


You’re a grownup. You know how to use a computer and a phone. So when it’s time to show off some portion of your screen, don’t try to take a photo of it—that’s kid’s stuff, and it looks like junk anyway. Just about every modern operating system has some method of saving what’s on your screen, and most of them make it pretty easy. Keep this simple guide bookmarked for every method you’ll ever need.

你是大人。 您知道如何使用计算机和电话。 因此,当需要炫耀屏幕的某些部分时,请勿尝试对其进行拍照-那是孩子们的东西,无论如何它看起来都像垃圾。 几乎每个现代操作系统都有一些保存屏幕上内容的方法,其中大多数使它变得非常容易。 将此简单指南标记为您需要的每种方法的书签。

Windows 7和8 (Windows 7 and 8)

In older versions of Windows, you can merely press the Print Screen key (also marked “Print,” “PrtScn,” or “PrtSc” on some keyboards). This doesn’t actually save a copy of the screen, it copies the screen into the Windows clipboard, which can then be pasted (Ctrl+V) into any image field or graphics editor, like Paint, Paint.NET, Corel Draw, or Photoshop.

在Windows的旧版本中,您只能按“打印屏幕”键(在某些键盘上也标记为“打印”,“ PrtScn”或“ PrtSc”)。 这实际上并没有保存屏幕副本,而是将屏幕复制到Windows剪贴板中,然后可以将其粘贴(Ctrl + V)到任何图像字段或图形编辑器中,例如Paint,Paint.NET,Corel Draw或Photoshop。

Windows 8.1和10 (Windows 8.1 and 10)

With a significant update to Windows 8.1 and following into Windows 10, Microsoft added some more modern tools. You can still use the Print Screen button to insert an image into an editor, but if you’d rather just quickly get an image file, you can press the Windows button and Print Screen at the same time (Win + PrtScn). The images will go to the “Screenshots” folder in your personal user’s Pictures folder (c:/Users/Your username/Pictures/Screenshots).

随着Windows 8.1的重大更新以及Windows 10的后续更新 ,Microsoft添加了一些更现代的工具。 您仍然可以使用“打印屏幕”按钮将图像插入编辑器,但是,如果您只是想快速获取图像文件,则可以同时按下Windows按钮和“打印屏幕”(Win + PrtScn)。 图像将转到您个人用户的“图片”文件夹中的“屏幕快照”文件夹(c:/用户/您的用户名/图片/屏幕快照)。

Want something even more specific? Press Alt+PrtScn to copy only the contents of your current window. This tool can’t be used to save a full image, but you can paste the contents of the window into an editor.

想要更具体的东西吗? 按Alt + PrtScn仅复制当前窗口的内容。 该工具不能用于保存完整图像,但是您可以将窗口的内容粘贴到编辑器中。

Windows also includes the Snipping Tool for more specific screenshots and annotations.


微软的Surface和其他Windows平板电脑 (Microsoft’s Surface and Other Windows Tablets)

Oddly, some of the first-party keyboards for Microsoft’s Surface tablets don’t include a Print Screen button. To take a screenshot from the keyboard, press Fn+Win+spacebar all at once.

奇怪的是,Microsoft Surface平板电脑的某些第一方键盘不包含“打印屏幕”按钮。 要从键盘上截取屏幕截图,请同时按Fn + Win +空格键。

Older Surface and Surface Pro tablets can also take a screenshot by pressing the Windows button on the tablet (beneath the screen) and the Down Volume button at the same time. For newer Surface models and more general Windows 10 tablets, press the Power button and Volume Down at the same time.

较早的Surface和Surface Pro平板电脑也可以通过同时按下平板电脑上的Windows按钮(在屏幕下方)和降低音量按钮来截屏。 对于较新的Surface型号和更通用的Windows 10平板电脑,请同时按电源按钮和调低音量。

苹果系统 (macOS)

There are numerous ways to take a screenshot in macOS. o take a screenshot of your Mac’s entire screen, press Shift+Command+3. The image is saved directly to the desktop. To copy the image instead of saving it so that it can be inserted into an editor, Windows-style, press Command+Control+Shift+3. Your fingers will appreciate the workout.

在macOS中可以使用多种方法来截屏 。 o拍摄Mac整个屏幕的屏幕截图,然后按Shift + Command + 3。 图像直接保存到桌面。 要复制图像而不是保存图像,以便可以将其插入Windows风格的编辑器中,请按Command + Control + Shift + 3。 您的手指将欣赏锻炼。

For more specific screenshots, you can press Command+Shift+4 to open a built-in selection tool. Click and drag the selector across the area of the desktop you want to capture, with the covered area in transparent blue.

