


Whether you’ve upgraded to the newest model or you’re the proud new owner of a family hand-me-down, the first thing on everyone’s mind is how to get everything from their old iPhone onto their new one. Here’s what you need to do.

无论您是升级到最新型号还是成为家庭亲密伴侣的骄傲的新主人,每个人都想到的第一件事是如何将旧iPhone的所有内容都移植到新iPhone上。 这是您需要做的。

iCloud备份? 没人会为此花时间 (iCloud Backup? Ain’t Nobody Got Time for That)

iCloud has been around since 2011, and it’s extremely handy for ensuring that content on your iOS devices is continuously backed up to the cloud. It’s fantastic for things like guaranteeing your vacation photos make it home even if your iPhone doesn’t, keeping your contacts synced, and even handy tasks like locating your iPhone via GPS.

iCloud自2011年以来一直存在,它对于确保iOS设备上的内容连续备份到云中非常方便。 保证您的度假照片即使在iPhone不在的情况下也能回到家中, 保持联系人同步 ,甚至方便的任务(例如通过GPS定位iPhone),都很棒。

But when it comes time to transfer everything over to a new phone, iCloud is agonizing. Even if your old iPhone only had 16GB of storage, if its backed full of photos, videos, personal data, and so on, that’s still a big download on even a good broadband connection. It’s great in an emergency (like when your phone gets stolen), but for a routine backup, we recommend using iTunes instead–it’ll take a fraction of the time.

但是,当需要将所有内容转移到新手机上时,iCloud感到非常痛苦。 即使您的旧iPhone仅具有16GB的存储空间,但如果它支持完整的照片,视频,个人数据等内容,即使是良好的宽带连接,这仍然是一个很大的下载量。 在紧急情况下(例如手机被盗时)非常好,但是对于常规备份,我们建议您改用iTunes,这将花费一小部分时间。

你需要什么 (What You Need)

To follow along with today’s tutorial, you need just a few things–but read the list closely, as there’s a big caveat for people migrating to a new–but-previously-used phone.


First and foremost, you need access to a computer where you can run iTunes–available for Windows and macOS. You probably have one already, but if not, borrow one from a friend. Make sure it has enough free disk space for your backup–if you have a 64GB phone full of stuff, you’ll need 64GB of free space on the PC, too. (Don’t worry, you can delete that backup after you’ve restored it to your new phone.)

首先,您需要访问一台可以运行iTunes的计算机- 适用于Windows和macOS 。 您可能已经有一个,但如果没有,请向朋友借一个。 确保它有足够的可用磁盘空间用于备份–如果您有64GB容量的电话,那么PC上也将需要64GB的可用空间。 (请放心,将备份还原到新手机后,可以将其删除。)

Second, you’ll need the two phones–your old phone and your new phone–and an appropriate syncing cable for them.


NOTE: If you got the new phone secondhand, you need to ensure that the previous owner is logged out of iCloud. Apple uses iCloud logins as a form of theft protection, and until the previous owner logs out, the phone is considered “iCloud locked”. If the device is iCloud locked, you won’t be able to transfer your data over to it.

注意:如果您二手的是新手机,则需要确保以前的所有者已从iCloud中注销。 苹果使用iCloud登录名作为防盗保护的一种形式,并且在之前的所有者注销之前,该手机被视为“ iCloud已锁定”。 如果设备已被iCloud锁定,则无法将数据传输到该设备。

第一步:备份现有的iOS设备 (Step One: Back Up Your Existing iOS Device)

Once you have the two devices in hand and iTunes installed on your PC, it’s time to perform a local backup. You can perform this step even if you normally use iCloud backup so don’t worry about messing up your iCloud setup.

一旦拥有了两个设备并在PC上安装了iTunes,就可以执行本地备份了。 即使您通常使用iCloud备份,也可以执行此步骤,因此不必担心会弄乱您的iCloud设置。

Launch iTunes and plug in your old iPhone with the syncing cable. It’s best to plug it directly into the computer’s USB port. (Don’t plug it into the fast charge port on your USB hub like us and wonder what’s taking so long, is all we’re saying).

启动iTunes并使用同步电缆插入 iPhone。 最好将其直接插入计算机的USB端口。 (不要像我们一样将其插入USB集线器上的快速充电端口,不知道要花多长时间,这就是我们要说的)。

If you have never used your phone with this PC before, you’ll see the following message pop up:


This message is unnecessarily confusing even by iTunes standards, and might cause you to panic a bit. It really makes it sound like your only options for bringing the phone into iTunes is to wipe it (“Set up as a new iPhone”) or overwrite it (“Restore from this backup”) if there are backups on the PC already.

