

Before computers could handle graphical games, there were text adventure games. The games are interactive stories, so playing a text adventure game is like being part of a book in which you affect the story. Text adventure games are also referred to as “interactive fiction.”

在计算机可以处理图形游戏之前,存在文本冒险游戏。 这些游戏是交互式故事,因此玩文字冒险游戏就像是影响故事的书的一部分。 文字冒险游戏也称为“互动小说”。

Interactive Fiction (IF) is actually a more accurate term for text adventure games, because these games can cover any topics, such as romances or comedies, not just adventures. They can also simulate real life.

交互式小说(IF)实际上是文本冒险游戏的一个更准确的术语,因为这些游戏可以涵盖任何主题,例如浪漫史或喜剧,而不仅仅是冒险。 他们还可以模拟现实生活。

Even though computers can now handle intensely graphical games, playing text adventure games can still be fun. It’s like reading a good book and getting lost in the universe of the story, except you become the hero or heroine and affect the ending of the story.

即使计算机现在可以处理激烈的图形游戏,但玩文字冒险游戏仍然很有趣。 就像读一本好书,迷失在故事的整个世界中一样,只是您成为英雄或女主人公并影响故事的结局。

We’ve collected some links to websites where you can download classic and new text adventure games or play them online. There are also some free tools available for creating your own text adventure games. We even found a documentary about the evolution of computer adventure games and some articles about the art and craft of developing the original text adventure games.

我们已经收集了一些网站链接,您可以在其中下载经典和新文本冒险游戏或在线玩它们。 还有一些免费工具可用于创建您自己的文字冒险游戏。 我们甚至找到了有关计算机冒险游戏发展的纪录片,以及一些有关开发原始文本冒险游戏的技巧的文章。

网络冒险 (Web-Adventures)

Web-Adventures allows you to play classic text adventure games online for free in your browser. You don’t need to install any applets or plugins or enable JavaScript. You can even play some of these games in a browser on mobile devices. The very first text adventure game from the late 1970’s, Colossal Cave Adventure, is available on this site.

Web-Adventures允许您在浏览器中免费在线玩经典的文字冒险游戏。 您无需安装任何小程序或插件,也无需启用JavaScript。 您甚至可以在移动设备上的浏览器中玩某些游戏。 该站点提供了1970年代后期的第一个文字冒险游戏Colossal Cave Adventure。

Text adventure games are good for developing children’s reading comprehension and imagination. Web-Adventures has a special page listing text adventure games especially good for children.

文字冒险游戏有利于培养儿童的阅读理解能力和想象力。 Web-Adventures有一个特别的页面,列出了特别适合儿童的文字冒险游戏


冒险游戏直播 (Adventure Games Live)

Adventure Games Live offers new adventure games you can play online for free. Java is not required to play these games, but there is a menu-driven interface and graphics.

Adventure Games Live提供了新的冒险游戏,您可以免费在线玩这些游戏。 玩这些游戏不需要Java,但是有一个菜单驱动的界面和图形。


在线游戏网络–冒险游戏 (Online Games Network – Adventure Games)

The Adventure Games page on the Online Games Network site contains a collection of links to sites offering classic and new text adventure and role-playing games.



富帕 (Fupa)

Fupa offers new, free online text adventure games playing using Flash. They scour the web for the very best games and update their selection daily.

Fupa提供使用Flash玩的新的免费在线文字冒险游戏。 他们在网上搜寻最好的游戏,并每天更新选择。


FreeArcade.com (FreeArcade.com)

FreeArcade.com offers several text adventure games, including the classic Scott Adams text adventures, such as Adventureland, which now has hints and solutions. Adventureland was Adams’s first program and is a slightly scaled-down version, personal computer version of the original Colossal Cave Adventure program, which was originally written for a mainframe computer.

FreeArcade.com提供了多种文字冒险游戏,包括经典的Scott Adams文字冒险游戏,例如Adventureland,现在有提示和解决方案。 Adventureland是Adams的第一个程序,它是原始Colossal Cave Adventure程序的个人计算机版本,略有缩减版本,该程序最初是为大型计算机编写的。

All Flash games, Shockwave games, and Java games on the site are free to play.



