第三步:调整模块(如果适用) (Step Three: Tweak Your Module (if Applicable))

Many of the Xposed modules you download will have their own interface, from which you can tweak different settings related to the module. You can usually access this by tapping on the module in the “Modules” section of the Xposed Installer. In other cases, the module may even come with its own icon in the app drawer, as seen below.

您下载的许多Xposed模块将具有其自己的界面,您可以从中调整与模块相关的不同设置。 通常,您可以通过点击Xposed安装程序的“模块”部分中的模块来访问它。 在其他情况下,该模块甚至可能在应用程序抽屉中带有其自己的图标,如下所示。


Be sure to check out the settings for your modules. You never know what kind of goodies will be in there.

确保检查出模块的设置。 您永远不会知道那里会有什么样的东西。

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You can also long-press on the item’s entry in the Xposed Installer to update or uninstall the module.


Now that you’re up and running, we recommend browsing the Xposed module section to see all the things Xposed can offer. Our list of the best Xposed modules is also a good place to start exploring. I highly recommend GravityBox, pictured earlier in this article, which collects of many useful tweaks into one customizable package.

现在您已启动并运行,我们建议浏览Xposed模块部分,以查看Xposed可提供的所有功能。 我们最好的Xposed模块列表也是一个开始探索的好地方。 我强烈建议使用GravityBox ,如本文前面所述,它将许多有用的调整收集到一个可定制的程序包中。

卸载Xposed框架 (Uninstalling the Xposed Framework)

If you ever want to uninstall the Xposed framework, return to the Xposed Installer app, tap Framework, and tap the Uninstall button. If you installed the framework using a .zip file, however, you’ll need to uninstall it by flashing the uninstaller .zip file from the XDA thread using TWRP.

如果要卸载Xposed框架,请返回到Xposed安装程序应用程序,点击“框架”,然后点击“卸载”按钮。 但是,如果使用.zip文件安装了框架,则需要使用TWRP从XDA线程中刷新卸载程序.zip文件, 以将其卸载。

Be sure to perform an uninstall in the Xposed Installer app before removing the Xposed Installer app from your device.

在从设备上删除Xposed Installer应用程序之前,请确保在Xposed Installer应用程序中执行卸载。

The Xposed Framework may just be a tool for Android geeks to tweak their phones, but it’s a faster, easier, and less invasive tool than a custom ROM is. This could also be used to install themes and perform other invasive customizations that would normally require a custom ROM. The Xposed Framework’s method doesn’t involve changing your device’s operating system and can be easily reversed, which makes it a great option for tweakers that really like to dig in.

Xposed Framework可能只是Android怪胎调整手机的工具,但它比自定义ROM更快,更容易且侵入性更小。 这也可以用于安装主题并执行通常需要自定义ROM的其他侵入式自定义。 Xposed Framework的方法不涉及更改设备的操作系统,并且可以轻松地进行反向操作,这使其成为真正喜欢深入研究的调整者的绝佳选择。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/164634/forget-flashing-custom-roms-use-the-xposed-framework-to-tweak-your-android/






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