如何从Twitch Prime申请免费游戏和游戏内物品

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Amazon Prime members have access to a slew of features beyond free shipping. If you use Twitch, you could be missing out on exclusive in-game content and free bonus games each month.

除了免费送货,Amazon Prime会员还可以使用其他功能 。 如果您使用Twitch ,则每月可能会错过独家的游戏内内容和免费的奖励游戏。

什么是Twitch Prime? (What Is Twitch Prime?)

Twitch Prime is a premium service you can get with Amazon Prime and Prime Video memberships. Twitch Prime gives you one free channel subscription and access to free games every month, exclusive in-game content, and much more.

Twitch PrimeAmazon PrimePrime Video会员可获得的一项优质服务。 Twitch Prime给您一个免费的频道订阅,并每月提供免费游戏 ,独家游戏内容等更多信息。

Here’s everything that comes with a subscription:


  • Free games, in-game items, and more: Get free access games, in-game loot, booster packs, skins, and more each month.


  • Loot gifting: You can gift three copies of in-game items to your Twitch friends.


  • One free Twitch channel subscription per month: You can use it on partner or affiliate channels.


  • Prime-exclusive chat extras: You’ll get a members-only Prime chat badge next to your name, exclusive emoticons, and custom chat color options.


  • Extended broadcast storage: Save previous broadcasts on Twitch for up to 60 days, rather than the standard 14 days.


Twitch Prime is included with Amazon Prime in the U.S., Mexico, Canada, Italy, France, Germany, Belgium, Austria, Spain, Japan, Singapore, the Netherlands, United Arab Emirates, Brazil, the U.K., and Australia.

Twitch Prime包括在美国,墨西哥,加拿大,意大利,法国,德国,比利时,奥地利,西班牙,日本,新加坡,荷兰,阿拉伯联合酋长国,巴西,英国和澳大利亚的Amazon Prime中。

Twitch Prime is included with Prime Video in over 200 other countries and territories.

Twitch Prime包含在200多个其他国家和地区的Prime Video中。

如何订阅Twitch Prime (How to Subscribe to Twitch Prime)

Twitch Prime is included with an Amazon Prime account but isn’t automatically activated. If you already use Twitch, you just have to link Twitch to your Prime account. It only takes a few steps to start claiming your free games and in-game items.

Twitch Prime包含在Amazon Prime帐户中,但不会自动激活。 如果您已经使用Twitch,则只需将Twitch链接到您的Prime帐户。 只需几个步骤就可以开始申领免费游戏和游戏内物品。

To get started, open your browser, go to Twitch Prime, and click “Sign In.”

首先,打开浏览器,转到Twitch Prime ,然后单击“登录”。

Click "Sign In."

Type your Amazon Prime email and password, and then click “Sign In.”

输入您的Amazon Prime电子邮件和密码,然后单击“登录”。

Type your Amazon credentials, and then click "Sign-in."

After the page refreshes, click “Link Twitch Account” to set up your Twitch Prime membership.

页面刷新后,单击“链接Twitch帐户”以设置您的Twitch Prime会员资格。

Click "Link Twitch account."

Click “Link Accounts” to continue.


Click "Link Accounts."

Click “Confirm.”


Click "Confirm."

Once they’re linked, you return to the main Twitch Prime loot page. Here, you see the following three sections of free content that are regularly updated:

链接后,您将返回到Twitch Prime战利品主页。 在这里,您会看到免费内容的以下三个部分,这些部分会定期更新:

  • In-game loot and more: Available to Twitch Prime members only, these exclusive items include cosmetic skins, player packs, weapons, boosters, and so on.

    游戏中的战利品及更多:仅Twitch Prime会员可用,这些独家物品包括化妆品外壳,玩家装备,武器,助推器等。

  • Starter packs: These contain things like weapons, skins, game credits, and more, to give you an edge on the competition when you start a new game.