对于更具体的屏幕截图,您可以按Command + Shift + 4打开内置的选择工具。 在要捕获的桌面区域上单击并拖动选择器,其中覆盖的区域为透明的蓝色。

This selection area is surprisingly flexible. While dragging you can hold Shift to lock the selection vertically or horizontally, or hold Option to draw the selection square from the center out. Press the spacebar to manually move a completed selection box around, and Escape to clear it and return to your normal desktop.

这个选择区域非常灵活。 拖动时,您可以按住Shift键垂直或水平锁定选择,或按住Option键从中心向外绘制选择框。 按空格键以手动移动完成的选择框,然后按Escape键将其清除并返回到普通桌面。

Chrome OS (Chrome OS)

There’s no Print Screen button on the standard Chromebook. To take a screenshot, hold down Ctrl and then press the Switch Window button. That’s the box with two horizontal lines to the right, in between the Full Screen button and the Brightness Down button on most Chromebook keyboard layouts. An image of the full desktop will be saved to your Chrombook’s Download folder.

标准Chromebook上没有“打印屏幕”按钮。 要截屏 ,请按住Ctrl,然后按“切换窗口”按钮。 在大多数Chromebook键盘布局中,该框的右侧有两条水平线,位于“全屏”按钮和“降低亮度”按钮之间。 完整桌面的图像将保存到Chrombook的“下载”文件夹中。

If you’re using another Chrome OS device with a standard keyboard, you can do the same thing with Ctrl+F5.

如果您将其他Chrome OS设备与标准键盘配合使用,则可以通过Ctrl + F5执行相同的操作。

After you’ve taken the screenshot, you’ll see a notification in the bottom-right corner of the screen. You can press the contextual button here to copy the screenshot, and paste it (Ctrl+V) into an image editor.

截取屏幕截图之后,您将在屏幕的右下角看到一条通知。 您可以在此处按上下文按钮以复制屏幕截图,然后将其粘贴(Ctrl + V)到图像编辑器中。

Chrome OS also includes a partial screenshot tool. Hold down Ctrl+Shift+Switch Window (Ctrl+Shift+F5 on a standard keyboard), then click and drag the selection tool across a potion of the screen. When you release the mouse button, that selection will be saved as a separate image in your Downloads folder.

Chrome操作系统还包括部分屏幕截图工具。 按住Ctrl + Shift +切换窗口(标准键盘上为Ctrl + Shift + F5),然后在屏幕的一部分上单击并拖动选择工具。 释放鼠标按钮时,该选择将另存为单独的图像,位于“下载”文件夹中。

的iOS (iOS)

On iPhones, iPads, and iPod Touches, press the Power button and the Home button at the same time. The contents of your screen will be saved to your Camera Roll folder. Pretty simple, huh?

在iPhone,iPad和iPod Touch上 ,同时按电源按钮和主页按钮。 屏幕内容将保存到Camera Roll文件夹中。 很简单吧?

安卓系统 (Android)

Starting with Android 4.0, the universal command for a screenshot in Android phones and tablets is Power+Volume Down. For almost every manufacturer, this will save a screenshot of the entire screen in either the main photo folder or /Pictures/Screenshots in the user storage area.

从Android 4.0开始,Android手机和平板电脑中用于截图的通用命令是Power + Volume Down。 对于几乎每个制造商而言,这会将整个屏幕的屏幕快照保存在主照片文件夹或用户存储区域中的/ Pictures / Screenshots中。

…Except for Samsung. For some reason, Samsung insists on using the same command as the iPhone for screenshots, Power+Home. This is true for hundreds of Samsung phone and tablet models…except some of the latest. Because the newest flagship Samsung phones like the Galaxy S8, S8+, and Galaxy Note 8 don’t have a physical Home button, they’ve switched back to the standard Android command, Power+Volume Down.

…除了三星。 由于某些原因,三星坚持使用与iPhone相同的命令来截取屏幕截图,即Power + Home。 数百款三星手机和平板电脑型号都是如此…… 除了某些最新款。 由于最新的旗舰三星手机( 如Galaxy S8,S8 +和Galaxy Note 8)没有物理“主页”按钮,因此它们已切换回标准Android命令“ Power + Volume Down”。

If you’re not sure of your manufacturer’s preference, try both Power+Volume Down and Power+Home. 99% of the time, one of them will trigger the screenshot command.

如果不确定制造商的偏好,请同时尝试Power + Volume Down和Power + Home。 99%的时间中,其中之一将触发screenshot命令。

Image source: Das Keyboard

图片来源: Das Keyboard



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