


If you’re one of the millions of people who uses Goodreads to track your reading habits you’ve surely noticed one thing: there’s no default way to mark a book that you’ve stopped reading partway through and have it removed from your reading list. With a simple little trick, however, you can create a final resting place for those books you don’t intend to finish.

如果您是使用Goodreads来追踪阅读习惯的数百万用户之一,那么您肯定会注意到一件事:没有默认的方式来标记您已中途停止阅读并将其从阅读清单中删除的书。 但是,只需一个简单的小技巧,就可以为那些您不想完成的书创建一个最终的休息地。

Why create an “abandoned” shelf in the first place? While some people are content to just delete a book from their Goodreads account they didn’t finish, many avid readers like to track all the books they’ve read, including those they start but decide not to finish for whatever reason.

为什么要首先创建一个“废弃”的架子? 尽管有些人只想从尚未读完的Goodreads帐户中删除一本书,但许多狂热的读者喜欢跟踪他们读过的所有书,包括他们开始阅读的书,但出于某种原因却决定不阅读。

Let’s take a peek into my Goodreads account to highlight how easy it is to fix the situation and punt books you have no intention of finishing off to a virtual shelf to gather dust.


Here you can see the three books on my “Currently Reading” shelf—Behind the Bell, an absurdly bad book, by Dustin Diamond; Leave Me Alone, I’m Reading, and really fantastic memoir by NPR book critic and professor Maureen Corrigan framed in the context of all the books she’s read over her life; and Catching Fire: How Cooking Made Us Human by Richard Wrangham, a tasty (if you’ll pardon the pun) book about the history of fire, cooking, and its impact on human evolution.

在这里,您可以看到我的“当前阅读”书架上的三本书-达斯汀·戴蒙德(Dustin Diamond)的一本荒唐的坏书《铃铛后面》让我一个人读书,我在读书 ,这是NPR书评人和Maureen Corrigan教授的绝妙回忆录,是她一生读过的所有书的背景。 和《 着火:烹饪是如何使我们成为人类的》 ,作者:理查德·瓦姆汉姆(Richard Wrangham),这是一本美味的书(如果您对双关语感到满意的话),内容涉及火,烹饪的历史及其对人类进化的影响。

I’ll happily recommend the last two books to any reader who finds the topics interesting, but Behind the Bell is as awful and empty as you’d imagine it to be. Rather than outright delete the book, however, I want to immortalize my misguided attempt at reading it and retire it off my “Currently Reading” list.

我会向所有发现主题有趣的读者愉快地推荐最后两本书,但是《钟声背后》却像您想象的那样可怕而空洞。 但是,我不想彻底删除这本书,而是要使我在阅读它时的误导尝试永垂不朽,并将其从“当前阅读”列表中淘汰。

If I select the book to access the detailed view, however, there is no good default option for what I want to accomplish. If you look under in the dropdown menu beneath the book cover, where you can switch the status of the book in your collection, you’ll only find “Currently Reading”, “Read”, and “Want to Read”.

但是,如果我选择这本书来访问详细视图,那么我想要完成的工作就没有很好的默认选项。 如果您在书套下面的下拉菜单中浏览,可以在其中切换书集的状态,则只会找到“当前正在阅读”,“已阅读”和“想要阅读”。

Let me assure you, none of those tags are satisfactory when dealing with a literary gem like Behind the Bell. Our solution is to create a special bookshelf just for the purpose of storing abandoned books but I’m going to skip using the “Add shelf” function seen in the screenshot. Yes you can create shelves from the drop down menu, but we need to tweak the shelf once we create it, so we might as well head right over to the bookshelf settings right from the get go.

让我向您保证,在处理像《贝尔背后》这样的文学瑰宝时,这些标签都不令人满意。 我们的解决方案是创建一个特殊的书架,仅用于存储废弃的书, 但是我将跳过屏幕截图中的“添加书架”功能。 是的,您可以从下拉菜单中创建书架,但是一旦创建了书架,我们就需要对其进行调整,因此我们不妨从一开始就直接转到书架设置。

To do so, click on “My Books” in the upper navigation bar and then select “Edit” next to “Bookshelves” in the sidebar (or, if you’re logged in already, you can just click this link to jump right to the bookshelf editor).


Name your new shelf and click “Add”—we’re sticking with “Abandoned” as a catch-all shelf for any book we started reading but did not complete. You can easily make two shelves if you wish: one for books you have no intention of completing and one for books you’re simply putting aside for a while.

为您的新书架命名,然后单击“添加”-我们将“弃用”作为我们开始阅读但尚未完成的所有书的万能书架。 如果愿意,您可以轻松地建立两个书架:一个用于您不想完成的书,另一个用于只是暂时搁置一堆的书。

Once the new shelf is on your list, there’s a final (and very important tweak). We want any book that we abandon reading to automatically be removed from the “Currently Reading” shelf without any additional fussing on our behalf. To make that happen, you need to check the “exclusive” box for your new shelf, as seen below. As the name implies, any bookshelf that is flagged as “exclusive” ensures that any book shelved there is shelved nowhere else. Click “I’m Done” after you make the change.

一旦新书架出现在您的清单中,便会有最后的决定(也是非常重要的调整)。 我们希望我们放弃的所有书籍都自动从“当前阅读”书架中删除,而无需我们再为之烦恼。 为此,您需要选中新货架的“排他”框,如下所示。 顾名思义,任何标记为“排他性”的书架都可以确保在此搁置的任何书都没有别的地方可以搁置。 进行更改后,单击“我完成”。

Now that we’ve done the legwork we can push a book off the “Currently Reading” list with ease by simply looking at our list of current books again and selecting one. Within the detailed book view, we can use the dropdown menu beneath the book cover to select “abandoned”.

现在,我们已经完成了工作,可以轻松地将图书从“当前阅读”列表中删除,只需再次查看当前图书列表并选择其中一本书即可。 在详细的书籍视图中,我们可以使用书籍封面下方的下拉菜单选择“放弃”。

The book status will update and the book will, thanks to our previously set “exclusive” toggle, be pulled from the “Currently Reading” shelf and dumped onto the “Abandoned” shelf, archived for posterity.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/312405/how-to-create-an-abandoned-shelf-in-goodreads-for-the-books-youve-quit/


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