  • Games with Prime: A collection of free PC games is released every month. While you won’t regularly see AAA titles here, there are some really great indie games you can check out. And, why not? They’re free!

    Prime游戏:每月发行免费的PC游戏集合。 虽然您不会在这里定期看到AAA游戏,但是您可以签出一些非常出色的独立游戏。 那么为何不? 他们是免费的!

Now that you’ve got your accounts linked, let’s start claiming all those free games and in-game items!


如何索取游戏内物品和入门包 (How to Claim In-Game Items and Starter Packs)

After you link your accounts, most of the in-game items and starter packs will appear the next time you launch the game.


Fire up your browser and head over to the Twitch Prime loot page. To claim an in-game item, click the icon for the title you want to obtain.

启动浏览器,然后转到Twitch Prime战利品页面 。 要声明游戏中的物品,请单击要获取的标题的图标。

Click a game to learn more about the offer.

A list of compatible platforms will appear on the next page. As long as your system supports it, carry on.

兼容平台的列表将显示在下一页。 只要您的系统支持,就继续进行。

Compatible systems appear.

You might have to sign in again to continue.


Click "Sign In."

Read through the permissions. When you’re ready, click “Authorize” to grant Twitch Prime Loot access to your account.

阅读权限。 准备就绪后,单击“授权”以授予Twitch Prime Loot访问您的帐户的权限。

Click "Authorize."

The loot page for the game reloads; click “Claim Now.”

游戏的战利品页面会重新加载; 点击“立即索赔”。

Click "Claim Now."

Click “Link Accounts to Use Loot” to redirect and link the accounts.


Click "Link Accounts to Use Loot."

After you link your account with Twitch, you’re redirected back to this page, and your loot will be marked “Claimed.”


A "Claimed" loot page for a "Pilot Crate," featuring one female and one male game character.

Sometimes, to claim in-game items, you won’t have to link an external account to Twitch. Rather, you’ll just click “Get Code” under the game.

有时,要声明游戏中的物品,您无需将外部帐户链接到Twitch。 而是,您只需单击游戏下的“获取代码”。

Click "Get Code."

When the code appears, you click “Copy” to copy it to your clipboard. Type it in the “Redeem Code” box to redeem your offer.

出现代码时,单击“复制”将其复制到剪贴板。 在“兑换代码”框中输入该代码即可兑换您的优惠。

Click "Copy" to copy the code to your clipboard.

如何索取免费游戏 (How to Claim Free Games)

Games with Prime is a hand-picked selection of free games you get each month. They’re only available for a limited time, and once they’re gone, they’re gone. So, make sure you check back each month for a fresh group of titles.

Prime游戏是您每月精选的免费游戏的精选。 它们仅在有限的时间内可用,一旦消失,它们就消失了。 因此,请确保您每个月都回来查看新标题。

After you claim a game, it’s added to your “Library” and available to you as long as you have an Amazon Prime account. You don’t have to install a game until you’re ready to play it. This means you can stockpile all the free games so you don’t miss out on anything.

申领游戏后,只要您拥有Amazon Prime帐户,该游戏便会添加到您的“图书馆”中并可供您使用。 在准备好玩游戏之前,无需安装游戏。 这意味着您可以储存所有免费游戏,因此您不会错过任何东西。

To claim a free game, open your browser and go to the Twitch Prime loot page. Scroll down to the “Games with Prime” section and click “Claim” under every game you want to add to your library.

要索取免费游戏,请打开浏览器,然后转到Twitch Prime战利品页面 。 向下滚动到“带有Prime的游戏”部分,然后在要添加到媒体库中的每个游戏下单击“声明”。

Click "Claim."

That’s it! Before you can play a game, you have to download and install either the Twitch desktop (Windows and macOS) or Amazon Games app (Windows only).

而已! 在玩游戏之前,您必须下载并安装Twitch桌面 (Windows和macOS)或Amazon Games应用程序(仅Windows)。

The Twitch Desktop app is essentially everything from the website wrapped up in an application. It’s full of all the features you’d expect from a streaming platform.

