
RAW images contain a lot more data than JPEGs. If you’re using a DSLR or mirrorless camera, you should be shooting with RAW most of the time—it makes the most of what your camera is capable. You can even shoot RAW on your iPhone. There are, however, a few situations when you don’t need to shoot—or even shouldn’t shoot—RAW.

RAW图像比JPEG包含更多的数据 。 如果您使用的是DSLR或无反光镜相机,则大多数时候应该使用RAW进行拍摄-它可以充分利用相机的功能 。 您甚至可以在iPhone上拍摄RAW 。 但是,在某些情况下,您不需要拍摄甚至不应该拍摄RAW。

如果照片不重要,或者您希望能够快速分享它们 (If the Photos Don’t Matter or You Want to Be Able to Share Them Quickly)

Occasionally I’ll get roped into taking photos at a Christmas party or family event. These aren’t high-quality portraits; they’re just snapshots of—normally, drunk—people. The only reason I’m asked is that people know I have a good camera. Once you get a reputation as a photographer, this will almost certainly happen to you.

有时候,我会在圣诞晚会或家庭活动中受邀拍照。 这些不是高质量的肖像 ; 它们只是通常人喝醉了的快照。 我被问到的唯一原因是人们知道我有一台好相机。 一旦获得摄影师的声誉,几乎可以肯定会发生这种情况。

When I get badgered into one of these events, my go-to is to set my camera in aperture priority mode, put a flash on my camera if it’s needed, and then wander around doing my own thing, occasionally shooting photos. It’s one of the few times I deliberately shoot JPEG because it means that at the end of the night, I can drag all the photos into a Dropbox (or whatever) folder without even looking at them, and send them on to the organizer. They get all the photos, and I don’t have to spend a few hours working with them in Lightroom.

当我被这些事件之一困扰时,我的工作就是将相机设置为光圈优先模式 ,如果需要,将闪光灯放在相机上,然后四处闲逛做自己的事情,偶尔拍摄照片。 这是我有意拍摄JPEG的几次机会之一,因为这意味着在深夜时,我可以将所有照片拖到Dropbox(或其他任何文件夹)中而无需查看它们,然后将其发送到组织者。 他们得到了所有照片,而我不必花几个小时在Lightroom中与他们合作。

当您拍摄大量连发时 (When You’re Shooting Lots of Bursts)

When you shoot a burst with your camera, all the images get saved to a buffer before being written to the storage card. The size of this buffer is one of the main things that limit how long you can shoot a burst. Since JPEGs are much smaller than RAW files, most cameras can store more JPEGs in their buffer and thus shoot longer bursts.

用相机拍摄连拍时,所有图像都将被保存到缓冲区中,然后再写入存储卡。 缓冲区的大小是限制可以发射多长时间的主要因素之一。 由于JPEG比RAW文件小得多,因此大多数相机可以在缓冲区中存储更多JPEG,从而可以拍摄更长的连拍。

For example, my Canon 5DIII can shoot six RAW or JPEG shots per second. The buffer can only hold 18 RAW photos, which means I get a three-second burst at full speed before it starts to slow down. It can, however, hold 64 JPEG images: that’s a full ten seconds of continuous shooting.

例如,我的佳能5DIII每秒可以拍摄六张RAW或JPEG照片。 该缓冲区只能容纳18张RAW照片,这意味着在开始减慢速度之前,我会全速拍摄三秒钟。 但是,它可以容纳64张JPEG图像:连续拍摄整整十秒钟。

Whenever I’m shooting sports games or other situations where I want to be able to crank out lots of fast bursts, I switch to JPEG. Sometimes it’s more important to get the shot rather than to get a high-quality photo of nothing.

每当我在拍摄体育比赛或希望能够进行大量快速连拍的其他情况下,都切换到JPEG。 有时候,拍摄照片比获取高质量的空虚照片更为重要。

拍摄间隔拍摄时 (When You’re Shooting a Time Lapse)

Time lapses—those fast motion videos that compress one hour, one day, or even longer down to a watchable YouTube length—require a massive number of photos. The most common format is 24 fps so, for every second of footage, you need to take 24 photos. That means a two and a half minute time-lapse video is made up of 3,360 photos.

时间流逝-压缩一小时,一天甚至更长的视频到YouTube可以观看的长度的快速运动视频-需要大量照片。 最常见的格式是24 fps,因此,对于每秒钟的镜头,您需要拍摄24张照片。 这意味着两分钟半的延时视频由3360张照片组成。

Some time lapse photographers shoot in RAW, but it creates a tremendous amount of work and, more importantly, requires a seriously powerful computer. Most laptops aren’t up to the task of crunching that much data. (At 25 MB per RAW file, that short time lapse has over 80 GB of data in it).

某些时间推移的摄影师使用RAW进行拍摄,但这会产生大量工作,更重要的是,它需要一台功能强大的计算机。 大多数笔记本电脑无法处理如此多的数据。 (每个RAW文件25 MB时,短时间流逝了其中超过80 GB的数据)。

The simplest thing, if you’re just starting, is to get your exposure right on location and shoot JPEGs. Your computer will thank you for it.

如果您刚刚开始,最简单的事情就是使曝光正确地定位并拍摄JPEG。 您的计算机将为此感谢您。

There used to be one other reason not to shoot RAW—when storage space was at a premium—but that doesn’t matter so much anymore: good SD cards now cost between $10 and $30. Outside of the situations above, you should shoot in RAW by default.

过去还有一个原因不拍摄RAW(当时存储空间非常宝贵),但这不再重要了: 好的SD卡现在的价格在10到30美元之间 。 除上述情况外,默认情况下应以RAW拍摄。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/398738/when-you-shouldnt-shoot-raw-images/





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