微软edge如何退出登录_如何更新Microsoft Edge



Microsoft's new Chromium-based Edge browser logo.

Browser updates are important. Updates for Microsoft Edge deliver critical security patches, new features, and performance improvements. The Edge browser automatically updates itself, but you can manually check for and install updates.

浏览器更新很重要。 Microsoft Edge的更新提供了关键的安全补丁,新功能和性能改进。 Edge浏览器会自动进行自我更新,但是您可以手动检查并安装更新。

There are two versions of Microsoft Edge: The original one that came with Windows 10 and the new Microsoft Edge based on open-source Chromium code. How you update your Edge browser depends on which one you have.

Microsoft Edge有两种版本:Windows 10随附的原始版本和基于开源Chromium代码的新Microsoft Edge。 如何更新Edge浏览器取决于您拥有的浏览器。

如何升级到新的Edge浏览器 (How to Upgrade to the New Edge Browser)

If you haven’t updated your Windows 10 PC to the new Microsoft Edge yet, you can download it from Microsoft’s website. Install it on your PC and it will replace the old Edge browser. If you want the old Edge browser back, you can uninstall the new Edge like you’d uninstall any other application.

如果尚未将Windows 10 PC更新为新的Microsoft Edge,则可以从Microsoft网站下载它 。 将其安装在您的PC上,它将取代旧的Edge浏览器。 如果您希望旧的Edge浏览器返回,则可以像卸载其他任何应用程序一样卸载新的Edge。

Microsoft will eventually install the new Edge web browser on all Windows 10 PCs via Windows Update. However, as of May 12, 2020, that hasn’t happened yet. If you’re willing to wait, just hold tight—you’ll get the latest version of Edge on all your Windows 10 PCs automatically.

Microsoft最终将通过Windows Update在所有Windows 10 PC上安装新的Edge Web浏览器。 但是,截至2020年5月12日,这还没有发生。 如果您愿意等待,请紧紧握住,您​​会自动在所有Windows 10 PC上获得最新版本的Edge。

The new Edge is also available for Windows 7, Windows 8, Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Android.

新的Edge也可用于Windows 7,Windows 8,Mac,iPhone,iPad和Android。

如何更新新的Edge浏览器 (How to Update the New Edge Browser)

The new Microsoft Edge browser based on Chromium updates just like Google Chrome. It downloads and installs updates for itself automatically.

基于Chromium的新Microsoft Edge浏览器会像Google Chrome一样进行更新。 它会自动下载并安装更新。

To manually check for an update in Edge, click the menu button in the top-right corner of the Edge browser window. It looks like three horizontal dots.

要在Edge中手动检查更新,请单击Edge浏览器窗口右上角的菜单按钮。 它看起来像三个水平的点。

Opening the menu to update in Edge on Windows 10.

Point to “Help & Feedback” and click “About Microsoft Edge.”

指向“帮助和反馈”,然后单击“关于Microsoft Edge”。

Launching Edge's About page, where you can update the browser.

Edge will check for any available updates and automatically install any available updates. Edge will also show you the browser version you have installed on this page.

Edge将检查所有可用更新,并自动安装所有可用更新。 Edge还将在此页面上显示您已安装的浏览器版本。

The About page will prompt you to restart the Edge browser if you haven’t restarted since installing the latest version.


You can also access this page by copy-pasting edge://settings/help into Edge’s address bar and pressing Enter.


Microsoft Edge saying it's up to date on a Windows PC.

如何更新原始边缘浏览器 (How to Update the Original Edge Browser)

The original version of Microsoft Edge included with Windows 10 updates through Windows Update.

Windows 10更新通过Windows Update附带的Microsoft Edge的原始版本。

To check for an install Edge updates, head to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update. Windows will check for updates and offer to install them. Updates for the Edge browser are included in normal cumulative update packages for the Windows 10 operating system.

要检查是否安装了Edge更新,请转到“设置”>“更新和安全性”>“ Windows Update”。 Windows将检查更新并提供安装更新。 Windows 10操作系统的常规累积更新包中包括Edge浏览器的更新。

On Windows 10, Windows Update automatically installs updates so Edge browser security updates and bugfixes will be installed automatically.

在Windows 10上,Windows Update自动安装更新,因此将自动安装Edge浏览器安全更新和错误修正。

Installing updates for Edge and other software via Windows Update.

如何将Edge更新为不稳定的内部人员版本 (How to Update Edge to Unstable Insider Builds)

If you want unstable versions of Edge with new features, you can download them from the official Microsoft Edge Insider website.

如果您想要具有新功能的Edge不稳定版本,可以从Microsoft Edge Insider官方网站下载它们。

Microsoft offers a Beta channel that gets a major update every six weeks, a Dev channel that gets updated weekly, and a Canary channel that’s updated almost every night. Builds move from Canary to Dev to Beta and finally reach the Stable channel when they’re stable.

微软提供了一个Beta频道,该频道每六个星期进行一次重大更新;一个Dev频道,每周进行一次更新;一个Canary频道,它几乎每晚进行更新。 内部版本从Canary到Dev迁移到Beta,最终在稳定时到达稳定通道。

Most people shouldn’t install these unstable builds, but they’re particularly useful to web developers who want to test the latest browser versions before they’re released. Enthusiasts might also want to experiment with new features and help Microsoft find bugs, just as they do with Windows 10’s Insider program.

大多数人不应该安装这些不稳定的版本,但是对于希望在发布最新版本的浏览器之前进行测试的Web开发人员而言,它们特别有用。 与Windows 10的Insider程序一样,发烧友可能还想尝试新功能并帮助Microsoft查找错误。

Edge uses the same release channel structure that Google Chrome does, ensuring new browser versions get a lot of bug-testing before they’re released.