Twitch Desktop应用程序实质上是网站中包含在应用程序中的所有内容。 它充满了您希望从流媒体平台获得的所有功能。

However, if you just want to play your free games, the Amazon Games app will do just fine. It’s a bare-bones game launcher without any of the excess Twitch features.

但是,如果您只想玩免费游戏,那么Amazon Games应用程序就可以了。 这是一个简单的游戏启动器,没有任何额外的Twitch功能。

使用Amazon Games App安装游戏 (Install Games with the Amazon Games App)

If you want to play your games on the Amazon Games app, open your browser and head to the Twitch Prime loot page. Click “Download and Play” under a game to download the Amazon Games app.

如果要在Amazon Games应用上玩游戏,请打开浏览器并转到Twitch Prime战利品页面 。 单击游戏下的“下载并播放”以下载Amazon Games应用程序。

Click "Download and Play."

Click “Download the Amazon Games App (Windows)” to download the installation file.

单击“下载Amazon Games App(Windows)”以下载安装文件。

Click "Download the Amazon Games App (Windows)."

When the download completes, install the app, and then sign in with your credentials. The app will load and display the current month’s Games with Prime selections.

下载完成后,安装应用程序,然后使用您的凭据登录。 该应用程序将加载并显示带有首选选项的当月游戏。

The "Games with Prime" menu.

To see a full list of the games in your library, click the “Library” tab at the top of the app.


Click "Library."

You’ll see a list of every game you’ve claimed through the Twitch Prime program. When you find one you want to play, click “Install.”

您会看到通过Twitch Prime程序要求保护的所有游戏的列表。 找到要播放的音乐后,请单击“安装”。

Click "Install."

Choose where you want to save the game on your computer, and then click “Proceed.”


Choose a location for the game, and then click "Proceed."

The game will install. When it’s complete, click “Play” to launch it.

游戏将安装。 完成后,单击“播放”以启动它。

Click "Play."

To uninstall a game, simply right-click on it, and then click “Uninstall.”


Click "Uninstall."

使用Twitch桌面应用安装游戏 (Install Games with the Twitch Desktop App)

The Twitch app is almost identical to the Games app when it comes to installing and launching a game you get through Twitch Prime. If you’re running macOS, already have the Twitch Desktop app, or want to take advantage of its other features, here’s how to install a game with the Desktop app.

在安装和启动通过Twitch Prime获得的游戏时,Twitch应用程序与Games应用程序几乎相同。 如果您正在运行macOS,已经拥有Twitch Desktop应用程序,或者想利用其其他功能,请按照以下方法使用Desktop应用程序安装游戏。

Go to the Twitch downloads page and choose the version for the platform you use.


The "Downloads" menu for the Twitch Desktop app.

When the download finishes, install the app, and then sign in with your credentials.


After the app opens and loads, click “Games.” Hover your mouse over the game you want to install, and then click “Install.”

应用打开并加载后,点击“游戏”。 将鼠标悬停在要安装的游戏上,然后单击“安装”。

Click "Games," hover your mouse over the game you want to install, and then click "Install."

Choose where you want to save the game on your computer, and then click “Install.”


Click "Install." 

After the game is downloaded, hover your mouse over it, and then click the Play icon when it appears.


Click the Play icon.

If you want to uninstall a game, click the three dots next to its title, and then select “Uninstall” in the menu that appears.


Click the three dots, and then select "Uninstall."

Your Amazon Prime membership allows you to cash in on lots of bonus games and in-game items! All you have to do is link it to your Twitch account.

您的Amazon Prime会员资格使您可以利用大量奖励游戏和游戏内物品赚钱! 您所要做的就是将其链接到您的Twitch帐户。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/658103/how-to-claim-your-free-games-and-in-game-items-from-twitch-prime/

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