即使按iTunes标准,此消息也不必要地造成混淆,并可能使您感到恐慌。 确实,这听起来好像要将手机带入iTunes的唯一选择是擦除它(“设置为新iPhone”)或覆盖它(“从此备份还原”)(如果PC上已经有备份)。

What the first option should say is “Create a new profile in iTunes for this phone”, because that’s what it means. Don’t panic: this option won’t wipe your phone. Go ahead and do so now if you see the above screen in front of you.

第一个选项应该说的是“在iTunes上为此手机创建新的个人资料”,因为这就是它的意思。 不要惊慌:此选项不会擦除您的手机。 如果您看到前面的屏幕,请立即执行此操作。

Look for the device icon to appear in the navigation bar and click on it, as seen below.


In the detailed device view, look for the “Backups” section. In that section ensure that “Encrypt iPhone Backup” is checked on the left hand side before clicking “Back Up Now”. In order for all your data to be backed up properly (like your saved passwords and Health/HomeKit data), you must encrypt your backup and give it a password.

在详细的设备视图中,查找“备份”部分。 在该部分中,请确保在单击“立即备份”之前,在左侧选中“加密iPhone备份”。 为了正确备份所有数据(如保存的密码和Health / HomeKit数据),必须加密备份并为其输入密码。

Once you’ve click “Back Up Now”, sit back and wait a few minutes as iTunes churns through your device and backs up all the data to the local disk.


When the process is complete, eject your old phone from the computer and set it aside.


第二步:将旧备份还原到新设备 (Step Two: Restore the Old Backup to Your New Device)

This next step is where the magic happens. Unbeknownst to many people, you can take the backup from an old phone (say, your old iPhone 5s) and just slap it right on top of your new phone (say, an iPhone 7). There’s no special steps required.

下一步就是魔术发生的地方。 很多人都不知道,您可以从旧手机(例如,旧版iPhone 5s)上取备份,然后将其拍在新手机(例如,iPhone 7)上。 无需任何特殊步骤。

Simply grab your new device and plug it into the same PC with the sync cable. Wait for it to mount in iTunes. The new phone will register as a new iTunes device and you’ll see that same panic-inducing screen we highlighted earlier in the tutorial–only this time you’ve got a clear and calm path of action.

只需抓住您的新设备,然后使用同步电缆将其插入同一台PC。 等待它安装在iTunes中。 这款新手机将注册为新的iTunes设备,您将看到我们在教程前面所突出显示的相同的引起恐慌的屏幕-只是这次您有一个清晰而平静的解决方法。

In the “Welcome to Your New iPhone” screen, select the option “Restore from this backup” and then confirm that the selected backup is the backup you just made of your old phone. Click “Continue” once you’ve confirmed the backup is the correct one.

在“欢迎使用新iPhone”屏幕中,选择“从此备份还原”选项,然后确认所选备份是您刚刚用旧手机制作的备份。 确认备份正确后,单击“继续”。

Sit back and relax as all  your old data is copied over to your new phone. After the process is complete, you’ll see a message pop up indicating that your device will restart:

将所有旧数据复制到新手机上,然后坐下休息。 该过程完成后,您会看到一条消息弹出,指示您的设备将重新启动:

After the restart iTunes will run a few checks (like, for example, it may prompt you to update iOS if the new device can run a higher version of iOS than the old device) and then you’re back in business. All your photos, contact, apps, health data, and such from your old phone will now be on your new phone.

重新启动后,iTunes将运行一些检查(例如,如果新设备可以运行比旧设备更高的iOS版本,它可能会提示您更新iOS),然后您就可以重新营业。 您旧手机中的所有照片,联系人,应用程序,健康数据等现在都将存储在新手机中。

There’s one final step you may wish to undertake if you borrowed a computer to perform this little storage swap maneuver. To free up some space on the PC, you can copy or delete the very large iPhone backup you just made. Check out this guide for more info on how to do that.

如果您借用计算机来执行此小的存储交换操作,则可能要执行的最后一步。 要释放PC上的某些空间,您可以复制或删除刚制作的iPhone很大的备份。 查看本指南 ,以获取有关如何执行此操作的更多信息。

That’s all there is to it–instead of killing hours of your life waiting on an iCloud sync, you can sit down at a PC and rip through the backup and restoration process in a fraction of the time.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/275628/how-to-copy-everything-from-your-old-iphone-to-your-new-one/


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