骗子 (Humbug)

Humbug is a free text adventure game you can download. It was originally a shareware game which required you to register to get maps and online hints. However, it is now available for free in the public domain, and comes complete with the maps and hints. There is also a full step-by-step solution available on the site, as well as two other text adventure games and a Tetris clone, called Blox.

Humbug是一个免费的文字冒险游戏,您可以下载。 它最初是一个共享软件,需要您注册才能获取地图和在线提示。 但是,它现在可以在公共领域免费使用,并且随附地图和提示。 该站点上还有完整的分步解决方案,以及其他两个文本冒险游戏和一个名为Blox的俄罗斯方块克隆。


回忆录文字冒险 (Memoir Text Adventure)

Funny-Games.biz offers a text adventure game, called Memoir Text Adventure, which is a simulation of life. The goal of the game is to reach age 130. During the game, you have relationships with virtual people, apply for a cool job, etc. Make decisions about the direction your virtual life will take by clicking colored buttons with your mouse.

Funny-Games.biz提供了一个文本冒险游戏,称为Memoir Text Adventure ,它是对生活的模拟。 游戏的目标是达到130岁。在游戏中,您与虚拟人保持联系,申请一份出色的工作,等等。使用鼠标单击彩色按钮来决定虚拟生活的发展方向。


银河翻拍的旅行者指南 (The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Remake)

Do you have your towel? If not, you better get one. You can now play a remake of the original Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy text adventure game from 1984, released by Infocom, programmed by Steve Meretzky, and plotted by Douglas Adams himself. This version of the game is a point-and-click game, but the interactivity level is high and there are two levels of difficulty.

你有毛巾吗? 如果没有,您最好得到一个。 现在,您可以播放由Infocom发布,由Steve Meretzky编写,由Douglas Adams本人绘制的1984年最初的Hitchhiker's Galaxy文字冒险游戏指南 。 此版本的游戏是点击型游戏,但是交互性很高,并且有两个难度级别。


There are also two different versions you can play on BBC’s site: Edition 1 and Edition 2.

您还可以在BBC网站上播放两种不同的版本: 版本1版本2


互动小说档案馆 (The Interactive Fiction Archive)

The Interactive Fiction (IF) Archive is home to IF games, development tools, game solutions, and programming examples contributed by the interactive fiction community. You can also access the Usenet newsgroups rec.arts.int-fiction and rec.games.int-fiction from this site.

交互式小说(IF)存档是交互式小说社区提供的IF游戏,开发工具,游戏解决方案和编程示例的所在地。 您还可以从该站点访问Usenet新闻组rec.arts.int-fiction和rec.games.int-fiction。


小说 (iFiction)

iFiction offers text adventure games you can play online. The site itself is set up in the text adventure style. Click “Games” to access the available games and “newspaper” for more information.

iFiction提供您可以在线玩的文字冒险游戏。 该网站本身以文字冒险风格设置。 单击“游戏”以访问可用的游戏,并单击“报纸”以获取更多信息。


鬼屋 (Haunted House)

Haunted House is an interactive fiction game written for the TRS-80. This site allows you to download TRS-80 emulators for the PC and Mac and the Haunted House TRS-80 game ROM. They also provide instructions for playing the game and a game solution.

鬼屋是一款为TRS-80编写的互动小说游戏。 该站点允许您下载PC和Mac的TRS-80仿真器以及鬼屋TRS-80游戏ROM。 他们还提供有关玩游戏和游戏解决方案的说明。


“探索”冒险游戏 (The “Explore” Adventure Games)

The “Explore” Adventure Games site offers a suite of text adventure games you can play online. When you start the “Explore” game, you must pick an adventure. Cave, Mine, and Castle are original games written in the “Explore Adventure Language” by the person running the site. Haunt is a clone of the Haunted House games written for the TRS-80, mentioned earlier in this article. Porky’s is a game written by someone else using the same “Explore Adventure Language.” It’s inspired by the movie of the same name and contains adult content and language.