Edge使用与Google Chrome相同的发布渠道结构,以确保新版本的浏览器在发布之前进行了大量的错误测试。

You can even have all four versions of Edge installed on your computer at once: Stable, Beta, Dev, and Canary. Each gets its own shortcut in your Start menu, and each is updated separately. Click menu > Help and feedback > About Microsoft Edge in any of them to check for updates for that browser.

您甚至可以一次在计算机上同时安装所有四个版本的Edge:Stable,Beta,Dev和Canary。 每种都在“开始”菜单中有其自己的快捷方式,并且分别进行更新。 单击菜单>帮助和反馈>关于任何Microsoft Edge,以检查该浏览器的更新。

新优势对每个人都是一个重大更新 (The New Edge Is a Big Update for Everyone)

Historically, major new Edge features have been included with the big feature updates for Windows 10. Microsoft generally releases these once every six months.

历史上,Windows 10的主要功能更新中已包含Edge的主要新功能。Microsoft通常每六个月发布一次。

However, with the shift to the new Edge based on Google Chrome, new Edge features will arrive every six weeks instead. That’s how often Google updates Chrome, too. Big updates like Windows 10’s May 2020 Update no longer include new features for the old version of Edge.

但是,随着转向基于Google Chrome的新Edge,新Edge功能将每六周更新一次。 这也是Google经常更新Chrome频率Windows 10的2020年5月更新等重大更新不再包含旧版本Edge的新功能。

The new Edge offers a world-class browsing experience based on the open-source Chromium code. Google uses this Chromium code as the basis for Google Chrome, so the new Edge and Chrome have a lot in common. Experienced Chrome users will be right at home browsing the web with Edge.

新版Edge基于开源Chromium代码提供了世界一流的浏览体验。 Google使用此Chromium代码作为Google Chrome的基础,因此新的Edge和Chrome有很多共同点。 经验丰富的Chrome用户将可以在家中使用Edge浏览网络。

Edge still has some features not found in Google Chrome, like a tracking prevention feature and InPrivate Browsing for privately browsing online.

Edge仍然具有Google Chrome中未发现的一些功能,例如防止跟踪功能和用于私人在线浏览的InPrivate浏览。

Microsoft has come a long way since Internet Explorer. Even if you plan to stick with Google Chrome, many improvements that Microsoft makes to the new Edge will be incorporated back into the Chromium platform and make their way to Chrome. In other words, Microsoft is about to make Chrome even better. That goes both ways, of course. The improvements Google makes to Chrome will make Microsoft Edge even better, too. The cooperation between Microsoft and Google is good news for everyone, whether you stick with Windows 10’s included web browser or download Google Chrome.

自Internet Explorer以来,Microsoft已经走了很长一段路。 即使您打算坚持使用Google Chrome,Microsoft对新Edge所做的许多改进也将重新整合到Chromium平台中,并逐步应用到Chrome。 换句话说, 微软将使Chrome变得更好 。 当然,这是双向的。 Google对Chrome所做的改进也将使Microsoft Edge变得更好。 无论您是坚持使用Windows 10附带的网络浏览器还是下载Google Chrome,Microsoft和Google之间的合作对每个人都是好消息。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/672726/how-to-update-microsoft-edge/


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### 回答1: 微软edge浏览器微软推出的全新浏览器,它官方推出了中文稳定版64位,可以满足更多用户的需求。相比于之前的IE浏览器微软edge浏览器更加快速、更加安全,同时也更加易于使用。在功能上,微软edge浏览器支持标签页预览、书签同步、灵敏的滚动等实用功能,用户可以更加便捷地浏览网页。此外,微软edge浏览器还支持扩展程序,用户可以根据自己的需求下载适合自己的扩展程序,从而更好地满足自己的需求。总之,微软edge浏览器官方中文稳定版64位的推出,让更多用户得以享受到微软edge浏览器的优势和便利,值得用户期待。 ### 回答2: 微软Edge浏览器微软公司最新推出的浏览器,目前已经发布了官方中文稳定版64位。该浏览器采用了全新的内核,性能更加优化,能够提供更加高效流畅的浏览体验。同时,该浏览器还新增了很多实用的功能,例如集成式阅读模式、网页注释等功能,方便用户进行在线学习、查询等操作。此外,该浏览器还支持跨设备同步,用户可以在不同设备上同步历史记录、书签、密码、扩展等数据,实现随时随地的浏览,大大提高了工作和生活的便利性。总的来说,微软Edge浏览器官方中文稳定版64位是一款具有很高性价比的浏览器,不仅能够提供高效的浏览体验,还具有很多实用的功能支持,是用户进行网络浏览的不二之选。 ### 回答3: 微软Edge浏览器是一款非常优秀的浏览器,可以与其他主流浏览器相媲美。极速的浏览速度、智能的广告拦截和获取在线资源的方便性都是该浏览器的特点。此外,微软Edge浏览器的安全性能也非常出色,针对危险的网站提供智能提示,并自带密码保护功能,保障用户的隐私。 微软Edge浏览器在官方中文稳定版64位中进一步改进了用户的使用体验,比如提供了汉化版,更方便国内用户使用;优化了多进程架构,保证了更加稳定的浏览体验;新增了自动填写账号密码功能,让用户的操作更加便捷。 综上所述,微软Edge浏览器官方中文稳定版64位是一款非常优秀的浏览器,不仅拥有极速的浏览速度和智能的广告拦截功能,还具备优秀的安全性能和便捷的操作体验,是一款非常值得推荐和使用的浏览器


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