
It’s common enough to share your calendar in Outlook, and in many companies, all Outlook calendars are visible to the whole office by default. But you can give someone a much higher level of visibility and control by delegating your account so they can create and respond to meetings and emails for you. Let’s see how it works.

在Outlook中共享日历已经足够普遍了,在许多公司中,默认情况下,整个办公室都可以看到所有Outlook日历。 但是,通过委派您的帐户,您可以为某人提供更高级别的可见性和控制权,以便他们可以为您创建并响应会议和电子邮件。 让我们看看它是如何工作的。

To delegate your mailbox to someone, click File > Account Settings and then click the “Delegate Access” command.


This opens the Delegates window, which will be empty the first time you open it. Click the “Add” button to set up a delegate.

这将打开“代理”窗口,第一次打开时将为空。 单击“添加”按钮以设置代表。

This opens up the Global Address List (the list of all the people in your company), so you can choose a delegate. (You can’t delegate your account to someone outside of your email domain, which means that if your email address is jane@mycompany.com, you can only delegate your mailbox to someone with an email address that ends “@mycompany.com.”)

这将打开“全局地址列表”(公司中所有人员的列表),因此您可以选择一个代表。 (您不能将帐户委派给电子邮件域之外的人,这意味着,如果您的电子邮件地址为jane@mycompany.com,则只能将邮箱委派给电子邮件地址以“ @ mycompany.com结尾的人。 ”)

Select the person to whom you’re delegating and then click “OK” to open up the Delegate Permissions.


The default permissions give the delegate Editor rights to your Calendar and Task list, but don’t allow them any access to your Inbox, Contacts, or Notes. However, you can change the default permission for any of these categories. The options are:

默认权限为委派编辑者授予“日历和任务”列表的权限,但不允许他们对“收件箱”,“联系人”或“便笺”进行任何访问。 但是,您可以更改任何这些类别的默认权限。 选项包括:

  • None: The delegate has no access.


  • Reviewer: The delegate can read items, but not edit them.


  • Author: The delegate can read and create items, and change and delete items that they create (such as meeting requests or tasks).


  • Editor: The delegate can do everything that an Author can do and can also change and delete the items that you’ve created.


If you just want your delegate to manage your calendar (and tasks, which can be assigned to other people), then the default permissions will work fine. The “Delegate receives copies of meeting-related messages sent to me” option is switched on, so the delegate doesn’t need access to your inbox. Meeting requests and responses are sent to them automatically when this is switched on.

如果只希望委托人管理您的日历(和可以分配给其他人的任务),则默认权限可以正常使用。 “代表接收发送给我的与会议相关的消息的副本”选项处于打开状态,因此该代表不需要访问您的收件箱。 会议请求和响应在打开时会自动发送给他们。

Your delegate won’t see any meetings or appointments that you’ve created and marked as private; they’ll just see that there is a private appointment. If you want them to see (and edit) your private appointments, switch on the “Delegate can see my private items” option.

您的代表不会看到您创建并标记为私人的任何会议或约会; 他们只会看到有一个私人约会。 如果您希望他们查看(和编辑)您的私人约会,请打开“代理可以看到我的私人物品”选项。

Finally, it’s usually a good idea to switch on the “Automatically send a message to delegate summarizing these permissions” option, so that the delegate knows they’ve got permission to access your mailbox.


Click OK to return to the Delegates panel. The three options at the bottom that were grayed out before you added a delegate are now available.

单击“确定”返回到“代理”面板。 现在,在添加委托之前,底部的三个选项已显示为灰色。

The default option—meeting requests are sent to your delegates, and a copy is sent to you for reference—works for most people, but change to one of the other options if you want.


Once you click “OK” your delegate is added. They can now add your mailbox to their Outlook profile and access whatever you’ve let them access.

单击“确定”后,将添加您的代表。 他们现在可以将您的邮箱添加到其Outlook配置文件中,并访问您允许他们访问的任何内容。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/369797/how-to-delegate-your-outlook-account-to-someone/





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