“探索”冒险游戏网站提供了一套可以在线玩的文字冒险游戏。 当您开始“探索”游戏时,您必须选择一个冒险。 洞穴,矿山和城堡是运营网站的人用“探索冒险语言”编写的原创游戏。 困扰是本文前面提到的为TRS-80编写的“困扰之屋”游戏的副本。 Porky's是由其他人使用相同的“探索冒险语言”编写的游戏。 它的灵感来自同名电影,并且包含成人内容和语言。

You can also play “Explore” on Android phones.



巨大的洞穴冒险游戏页面 (The Colossal Cave Adventure Game Page)

The Colossal Cave Adventure was the first adventure game written for a mainframe computer in the 1970’s and released in as “Adventure” in 1977, a year before Scott Adams wrote his Adventure game for personal computers. The game was based on the real-life Colossal Cave in Kentucky, but was also different. You become part of an ongoing fantasy story, exploring the Colossal Cave.

巨大洞穴探险是1970年代第一款为大型计算机编写的冒险游戏,并于1977年(即斯科特·亚当斯(Scott Adams)编写个人计算机的冒险游戏的前一年)以“冒险”的形式发布。 该游戏基于现实生活中的肯塔基州巨大洞穴,但也有所不同。 您将成为正在进行的幻想故事的一部分,探索巨大洞穴。

Different versions are available for download, some requiring special interpreters to play the game.

有不同的版本可供下载 ,有些需要特殊的口译员才能玩游戏。


CASA –经典冒险解决方案存档 (CASA – The Classic Adventures Solution Archive)

The Classic Adventures Solution Archive (CASA) site is all about old, classic text adventure games. The site covers all 8-bit and 16-bit formats, and all games from the earliest titles to modern, current interactive fiction. However, it’s emphasis is on older titles. You can find information about the games, solutions, maps, hints, reviews, and other useful tidbits.

经典冒险解决方案存档(CASA)网站是有关旧的经典文字冒险游戏的。 该网站涵盖所有8位和16位格式,以及所有游戏,从最早的标题到现代的现代互动小说。 但是,它的重点是较早的标题。 您可以找到有关游戏,解决方案,地图,提示,评论和其他有用花絮的信息。

CASA does NOT offer games for download, except for a few in which bugs were fixed.



创建文字冒险游戏 (Creating Text Adventure Games)

The following sites contain programs and tools that allow you to create your own text adventure games. Some of the sites also offer downloads of games created with the tool they’re promoting.

以下站点包含允许您创建自己的文字冒险游戏的程序和工具。 一些网站还提供使用他们正在推广的工具创建的游戏的下载。

冒险游戏工作室(AGS) (Adventure Game Studio (AGS))

Adventure Game Studio (AGS) allows you to create your own text adventure game for free. The AGS Editor is a Windows-based IDE allowing you to import graphics, write game scripts, and test and debug your game in one program. Your game is compiled into a single .exe file for easy distribution.

Adventure Game Studio(AGS)允许您免费创建自己的文字冒险游戏。 AGS编辑器是基于Windows的IDE,允许您在一个程序中导入图形,编写游戏脚本以及测试和调试游戏。 您的游戏将被编译成单个.exe文件,以便于分发。

AGS runs on Windows 2000, XP, Vista, and 7. If you’re still running Windows 2000 or XP, you need to install .NET Framework 2.0 (32-bit or 64-bit), if you don’t already have it installed. However, people don’t need .NET Framework to run the games you write with AGS.

AGS在Windows 2000,XP,Vista和7上运行。如果仍在运行Windows 2000或XP,则需要安装.NET Framework 2.0( 32位64位 )(如果尚未安装)。已安装。 但是,人们不需要.NET Framework即可运行使用AGS编写的游戏。

Games created with AGS are also available for free download on the site.



文字冒险开发系统(TADS) (The Text Adventure Development System (TADS))

The Text Adventure Development System (TADS) is a powerful tool for authoring interactive fiction games. The language it uses will be familiar to anyone who has programmed in C, C++, or JavaScript. It contains a full-featured suite of development tools, including text editing and debugging tools.

文字冒险开发系统(TADS)是编写交互式小说游戏的强大工具。 用C,C ++或JavaScript编程的任何人都会熟悉它使用的语言。 它包含功能齐全的开发工具套件,包括文本编辑和调试工具。

TADS allows you to add graphics, animations, sound effects, fancy text formatting, among other features, to your games. It is completely free to use and free to distribute the TADS interpreter.

TADS允许您在游戏中添加图形,动画,声音效果,精美的文字格式以及其他功能。 它是完全免费的,可以免费分发TADS解释器。


寻求 (Quest)

Quest is a free, open source program that allows you to create text adventure games, like Zork or The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, without knowledge of programming. You can also create gamebooks (like Choose Your Own Adventure books). Games created with Quest can be played in a web browser, downloaded to your PC, or even turned into an iPhone or Android app. You can download Quest for free and install it on your PC or use it for free in your web browser.

Quest是一个免费的开源程序,可让您在无需编程的情况下创建文本冒险游戏,例如Zork或The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy。 您还可以创建游戏本(例如选择自己的冒险本)。 使用Quest创建的游戏可以在Web浏览器中播放,下载到PC上,甚至可以转换为iPhone或Android应用。 您可以免费下载Quest并将其安装在PC上,也可以在Web浏览器中免费使用。

Quest is designed to be easy to use, but powerful and includes a full tutorial. It allows you to easily add pictures, music, and sound effects to your game. You can even add video from YouTube or Vimeo.

Quest设计为易于使用,但功能强大,并包含完整的教程。 它使您可以轻松地向游戏添加图片,音乐和声音效果。 您甚至可以从YouTube或Vimeo添加视频。

Games created in Quest can be in English, French, German, Spanish, or Dutch, or you can create your own translation for another language.


You can also download games created with Quest.



游戏选择 (Choice of Games)

Choice of Games is a site that produces high-quality, text-based, multiple-choice games. In addition to producing games, they also provide the simple scripting language, called ChoiceScript, they developed for writing text-based games to others for use in their own projects. Games created using ChoiceScript can be hosted on their site and are available for playing online, in Google Chrome, and on iPhones, Android devices, Palm devices, and Kindle devices. Note that not all games are available in all formats.

“游戏选择”是一个生产高质量,基于文本的多项选择游戏的网站。 除了制作游戏外,他们还提供一种称为ChoiceScript的简单脚本语言,它们是为将基于文本的游戏编写给其他人而开发的,供他们自己的项目使用。 使用ChoiceScript创建的游戏可以托管在其网站上,并且可以在Google Chrome和iPhone,Android设备,Palm设备和Kindle设备上在线玩。 请注意,并非所有游戏都支持所有格式。

If you want to create your own game using ChoiceScript, they provide an introductory guide to using the ChoiceScript programming language.



探照灯:文字冒险纪录片 (Get Lamp: The Text Adventure Documentary)

Now that you’ve discovered where you can play classic and new text adventure games, you can learn about the history of them. Top Documentary Films hosts a documentary, called Get Lamp, that tells the story of the evolution of text, or computer, adventure games in the words of the people who created them.

现在,您已经找到了可以在其中玩经典和新文本冒险游戏的地方,您可以了解它们的历史。 顶级纪录片电影公司举办了一部名为Get Lamp的纪录片,用创作者的话讲述了文字或计算机冒险游戏的演变过程。


冒险手Craft.io–有关冒险游戏设计的五篇文章 (The Craft of Adventure – Five articles on the design of adventure games)

We also found a collection of five articles about the art and craft of designing a text adventure game in a text file format and PDF format.


We can’t list all sites containing classic and new text adventure and interactive fiction games, but we hope we’ve given you a good starting point. If you’ve found any good sites for text adventure and interactive fiction games, let us know.

我们无法列出所有包含经典和新文本冒险以及互动小说游戏的网站,但是我们希望我们为您提供了一个良好的起点。 如果您找到任何适合文字冒险和互动小说游戏的网站,请告诉我们。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/124460/the-best-websites-for-downloading-and-playing-classic-and-new-text-adventure-games/

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